Thursday, December 31, 2020

Everything is fine

 My procedure went very well.   Bart and I got there shortly after 10 for a 10:30 AM Check in.   All was well with that, then we just had to wait my turn.    The waiting is tedious, because my joints and back got sore, but the event itself takes less than 30 minutes.     I will find out ALL the results early next week as he took some biopsies but he did see a problem and did dilate the area that showed the blockage.     We will know in a few days if that will help.   Bart stayed with me for an hour or so after I got home.     Then  I needed a nap, so he went home.

I am feeling tired, but fine and do not have to go anywhere until Saturday night when I go to Mass.   (Of course, I wouldn't go if I did not feel well.   but if this is any clue, I should be well over things by then.)

Happy New Year to you all.    Let's pray that 2021 will be all we hope for.

Dia Dhuit



Skitter Scatter

Doesn't matter

If you Dare

To Care.

I dream of singing, dancing, belonging

When high clouds block the sun.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

We had chilly weather

and rain today.   We have needed the rain, but the cold is not welcome.    As long as we are able to get out between the rain, Vita does not mind at all.    I keep telling her that is because she has her nice fur coat to keep her warm.  Mary has to layer.

I think I have everything done that cannot wait until Saturday, even meals in containers.    So I can get this procedure done and just rest.   I just hope that I will be more comfortable after it is over.

Happy New Year.    I plan on posting tomorrow, but just in case.   Happy New Year,


Dia dhuit




A New Year Poem

Wars start.

Does peace start too?

Children play outside in frigid air

Making snowballs to use for fights

OR roll until they are big enough

To build a fort or a snowman.

It's a New Year

Let all it's snowballs be snowmen of forts.



 I DID tell you that my procedure was good to go, but accidentally wrote Positive for the result.    The result was actually NEGATIVE.    I do not have COVID



Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Only two more days left in 2020.

 I will definitely be lazing around on New Years Day after the procedure on my esophagus on New Years Eve Afternoon.     Will be just fine.    I had no plans anyway.    AND I now have been tested for COVID and can tell you as of today, that I do not have it.      I tested positive, so I have been doing, at least, an adequate job of taking care not to get into dangerous situations.    Dick would be so proud of me.   (He told me once that he was always proud of me:)   AM I Blessed\, or what.)

Went to Walgreens and used up the rest of a debit card that I got from Humana.    It is paying for the procedure too.

Tomorrow, home all day.   Best that way.

 Talked to my friend, Joanne, today.     I must remember to call people more, It was so good to hear a voice that remembers so much of what I do.

Be at peace.

DIa DHuit



Yesterday's river is gone

empties into the ocean of today.

We swo, ion the choppy sea

toward an ever elusive tomorrow

making our way to eternity.

Monday, December 28, 2020

What a good day

Got to talk to my sister,Nora, this evening.    They are all doing well and we decided we want this mess over so that there will be an IrishFest in Dallas again that we can all attend.    What fun we have at those.   I remember the last one, I brought my Irish Walking stick and people were stopping me on the grounds to ask where I got it.    (Actually, I got it at Irish Fest in Milwaukee and am very proud of it.   I have the one I that Dad had too.)    I have a collection of canes and walking sticks.

This morning I got my COVID test to be sure that I can have my procedure on the 31st  of December.   Won't know for a couple of days but I do not have any signs of trouble so figure it will be OK.

 Dr. Toy, my chiropractor put my back in place again.   

So it was a full day. 

Hope this virus meets its match soon so we can begin being close and comforting again.

Can't tell you how much it means to even talk to someone.   Vita just does not say much.   Actually she has a pretty good vocabulary as far as understanding:)


Dia Dhuit


GIVING THANKS from my Seeking book

Express Gratitude!

I told the trees this morn ing

That they smelled lovely.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Can't Believe

Only four days left in this most difficult year for the whole world.

Well,    the vaccine is out and becoming more available each month.   Hopefully, this will drop the COVID illnesses and places will open up again, which will get people back to work again and eventually we should have some semblence of "normal".     Whatever that turns out to be:) 

I was home all day today.    Nice.   It was a good day for the walks that Vita takes me on.   I didn't need a jacket after noon.    The sun was shining and it was SO pleasant.

Bart and Barb stopped by this afternoon.    They got me a Zoom camera.   I could not do it with my computer and Barb fixed my sound which I had somehow managed to lose. 

It was just SO good to have someone real in the house to talk to.    They are doing well and I gave then their candy and some cookies.   

Tomorrow, two appointments, but they will both be short.   Have to get a COVID test before my procedure on Thursday,   That will be in the morning    Then in the afternoon, i see Dr. Toy.    I can tell I need Dr. Toy, my hips ache.  He'll put me back in line.   

You all take care of yourselves.     I love you all.

Dia Dhuit



(From my book Seeking)

I feel in my sleep
A dream flying over me

Waiting to be caught

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Hi everybody

 I am getting to the end of my day.

Caught up on my was today.  Walked Miss Vita LOTS of times.   Went to Mass at 4:00PM   Mass starts at 4:30PM but I was an usher so had to be there early.    I really like that because I get to see and say hi to more people and get to know them.

Dick would find that odd.    But he accepted that I was a people person an finally resorted to sighing and rolling his eyes:)

It was a pleasant day weatherwise.    Had a nice telephone visit with Bobbie.    They are doing well. 

Everybody/   Stay well and be kind to each other.

Love you all

Dia dhuit


Lets look forward to spring.    A poem from one or my chapbooks.


Sap pulses to the fingertips of naked twigs

Tiny buds erupt on reaching branches.

Signs of life affter monthe os dormancy.


Sleep and 


Do not last forever.






































Friday, December 25, 2020

I went to Mass this morning at 10:00AM

I was really surprised that there were so few people there.   We have all the seating marked so that we are not closer than 6 feet and still, all the available spaces were not filled.    I was ushering so felt useful for Jesus Birthday too.

It was a quiet day.   Talked to most of the kids and will contact the others tomorrow when the Christmas obligations are over.   Am fixing a nice dinner for myself.    Ham, Green Lima Bean Casserole, and cranberry relish.    Num Num   If you can get here by 9, it will still be warm enough to serve to you:)

Sad about Nashville bombing today.     Everything else seems to be aiming towards peace.   I wish people would stay home for ONE holiday.    It could make the difference in thousands of lives from the COVID.   Each life is somebodies mother or father or brother or sister or child and so on.

Be safe and keep well.   I pray for you all every night.

Dia Dhuit


Elm Trees

Standing Tall

Stripped of their summer leaves

Their roots DEEP into the earth


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Home again

 Home all day.    Bart and Barb stopped by this evening to take the Adam Beniot's presents and candy to them.    That's not, of course, why they were going, but at least I know that the girls know that I remembered them again this year.     Sent a bit of candy, because I have SO much

Bobbie sent me a vast array and I am loving it.

Tomorrow I will go to Mass at 10:00AM and usher.   Glad to be a part of Jesus's birthday celebration:)

Will get together with Bart and Barb to give them their presents sometime during the day.    I am fixing a ham steak, a lima bean and mushroom casserole and a salad harvested from my Aero Garden.   Have plenty to share if you want to come over.

Happy Birthday Jesus

Dia Dhuit


Just a Irish comment for our times:

May those who love us, Love us.    May those who don't love us, may He turn their ankles.   So we will know them by their limping.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Home all day and tomorrow too.

I managed to keep busy or at least amused most of the day.   Had a call from my friend, Barb Sadler, who always makes me feel good.   We have been friends for over 70 years.   WOW.   That even sounds forever to me:)

  • Wrapped the last of my presents today and just did some reading and writing and stuff like that.   It was not too cold today, but the wind was awful.  I actually was stopped in my tracks when I turned to walk back home from down the street.    Easy to walk with the wind pushing you!

 Only two days til our Lord's Birthday.    I used to bake a birthday cake for Him.   I wonder if the boys remember.

Dia Dhuit




Do you believe in angels"

The shepherds did.

They heeded the angels call

And found the babe

Lying in a manger, as promised


Do you believe in the stars?\

The Magi did

And followed the star

From the East

To find the child, as promised.


We are all truly blessed.

We know the truth

We just need to believe.

What happened years ago

That God love us so much

As to send his SON

To save us for himself.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A fruitful day

Kerry came and cleaned my house this morning, so I am ready for Christmas.

Packages arrived from Bobbie and Bill (Nummy Candy) and from Bret and Janet, lots of nice things, including masks which say "I love you"

Went grocery shopping this afternoon.   I do not intend to go again until next year.  The store was packed.   Did not expect that, don't know why.  But I am set for a long time.    Remember there are only me and Miss Vita in my house.

It was sunny most of the day, though the wind was typically Oklahoma and it was not comfortable to spend much time out there.

Have scheduled things to do tomorrow at home, I don't want to go out.   Will try to get in touch with a couple of people i have been thinking of.    It is amazing how, people that you have not talked to in ages, are also thinking of you.

We are a funny people.    And I love you all

Dia Dhuit



Life is all out of order.

But slowly falling into place

Will the new decade bring sanity

One can only hope. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

I baked Lizzies today

Too bad that it is too late to enclose them in the packages.    Lizzies for those who may not know are cookies very much like fruitcake.    You soak raisins in bourbon or whiskey and then add all the other ingredients and bake.    SO GOOD>   Got the recipe from my Mother, bless her soul.   I smile every time I bake them.

Had another plumbing issue.    Mike says that he is sure that he has it now.    There was a backup where he did not expect it would be the last time.

Vita went to PetSmart today and had her bath.   She is,of course, gorgeous and very irritated with me.    She smells good too.

That was pretty much the day.

Tomorrow is quiet.   Will do my last shopping before next week and I think that Kerry is coming to clean.

Then only two days til Christmas.   I am ushering at the 10AM Mass on Christmas Day.   Sure glad that I feel well enough to DO SOMETHING.

Have a good week

Dia Dhuit



A poem from some time ago


Nobody will believe what happened last night!

Openings were not available at my Inn or anywhere else in town.

Late at night they came and she was ready to deliver her child.

\Landlord that I am, I offered the stable, warm and safe.

Angels started singing on high and waking up the shepherds.

Into the stable swarmed the local women, my wife at their head,

Giving advice and aid to the young couple.


Soon, the child was born and peace settled on to the tired family.

Humming softly, birds in the rafters sang the child to sleep.

Over the hills came the shepherds, summoned by the angels.

Never have I seen such a sight

A child born in a stable the center of so much love.


Sunday, December 20, 2020


Vita insisted on too many walks (I know, I know, I spoil her.)   Today I really didn't mind too much.    It was sunny and warm.   I took her without a jacket.   The sweatshirt was enough.   Ran into a couple of neighbors too so had SOMEBODY to talk to for a minute.  

Worked on my book a bit.   Know what graphics I have to input.   Now I have to find them and remember how to put them in.)   Adding to my memory of that, my  g-mail was not receiving or sending properly.   I don't know why, but the 4th time I rebooted, it finally jerked itself into sync.    Like Jim said, Maybe it was that glitch that Google had.    Anyway it is working now.

Tomorrow Vita gets a bath and I get my plumbing flushed AGAIN.   I am going to make Lizzies too.   Got to have SOME fun.   I decided I need something with a bit of bourbon in it.

Also.   I wish I could send the picture.    My Christmas Cactus is blooming beautifully.     (It is sometimes called an Easter Cactus depending on when it blooms.}    I will send a picture as soon as I remember how:)

Bless you all

Til tomorrow

Dia dhuit



Mary was ready

For the birth.

Fresh hay in the manger

Fresh woven lines to cuddle

The God

The Lord of Creation.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

A gentle day.

 I even saw a couple people today.    The Boykins, My neighbors across the street were out this afternoon so I got to visit a little bit and see their sweet granddaughter,Heavenly.

Bart stopped by with some protein for me too and we had a good visit.    I am always so glad to see him.   
Barb is doing well,  but after their shopping, which included my protein, was tired, so Bart let her stay home after they unloaded the car and brought the protein by himself.

Am working on my book again.    Want to get it ready to have someone edit it for me.    Have to remember how to input the pictures.

Went to Mass today.   I am so pleased that I cannot leave church anymore without talking to SOMEONE I know.   I am a part of the faith community!!!

Home all day tomorrow.    I think I will bake some Lizzies.

Dia Dhuit


Would the star that led

The WISE MEN been in the news?

Would the angels singing to the shepherds

Been recorded

In our world today?

Friday, December 18, 2020

A week from Christmas

Can you believe it?   Today, I met with my Lawton Celtic at the Lawton Country Club.    Boy do they have good food.    I had a gyro with sweet potato fries and have plenty for tomorrow.    There were six of us there, not too bad with the virus and everything.    We shared  Christmas traditions and bread recipes and just enjoyed the time together.

This morning I was busy washing and discovered that the washer is not draining properly again.    Called American Shield and the plumber will be here on Monday.    Sure sick of that.

All else is well.

Dia Dhuit


Joy will die if you allow.

Sorrow will block it out

Let memories of sweetness fall

Into your life as if a shout.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

A sunny mild day

I feel good about today.

I saw a doctor, Dr. Bartlett, about my swallowing difficulty and he has scheduled a procedure for me on New Years Eve at 3PM.     I do not do anything anyway on New Years Eve and this will leave me with a good financial benefit that I would lose on January 1st.    My angel is watching over me.

Sent out a lot of Christmas cards today

Tonight went to Writer's Club.   The last one until Next Year.    All my groups are meeting next year.   It was fun.  I read an older Christmas poem that they had not heard.

Tomorrow is Celtic Club.

Dia Dhuit





Is this creature

That came to live with me

At my home:)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Neither Rain Nor Snow but Sunshine

 We were blessed today.    Rather cool, in the 40's but when I went out it felt good with the sun on my shoulders and here being hardly any wind.

Went to Bible Study today.    I told you we are reading., together, a book called The Jesus We Missed by Patrick Henry Reardon.     Love it - it does some explaining of what things meant in Jesus time which helps in understanding.

 I also did all my shopping today.

I was thinking today.   When we were children, at least the first few of the nine of us, Mom and Dad would put us to bed and then decorate the tree.   As I recall, that stopped eventually because as we do now, it was too much and the kids like to help anyway.    But I do know that each Christmas Eve, Dad drove to both grandparent's houses and picked up the presents which were arranged in little piles around the living room.    We all just had to look for our name:)

Dia Dhuit


I am so blessed with

My home full of memories

Of a Love-Of Life

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

It was a gloomy day

Vita and I were home all day except for our walks.     It there was a bit of a flurry this morning but by noon there was little if any precipitation.    A mist, we have agreed, is minor:)

Yes, I am talking to the dog.

Nobody else is here:)

I made a Waldorf Salad today.   Boy does that taste refreshing.   I am trying to eat more fruits and veggies.   It is hard because they spoil on me.   A head of lettuce, for instance, is several days of greens for one little old lady.


Cleared up my end of the year bookwork.   Soon enough it will be time to start thinking about taxes again.   EEEEEWWWWW 

All is well here.   Kind of afraid of the Christmas surge of covid.    Oh well, sufficient unto the day.   I am home anyway except for very thought our gatherings of less than 10 people.

Be well.

I miss you all.

Dia dhuit


If patience was a cure

Then I would surely lose

As it is hart for sure

For me to calmly cruise.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Too Busy today

But that is OK because I don't have to go anywhere  tomorrow.    Hallelulia

Today, I mailed all the gifts for out of state.   The post office news was saying they can't guarantee anything after the 15th.   But they told me at the post office that things would be there by next Monday.    Go figure.

Than this afternoon, I saw Dr. Toy.    Good thing, I was all out of adjustment and my back and legs were hurting.

Tonight was Quilt Guild.    We had a box supper together, showing of Bullseye Quilts and other things (I shared my Button  Christmas Stocking.)   and exchanged Dirty Santa Gifts.    I brought something for
Barbara too as she wasn't able to come.   So I have a gift to take over to her.

As I say, I can stay home ALL day tomorrow.

Vita will be a happy girl.

Dia Dhuit



A star and angels

Announced the birth.

Wise Men and shepherds

Came, saw and believed.

Sunday, December 13, 2020


Yes.   We had snow ALL day.    No accumulation.   First we had a mixture of rain and snow and when the rain tapered off the ground was still too warm to let the snow accumulate.

Vita was not happy.   Toward the end of the day, when it was just snow, it did not seem to bother her as much.   She just does not like rain, I guess.  We did OK.   

I did not have to go anywhere today, and I am glad,   The roads could have been slippery and I don't need that.  Got my Christmas packages ALL packed and ready to mail tomorrow.   The 15th is what they are suggesting as the last date to be safe, so I am really pushing it.

The advent calendar envelope stitchery is half used up now.  Only 12 days to go.   If you want to come over and take the candy and replace it with a candy cane, just COME.    I made my plumber and my cleaning lady do  the two days they were here:)   They seemed to like it but I can't have them come every day.

Watching the Disney Sing A Long.   So glad.   I need music and JOY>

Love you all

Be safe



Be safe

As you traverse

This world of such unrest

Sickness and riots and anger

Bring Peace

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Hi There

 A clear day, sunny but chilly/    I was grateful for it as they are actually predicting a rain/snow mix with possibility of accumulation.     I thought I was in Oklahoma:)    Well, time will tell.   At least I am blessed with a warm comfortable home and plenty of food and am not sick.

Tomorrow I get to stay home all day anyway as I went to Mass tonight.    I told one of the deacons that I feel totally holy this week.    I have never attended mass more times than I did this week, since I was in the convent 64 years ago when went every day:)

I almost have my packages ready to mail.    Will take them on Monday.

Then Christmas cards.  I have sent some but have more to go.

Hope you are also all well and in warm and comfortable homes with plenty of food.

Dia Dhuit


She greets me with such joy

Even if I have only 

Left her for a minute

My special doggy friend.

She if full of unlimited love

So glad that she loves me

Friday, December 11, 2020


 Wasn't fair.   We have gotten used to the 60s and 70s again.    Not chilly but not the stifling heat of the summer.

I am just home from Mass.  I probably would not have gone tonight, The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, but I got assigned as an Usher and thought I might as well.    Good thing,as Stan would have been ushering by himself.    It was quite a bilingual mass with
Mexican dancers and musicians so I enjoyed it.    But I am really tired.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit



I thank the lord

For he has given me

Each sunrise one more day


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Happy Hanikah

A special start to a special season for our Jewish brothers and sisters.

It was an unbelievably busy day today.    Vita had her yearly check this morning.   She is all up to date on shot, nails, and all other checks and has meds for heartworm and ticks and fleas for the next year.

This afternoon, I went to Miracle Ear and got my new hearing aid.    It think I told you I lost it a while ago.   Now I have to be VERY careful again.    It does help.    But with glasses and those stupid masks both looping over my ear, I have to be so very careful.    

Tonight was Writers Club.   All four of us were there and had something to read.   Wish we could get some more participants.    We all love to hear each other and to be able to be stimulated to write more.

A quiet day tomorrow until evening when I am ushering at the Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe.   I have never felt so holy in my life:) :)

Dia Dhuit




Teeming with squirrels

Who tease the dogs each day

Spinning in circles then up the trees


Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Wednesday Bible Study

We had seven of us there today.    We are actually studying a book called The Jesus We Missed by Patrick Henry Reardon.     It is quite interesting in that it sometimes compares what we mean by words to what they meant in biblical times.   EG.   Jesus called many of the ladies, including his mother, WOMAN.    Woman at that time was a term of respect, which makes you think about it a bit differently.

As long as I was there, I went to the noon mass then did my grocery shopping and have been home for the rest of the day.   I was exhausted and took a little bit of a nap.   Am I ever lucky that I CAN do that.

I will be packing boxes to get to all the family tomorrow through Friday, then spend Monday at the post office getting them out.  They say that the 15th is the last day to guarantee delivery.   WOW>

Hope your day was as good as mine.   

Stay Well and Safe.

Dia Dhuit


Staying in place

How long can people

Survive without a hug or kiss

We are learning now


Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Hello Time for bed

 I was actually home all day today.   It was another cold morning with a warm sunny afternoon.   Kerry came and cleaned the house.

Then I got a call from my friend, Judy.   She reminded me that today, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, is a holy day (which I had forgotten) and offered to pick me up for the Mass at 6:30PM so I went.   It was a lovely Mass, bilingual, with incense and everything.    Glad I got there.

Tomorrow is Bible Study and I will be shopping and going to the bank too.

All of you stay well.

Dia Dhuit



When I see my fat squirrels

Playing in the back yard

Climbing up and down the tree

I feel alive and whole

Monday, December 07, 2020

I loved today

It was sunny and warm.    Vita took me for walks without a jacket and I was plenty warm, isn't that nice.

I made my Cranberry Bread today.    Boy is it good.   Refrigerated it lasts forever and I can share with family and friends.  One of the loaves, had pieces fall off when I took it out of the pan.   Now I REALLY remember why I make it every year.     Got the recipe from a special neighbor from long ago, Joyce Nusser.    Her Chip and my Bret were best friends for years and little people

I was having a problem with plumbing again.    American Shield sent Shields Plumbing to fix it..  I asked Mike if there was anything I could do to prevent it.   He said, not really as it is the old iron pipes that let debris  stick to it, in this case lint from the washing machine.   So I guess it is a part of my maintenance.

I get to be home all day tomorrow too.

Good for me

Dia Dhuit


Social distancing

Leaves us alone and lonely

Wishing for others.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Another sunny day

Kind of a rough one though.    Barbara is still ill and needs prayer.    I talked to her tonight.  I know that she has a serious infection and is very delicate in the lung area.    We must all send prayers as I said for her quick recovery.

I went to mass this morning, a bilingual Mass.   I had not been to that particular mass before and found it quite refreshing.    Parts are in Spanish and parts in English, which gave me a chance to see how much of the Spanish (I should say Mexican) that Uncle Earl taught my mother in law, Lily and I 50 years ago remains in my brain.    Not a lot but I am pleased that it was not ALL that unfamiliar.

Sent my beer bread recipe that I got from Jacquie many years ago to the Deeleys who attended the virtual Wild Game Dinner.   Want it

Beer Bread

3 cups self-rising flour

2 Tablespoons Sugar

1 can beer

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.   Grease loaf pan.  Mix above ingredients in the loaf pan.   If you have time let it settle for a few minutes.    Bake for 1 hour in the 350 degree oven.



Saturday, December 05, 2020

Boy, what a busy day

  :) Probably the most important accomplishment was finishing the peanut butter buckeyes.   I dipped them all today.    Now I just need to divide them, make the fudge and cranberry bread and get the packages off to my loved ones.

At four o'clock, my niece, Jessica, had arranged for a ZOOM meeting in lieu of the Annual Wild Game and Beer Tasting contest that my family has held for 43  years.     It was wonderful.   I was able to see my brothers and nieces and nephews and their kids on the computer and to communicate with them.   My e    equipment would not allow me to be seen but I promised that the next time we did this I would be upgraded.  I expect Jim and Bart to help me do this.    I feel so fulfilled seeing all these faces and being able to comment and interact with them.   
The are a couple of new people that I had not seen before.  So Blessed are we.

Thank God that I am so blessed.   What a wonderful beautiful family.

Keep us all safe.

Dia Dhuit


Friday, December 04, 2020

What a day weatherwise.

 When Vita and I went for her first walk, it was 27 degrees out there.   BRRRRRR.   Sure glad I got that stocking cap.     This evening it was in the low 50s and the sun was shining.   Tomorrow it may get up to 60   Sure will be nice.

I watered the yard this afternoon.   Dan had put feed and weed on it and told me to water if we did not get rain.    Sure enough, we DID NOT get rain.    Every year, the yard gets a bit better.   Hope Dan and Han are able to do it again next year.     He likes it but is getting older and has some physical problems.    Well, we will see.

I mixed and rolled the peanut butter balls for Buckeyes today.   Tomorrow I will dip them and set them aside as I prepare the other things I have to send.

Stay well everybody.

I miss all of you that are far away.

Dia Dhuit



Express gratitude!

I told the trees this morning

That they smelled lovely.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Thank God for a warm comfortable home.

Home all day, this chilly damp day.     I got a lot of my Christmas decorations up.  Going to start making candy tomorrow.     Have to get everything ready to mail my mid next week.    According to the post office December 15th will be pushing it.   So if you get presents from me, hopefully they will be early and you can use your own discretion as to whether to open them or not.    Perhaps the food if you like:)

Love you all

Stay safe and well.

Dia Dhuit




Hugs are underrated.

And God knows

They save us!

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

You are getting two today.

 I guess I forgot to confirm my post from yesterday.   OOPS.

Today was busy but nice.   I went to Bible Study.   Today we just watched a movie called Fatima, the true story of Fatima.    That is, for those who do not know, an event where the Virgin Mary appeared to three children over a period of 6 months.   Lots of miracles were performed and it has been given credence by the Catholic Church.    I really learned a lot about an event I thought I knew about.

The rest of the day at home.   Solved a couple of problems and walked Vita too many times.   She was very needy today.

Stay well.   Remember the things we are supposed to do to prevent the spreading of the virus.

Dia Dhuit


It is quite a feat to smile

When we are alone and sad

But life and love will improve in a while

And we will all be glad

27 degrees this morning - 55 this afternoon AND sunny

 I am sure glad I bought a stocking cap for that morning walk.

I WAS busy today.    Lots of phone calls, still have to follow up on a few.

Had lunch with a friend, John Kennedy, from the Irish Club today.    We went to a restaurant called Billie Sims, a BBQ restaurant.   Glad to get out of the house with some good company and good food other than turkey:)

Ran a couple of errands while I was out.

Dan and Han came and cut my lawn and put weed and feed on it.   I won't be needing them until spring, but we have become good friends and I will keep in touch..   Hope he will still be able to do it next year.

Heard from three great friends today.    What a joy it is to talk to people.

Please pray for my friend, Joe Ehren, a classmate, who has COVID really bad.

Dia dhuit


He still makes me smile

Although it is his memory

That brings me joy.

Monday, November 30, 2020

It was 27 degrees when I got up this morning.

Felt like I was back in Wisconsin when Vita and I went for our walk.    I had to buy a knit cap today, thought I had one, but can't find it so I found one at the grocery store.    I keep telling Vita when she gets impatient that I don't have her nice fur coat to keep me warm.\  We have been told that if we get a possible rain later in the week, it may include a few flurries.    EEEEWWW

Dentist and Chiropractor today both.    I have no problems with my teeth, I do take pretty good care and Dr. Toy has me back in line and gave me some hints to strengthen my hips and back.   Every visit he has something new.    I am glad.    He is really good to me.

Tomorrow I am going out to lunch with a friend.    That will be nice, I can count on my hands that I have been out to lunch this year.     John is a member of my Irish Group and an interesting guy.    I will give him his newsletter and the story of St. Andrew then.

Hope all is well with you.   Stay away from strangers especially now that so many people have been traveling and so on.

Dia Dhuit



What will come of it

This sheltering in place?

A nation of monks?



Sunday, November 29, 2020

It was a bit misty

 when Vita and I went out for our first walk, but not enough to cause any distress.    I did wipe off her fur with a towel when we got back.   She seemed quite grateful.I was home ALL day except for our walks.  

Vita and I ran into two of our other regular dogs and their owners which is always nice.    The dogs are quite friendly and it is nice for me to be able to talk to Someone real.   One of them was Pat who lives up the street with her chihuahua  called Sir William, which I think is an ingenious name. 

Boiled my turkey breast to make a good broth for soup.     Will make the soup tomorrow or the next day.    Will have soup for lunch for a couple of weeks as I refuse to eat it every day.    With just me eating that dinner I have turkey for an army.    Want to be my army?

Love you all.   Be well and safe.

Dia Dhuit


The sun is always welcome

Welcome in this winter world

Of dampness and chill

Saturday, November 28, 2020

It rained lightly all day.

It didn't affect Vita's walks (MINE TOO YOU KNOW) so we did not mind at all.   We are still in a drought mode, so rain is welcome.

I put up the advent wallhanging I made many years ago, so come on over and you can remove the Snickers bite size from, the day's envelope and hang up a candy cane.    I love it as the month goes on and it becomes so cheerful.   I also put a tablecloth on the dining room table so I could put the candy canes out and watch them go down and know that Christmas is nearing.

Went to Mass this evening, as usual.    A very nice mass and I feel good there.   As time goes on, I know more and more people and feel part of the family of faith.    I will start ushering again next week:)   SO you know that I am feeling better.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit




Each day brings all its own concerns

Will we ever get it right?

Or will the days be challenging

From dawn to facing light.

And as the evenings always fall

No matter what we're doing

When the day comes to its end

Will we find what we're persuing?

The days dawn bright or cloudy

Depending on the mood of God

If He's providing light and gloom.

Does God have moods or am I odd.


Perhaps each day is meant to be

A brand new start for you and me.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Forgot to upload yesterday so you are getting two today:)

As you can all tell, I am getting old.    Maybe it is because I am alone so much, but I will try to ADD that final publish click to my day.    It seems that there is always something I forget and one would think that things would be easier now:)

I was busy all day today.    Worked on Christmas.   Ordered some presents and wrapped some presents.  I know that in this I am a bit ahead of the game but want to get everything ready to be off to its destination a day or two before the deadlines at the post office.

I also finished sweeping my storm shelter.    Vita was a pest today and I bet we walked five times.    I know, I know, I have spoiled her.   On the other hand, it does get me moving.

The weather was quite pleasant.   Only in the upper 50s but sunny.   A bit of a wind made it feel colder but not bad.   

Hope you all had the best Thanksgiving.   I will be eating turkey for weeks.  It did turn out really well.

Love you

Dia Dhuit



Being together

In good times and bad


Because love works it all

Into a blessing.


Happy Thanksgiving.

Boy do I have a lot of good food if anybody is hungry tomorrow.   Bart ended up going to Adam and Lexie's for a 1PM meal and just weren't hungry at 4PM   Surprise Surprise.      I am glad I was never torn in that way.   EG.   Which family do we eat at?     It was fine.    I will package and freeze turkey and make a nice soup and Bart said he will come over in the next day or so to eat with me.    I am truly blessed.

Talked to all the other kids today so feel very happy.

Tomorrow I am home all day again and will get caught up from all that cooking.

Love you all

Happy Thanksgiving

Dia DHuit



Life flows like a rive

Weaving through cliffs and over rocks

Reaching Tranquility

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Wow. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving

It will not be like any other Thanksgiving that I have experienced.    Bart will probably come over.   I am fixing a modified Turkey dinner.    By modified, I mean just turkey, stuffing, veggie and Cranberry relish.   

I would much rather go to the family dinner but with my status in life right not, don't feel that it is wise.   Will make sure I talk to people that day.    My Vita will be with me.    She is a joy.

Worked on cleaning several things today so I must be feeling better:)   Even started sweeping out my storm shelter.   Have to pick sunny days for that.  

Starting to think about Advent and Christmas.    Sunday I will have to have my Advent Wall Hanging up.   Then there are only 25 days til Christmas.   Whew.    Wonder how much of the decorations I will put out.   Since hardly anyone comes over, I want to put up MY memories:)   Don't feel worried about me.     I love a lot of things that mean memory to me and will enjoy them and sharing them with anybody that DOES come.

Stay safe and well tomorrow and EAT your hearts out.


Dia Dhuit


I am so blessed

In my house full of memory

Of love and of life

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A Busy Day

 I like busy days.   They do not get boring or endless.

This afternoon, I took Lexie, my grand daughter in law her Figgy Hobbin.     We are not going to be together on Thanksgiving because of this nasty pandemic, but I know she needs her Figgy Hobbin on that day so baked it and took it to her.

Everything is different his year.   I am cooking a turkey breast, some stuffing, making cranberry relish and a vegetable.    Don't know if anybody will be here but me, but I know that I will hear from all those who love me, and in this day that is all that is expected.  ( I will have plenty of food.)

I will be glad when the sun shines again.

Dia Dhuit




At home alone.

I do a lot of that.

Pretending that he is here with me



Monday, November 23, 2020

Monday already

 Only three days til Thanksgiving.    I will be alone, unless, Bart and Barb, who are also still trying to figure out what they are doing come over.

I bought a turkey breast and a box stuffing.  I have mashed potatoes and will make cranberry sauce which will last me for a year if I freeze it:)   But the cranberry sauce, I would miss.

Did the grocery shopping this morning.   The spent the day making Figgy Hobbin and generally catching up on things.    Why am I always catching up on things?:)

Love you all

Dia Dhuit


If love
Alone could heal

Those I love would never

Suffer from fear,pain or illness





Sunday, November 22, 2020

We had rain this morning

That was a blessing, though Vita did not agree with me.   Fortunately, (for her) it died down quite early and she was able to do her normal outside bathrooms which I definitly approve of.    She is such a wuss.   I know, I Know, I have spoiled her.   She expects to be walked to do her serious business.    BUT I guess I have accepted that.   I got a dog to walk me, to get me on my feet, and she surely does that.

 I think Maureen and I have finished a virtual presentation of my talk on the 12 Celtic Saints of the 7 Celtic nations that will be presented at IBAM in Chicago.    I have presented a program there for several years and this year they are doing a virtual conference.   Maureen and I have learned a LOT about virtual presentations.   I would rather have flown to Chicago and just given the talik:)

 Stay well and safe in this time of pandemic.   Love each other but do not put each other at risk.


Dia Dhuit



Hugs are


And God knows 

They save us


Saturday, November 21, 2020

It was cloudy today

Cloudy but not unpleasant.   Actually they are predicting rain but not til early tomorrow morning as I recall.   We really could use rain.   Of course, my Vita will be very unhappy with that.

Dean came with his crew and finished the trimming of the elm tree that needed help in the back yard.   They still look pitiful, of course, but they have it trimmed so that when spring comes the limbs and branches left will leaf out and in a few years they should look better and will, at least, next year provide SOME shade in the heat of summer.

Spent hours on the phones with my friend, Maureen, to get the virtual speech I have prepared on a power point so she can give it to the Chicago Irish Center for IBAM.    I am totally exhausted.

Went to Mass at 4:30PM.    It is sad to see the sparse attendance.   Fewer and fewer people are coming as time goes on even with the social distancing and masks.  People get out of the habit.    I would miss  communion.    Actually, the first couple months of the year, we had to watch Mass on TV and I was able to attend in person on my birthday.     I told Fr. Seeton that it was like I got a birthday present:)

Stay well and safe.   I pray for you all.

Dia Dhuit


A breath of fresh thought

Strides through your mind with joy

Always true to you

Friday, November 20, 2020

Hi Youall.

I know that Youall should be spelled differently but I  don't care.   You all know what I mean.

A busy day.   I caught up on all my wash.     Went to a Celtic Meeting from 2 to 4PM which was great.   We went to a local German Restaurant called Mutti's.   I had a bratwurst which was pretty good.  not Johnsonville but a good substitute.   There were 8 of us and I told them about the history of Dolmans in Ireland and the Celtic Nations and showed some pictures.     It was fun.    We are debating whether we will  meet next month.  If four or more want to, we will.

Also still working on the virtual speech I am doing for IBAM in Chicago.    We just have to be sure to get it recorded properly so that Maureen can edit, if necessary.

Tomorrow another day.     Sufficient UNTO the day.

Love you all

Stay safe and well.

Dia dhuit



Riots and hate.

What has happened to life

As we knew it in the REAL world.



Thursday, November 19, 2020

Home again

from Writer's Club.    We were all four of us there tonight and all had something to read.    I is nice for us to have this group to keep us motivated.   To try to produce something every week is helpful to getting started.   I am impressed with my fellow writers

Had my yearly nurse checkup from Humana today and all is well.   My vitals were fine and she says that I am doing quite well.     So I will continue taking care of myself.    Don't want other people to feel that they have to take care of me anyway.

Also, Dean from SWOK Tree Service came and cleaned up my yard, trimmed my trees and hauled everything away.   I am so glad to see a yard again.    He has a bit of trimming to do on one tree but will finish that on Saturday.     He does such good work.

Hope all is well with you.

Dia Dhuit


The trees all maimed by ice and wind

Are being brave with sun to love

Perhaps with time they 'll somehow mend

And shield from sun too hot above.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Wonderful weather

I only had to wear my jacket this morning.  The sky was a vivid blue with whispy clouds scattered all over it.   Vita and I both liked our walks.   I did not turn her down oncs:)

 Went to Bible Study this morning.    We spent a good time praying for each other's needs and our courtry, then got into reading more of Job.   We still aren't done, but decided to leave it up to each person if they want to finish it.    We are going into a book that is called, The Jesus We Missed by Fr. Patrick Reardon.   I have read a bit of it and it is really fascinating.
We definitely seem to lean towards the New Testament.   We do want to get a bit more versed in the Old Testament too.    

I got my hair cut at 1:00PM so couldn't go to Mass today.   Sure glad that is done.  Oklahoma has not shut down those personal care people  and now I have at least 6 weeks in case they do before I look to shaggy:)

Home all day during the day.    Writers Club at 6:30PM  so I WILL see people.

Dia dhuit



Sunshine lights the dark

The Earth rejoices in it

And blooms green and lush



Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A rather productive day.

I did some cleaning.  I am working on getting the inside of my windows cleaned.   Figure I will hit the outside in spring, unless it stays as nice as it has been for a while.

Went over to Bart's this afternoon and he helped me with a computer communication problem that I have been struggling with.  To each day its lesson.  

We are all well and are not having our usual bit Thanksgiving get together.   I will miss it but had decided not to attend anyway because of the numbers and the diversity/   We all love eachother any way and will not put each other at risk.

Perhaps we can have an after coronavirus  when this is all over.

Dia Dhuit


Nice little dog

In my life to care for

Caring for something is good.

Knowing that I AM needed.

Yes.   She is a nice little dog.

Monday, November 16, 2020

It was COLD This morning

 But it warmed up to a very pleasant afternoon  which seems to be what we are facing for the next week or so.

Saw Dr. Toy, my chiropractor, and he put me back in place.   ( I Hope.)   I seem to be maintaining anyway.

Am working on two presentations that I have to have ready by December.   One of them by Friday.    I am going to give a bit of the history of Irish Dolmens to my Lawton Celtic Group.    I have my poem and picture of the Knockeen Dolmen to share.

My other presentation is of the Patron Saints of the 7 Celtic Nations for IBAM in Chicago.  THis is the first year that they have gone virtual and is quite a challenge.      Under normal circumstances, I would have gone there and presented in person.  A whole new way of presenting for me.    Bart is going to help me.

Dia Dhuit


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Lovely Mass this evening

I am only gone about an hour and a half but Vita greets me as if I have been gone for days.    It is sure nice to have a living creature to welcome me home.

I was busy "putting our fires" today.    I sure will be glad when 2020 is over.    I am starting to feel like most of the world about that.

Coronavirus is increasing daily.   So far, no one I know had died from it but I am getting more and more prayer requests for those who have it.    God bless them and Lets keep praying that the vaccine comes quickly and is as effective as they think it will be.

Meanwhile.   Take care of yourself and yours.    I say it in that order because if we do not take care of ourselves, we are no good to anybody:)


Dia Dhuit




Leaves us alone and lonely

Yearning for hugs.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday the 13th

2020 has been bad enough.   Nothing new or catastrophic appeared today, Thank the Lord.

I was busy most of the day.   Should have a quiet weekend.    Will try to pamper myself.   I had my port flushed today and everything is good with that.

I am doing a Great Courses class on the Celts online, One chapter at a time.    I try to do one chapter a day and there are 24  chapters.    It is giving me something to plan for and to stimulate my interest.   I am on chapter 10 tomorrow.     It is a series of lectures.   Almost like being in a classroom though I sure would give a lot for a person to share with during or after the lecture.

We are supposed to get a bit of rain.   Nothing yet.   Hope we do.

Bless you all.   Take care

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Busy Day

For some reason or other there were several things that came to the front all at once.    You'd think, since I am retired, that there would be nothing urgent.   But that is not true.   I think I know what Dick meant when people would ask him what he did all day, he would say.   "I'm retired.   That's what I do."    And it is enough.

Went to writers club tonight.   We all had something that was interesting to hear.    At least they told me mine was.   I know that theirs were.  Glad I have that meeting.   I spurs me to write every week.

It was really pleasant today.   Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler and perhaps a bit of rain, which we dearly need.

Get my port flushed tomorrow afternoon.   Sure be glad when I don't need that any longer.

Take care of you


Dia Dhuit



If love

Alone could heal

Those I love would never

Suffer from fear, pain or illness


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Hump Day

 Hump Day from my working years.    

It has been a busy week for me, but I am down to one major project - the recording of my virtual speech for IBAM (Irish Books Art Music) in Chicago.    My dear special friend, Maureen, is helping me get it ready for recording.   She has the pictures I need to be inserted.   It is going to be on the 12 Patron Saints of the 7 Celtic Nations.    I am excited to share.

Went to Bible Study today at 10AM.  We read from Job, which has been our challenge for the short haul.  Those of us who could stay, went to the Noon Mass.   It is a short mass, but we always get a lovely little talk from our Fr. Seeton.   I love receiving the sacrament mid week and am glad we have started doing that.  

So many of the prayer requests are rather suddenly COVID.    And I understand that the next several months, until April will be heavy with that disease especially with the holidays, where we all tend to huddle.   A bad thing as the Covid Virus LOVES huddling.  

Thank God.    A vaccine seems close.  God has provided us with so many really great scientists that know how to work on this and seem to be close.   I remember it used to take YEARS before vaccines were developed.

Sure will be glad when this presidential stuff is over..      I pray for all of us.

Dia Dhuit


My Love

He still makes me smile

Although it is his memory

That brings me this joy.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Great Quilt Guild Program

Just got home from Quilt Guild.   We had a ZOOM presentation from a wonderful quilt designer, instructor and just nice person called Karen Combs.    She has done a series of Celtic Designs.   The book is out of print but it is available on an ebook something or other.    I will try to figure it out as I have kind of (in this post cancer/chemo) become a bit lethargic as to my quilting.   This has me interested.   So I WILL follow up.

I was home the most of the day except for a couple of errands earlier this morning.   Worked on clearing my desk.   I can't figure out, since I am retired, how things pile up, but they do.    It was in the low 70s today and sunny, but we had a brisk breeze which kept things quite comfortable.  

I called Dean, who will be clearing my back yard from the ice storm damage and salvaging my trees, and he will be here either the end of this week, or early next.    I just wanted to be sure that I was still on his radar.    The city still has not picked up the limbs and trees that are lining the streets.     One of my neighbors said that she called and they are out of funds and trying to figure out what to do.   Sounds ominous.

Busy tomorrow.   Mainly at home, but I will have to go to the store.

Stay well and safe

Dia Dhuit


Sunday, November 08, 2020

Bless all of you, this lovely Sunday

At least I hope your day was lovely.   We were at 76 degrees and sunny.   It was a bit windy, but with the warmth that was not a problem for Vita and me.

 I cleared up a couple of problems and went for a few walks today.   I also rested a couple of times as I did not necessarily feel great.   I am fine now.   Some days are just iffy.   I have a great meal of chicken,  mashed potatoes and veggies ahead of me so am feeling good.

Called my friend, Barb, today because we ARE friends and I needed a voice.   We are of an age, where we understand that.

Bart called me, as he always does.   Those were my voices today.   I did see a couple of neighbors out when Vita and I walked so got to say HI>

Love you all

Take care of YOU.


Dia Dhuit



Ah Miss Fluff

I do miss you, my feral friend.

Who came to dine with me at my home every afternoon

Rewarding me with purrs and hugs.

You were my companion

As I walked around the block.

After all those years, I thought

You would live forever.

Finding your poor dead body

Was almost more than I could bear.

You were special to someone.












Saturday, November 07, 2020

What a Day

 Well, we have a new president.    I am glad that the election is over.   I will never tell how I voted, but with a lot of prayer made my choice and felt that if I was overruled, it was all my fellow citizens that did it.   Wow what a turnout.    I am just glad that we are in a country that we CAN make a choice.   

About ready to go to bed.   I can watch the rest of Biden's speech there.    I suppose we will have a few weeks of dissention about all that has happened but if we can make it to January, we will see if the nations choice is able to bring a sense of peace to our nation.

Went to Mass tonight .   Always makes me grateful for the week.    So glad that I can turn things over to Jesus after I have made the best decision that I can with what I know.

Bless you all

Stay Well

Dia Dhuit


Peace and joy to you

May life be loving and safe

In this world of change

Friday, November 06, 2020

Our warm weather is continuing

 It really is nice, but I may have to water the front lawn and get it mowed again.

Vita is really pushy about her walks.   I know I get a dog to "walk me" but REALLY!

Did four loads of wash today.   Then I had a doctor appointment.    Dr. Aiku says I am doing very well.    We are going to schedule one test to see if my esophagus has to be tended to but my vitals are great and I have not lost any more weight.   Haven't gained any either but I am maintaining.  Yea.

I am working on a virtual talk that I will be giving at IBAM in December.    Having trouble remembering how to load stuff on the computer and then move it on.   Also still don't know how to forward pictures from my phone.   

Oh well.   There is time and I am stubborn if nothing else.

Hope you are all well and happy.

Dia Dhuit


Bless the day and night

Let then achieve their purposes

Of activity and rest.

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

What a day!

 My bible study met for the first time since February, (I think) when the Coronavirus first reared its ugly head.    Boy, were we ever glad to see each other.    We prayed for each other, and reorganized in the sense of deciding to meet weekly for the foreseen future and what we will be studying.     How good to have my prayer support close again.

We followed it up with Mass which Fr. Seeton offers each Wednesday at Noon. So, I got my "meal" twice this week.

Home again I caught up on all my bills and several other things.   Bart came by after lunch and we had a great visit.    I am always so glad to have people in the house and there are not that many people except  Bart that I know are safe.   We always have a lot to talk about.

I suddenly this afternoon, remembered that the family across the street are having their baby today.   Ceaserian.    I ran out and bought a present for the new one, so that when I go over to see him, I will be able to come bringing gifts:)

Bless all the babies

Dia DHuit



I thank the Lord

For all he's given me

Each sunrise granting one more day


Tuesday, November 03, 2020

I voted. Hope you all did too.

Bart was nice enough to drive me over to my polling place at about 9:30AM.    It was reasonably busy but not too bad and everything went smoothly.   I did not spend more than an hour.   HOWEVER,   my understanding from the news broadcasts that the early morning voters had the longest waits of the day.  (perhaps after 5PM things will line up a bit.)   But it is nothing like the horror stories that we have seen around the company.    I think all the pre voting and the mail in really made things fairly easy today.   I did not mind my hour.  I was glad that Bart took me though.

As we are going to gather for our first Bible Study at Holy Family since the beginning of this pandemic, I did my grocery shopping today so that I can enjoy this first time in so long.    We are a great support group for each other and I have missed the community prayers and discussions.   We are meeting at 10 AM and Mass is at 12 so I will probably go to Mass too.   I baked scones today and will bring them to the Bible study so that I can eat SOMETHING an hour before communion which is the time suggested.    I need food regularly, so when I get home at about 1PM I can gorge:)  We are not supposed to bring food, but I will bring the tin and just let everybody decide how they feel about it.

I HATE this pandemic.  I miss hugs and people.   I even love when vendors come:) Today some guys came to update my ADT.     Vita loved them and it was such a pleasure to have someone in the house.

Well.   That is my day.    Hope you are all well.

Miss you so much

Dia dhuit


A prayer I love

Lord I shall be very busy this day.

I may forget Thee but do not Thou forget me.

Sir Jacob Ashley



Monday, November 02, 2020

All Souls Day

Just got home from church and Mass for all the Souls that have gone before us, especially those we lost in the past year.   It was a lovely mass.

Saw Dr. Toy this morning.    I seem to be doing much better.  We apparently have hit a threshold.   Hope this keeps up, then I won't be waking up in the wee hours of the morning in pain.

Got my Virtual Talk for IBAM finished, now Maureen is going to help me get it on Zoom.

Got to figure out how to transfer pictures from my phone to the computer and then how to email them.   Used to know that. Can anybody help me?

We are having lovely weather - hope it lasts for a while.

Dia Dhuit



Bless the day and night

Let them fulfill their purpose

 Of activity and rest.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

A quiet Sunday

The only people I saw today were people who happened to be out when I walked Vita.    There were several so I got to say HI to some of the neighbors.   Some of them were walking, Johnny, next door,  was cutting up the branches that fell in his front yard and stacking them for the garbage people to pick up.   I have the guy that took out my middle tree coming when he gets me on his schedule and he will try to save my trees which really got a beating.

I was busy all day.   Pretty much finished a virtual talk that I am giving at IBAM Chicago.   Now I have to call Maureen so I can get it to her and figure out if ZOOM will work and get her pictures.

Gave Via a bath.   She got into something stinky.    She was very unhappy with me but I don't like stinky doggies.

Hope your day was as pleasant.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit



My puppy Dog

Always is full of joy

Jumping like on a bouncy house

My friend.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween

Here I am, at home, waiting for trick or treaters.     I have had several groups and for a bit thought I might run out of candy.   But it is now 7:20PM and I have not had anyone for the past half hour.   I suppose there may be an influx close to 8PM when they have to stop according to the city, but I will be fine.    If not, I will just have to turn of the lights and close the door.

Went to Mass tonight.    We are celebrating the 40th year of our parish.   I was impressed with Fr. Seeton's service celebrating the anniversary and All Saints Day.

Tomorrow, a day at home.    I am going to be working on my speech.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit


This seemed appropriate for Halloween.   Wrote it years ago.


Have you ever picnicked in a graveyard?

It is okay, you know.

As long as the residents are relitives 

Or friends

They will enjoy the company 

And so should you.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Am I ever glad!

  Am I ever glad that today is over.   I had so many odd problems to tackle today.    Why does this always happen.

My plumbing was acting up again.     Sometimes the toilets don't work properly and it is the sewer between me and the back yard.   Guess what.   Over the backyard fence is an apartment building.    One would think that I might have been smart enough to think of that, but I didn't.   AND I still love my house and my neighborhood.

Mike, my plumber, said that until the apartments were put in there was not a problem in this area.

My Vita is going to get pretty bored when I don't have workmen over every day to love her.

I will be so glad when we are over this election mess.    I will be voting on the 3rd, as I like tradition and have  always voted at the pole on election day.    I still can, so I will.    I am planning on taking the walker so if there is a long long line, I can use it.

Bless you all

I love you

Dia Dhuit


I believe the sun

Is an antidote to gloom.

It cannot be faked!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Just home from Writer's Club

All four of us were there tonight.   I had to read a poem from the past as I spent my writing time working on the Virtual Speech that I am giving at IBAM next month.  

I didn't feel bad as Karlos read an older piece too.   Debbie had not heard it and I enjoyed it as much this time as the first time.   Debbie had a column and Marti had an prose piece that was fascinating.

I sure was busy today.   Got an estimate on getting all the branches cut and removed and trying to save the two elms in the backyard, got the house cleaned, Bart was over to help me refine the Vivint apps and got a delivery.    I swear that my doorbell never HAS rung that much in one day.

Tomorrow, I will be home all day and have a plumber coming to check a toilet that is starting to back up, a recurrent problem.   I hope they can come up with a solution.

Take care of yourselves.    We are supposed to be having warmer weather for the next week or so and no precipitation.   Good thing as we have to recover from the ice storm.

Dia Dhuit


An older Haiku from one of my books.


Friend from long ago

Do you ever think of me?

You stroll through my mind.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Thank the Lord

The ice storm is over.   I heard that it is the worst storm in 40 years.

All I know is that my back yard is full of branches broken by the weight of the ice and still covered with ice crystals though it is better.   We are having warmer weather coming up and the moisture today was all rain.

Don't know what I will do about the branches literally blanketing my back yard.  I know some will be able to go out on the curb, but will I be able to get the there?

Sufficient unto the day:)

Talked to Richard and Brenda tonight.  What a pleasure.   I am so blessed to have all these "extra Kids" that like me:)   AND I love them all.

Home all day tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


Love comes in many colors

Sometimes pastel, sometimes vivid.

Pastel is soothing and gentle

Vivid full of fire and intensity.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

What a day

This has been a cold, icy and sleety day.

I have had several branches fall from the weight of the ice into my back yard.   Thank God, they have not hit the house.

I did go out this morning and blessed my yard with holy water and a prayer.

I did think of going out and shaking the ice off of the branches, but knew that Dick would kill me:)


Hopefully faith will help.

Hope you are all well.

Dia dhuit



He still makes me smile.

Although it is his memory

That brings me joy.

Monday, October 26, 2020

ice storm today

My yards look like they have some snow on them but it is ice.   We had an ice storm.   Sure glad that I did not have to go anywhere today.


Kept myself busy with a new online class that I am taking and with working on preparing for the speech that I am giving virtually at IBAM this year.


Tomorrow should be just as quiet, though I may venture out to get my lottery ticket.


Hope you are all well and safe.   Stay that way.    Had nice phone visits with my sister, Nora and my friend Barbara.   How blessed am I.

Dia Dhuit




For each other

Is the most improtant

For if we care for each other

Love IS.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A Quiet Sunday

 But a nice Sunday.   Bart and Barb came by to visit me this morning so I had company, which is always welcome.   Bart and Barb are so good to me and are helping me get my phone and system cooperating.

I did several things today, such as working on my speech for IBAM which is coming up.   It is going to virtual this year and I am one of Maureen's speakers.   She is going to help me.   Tomorrow I am going to take pictures to forward to her for a power point.   She is so talented.

I will be probably confined to home because of weather the next three days.   We are supposed to be experiencing icy rain and slippery roads.    I will probably suggest to my Kerry, who cleans my house, that she not endanger herself.

I am going to start a course from Great Courses on the Celts.   That will give me an incentive to do SOMETHING.

Hope you are all well.   I miss you.

Dia Dhuit


My dog

My companion

I would be so alone

Without her sweetness in my home

With me.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Hope everybody is well

Things are good here.   Woke up to thunder and rain.    Vita not happy at all but we really need the rain.   After temps in to 80s it was in the low to mid 40s today.

I had enough to do to keep me busy today.    If I hadn't - Vita was a pest for walks today.    I don't know why as the wind was really bad.    I know I got a dog to walk me but REALLY>   Could somebody talk to her?

I brought in a couple of my plants as it may get to freezing tonight.   I keep a few things in my Sunroom.   I have several plants that I keep there all year long.    Dad would be so proud of me:)   I am keeping plants alive.

Dia Dhuit



I believe in love

Where peace and passion can meet

In perfect comfort.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Just got home

from Writer's Club.    Four of us were there tonight and we all read some really good stuff.    (At least they said that mine was good.)  I read the segment of my Patron Saints book on St. James the Apostle.   The last one.    Now I have to REALLY be sure that I have maps and pictures of the saints for the book so that I can present it to publishers.

Got home Just in time for the actual debate.    Shucks.    I was hoping that the debate actually started at 7PM so that I could pick up the last of it.    So I missed the pre start.

Home all day tomorrow.

Bless you all.

Dia dhuit


p. S.   Remember, it is Jim's birthday.   Wish he could have been here but he is hoping to come down for the election.

Our world

Has sure become

A place of loneliness

We must hang on to each other


Monday, October 19, 2020

Dr. Toy got my spine back in place again.

 He gave me a few hints as to how to help ease the pain when my hips and back start hurting in the night.    I will try them.    Hope I won't have to for a day or two anyway.

Had my mammogram today.    They are far less uncomfortable than the last time I had one.   She didn't see anything so I am feeling good about it.

Worked on a Quilt Guild project about the COVID19.    Just need a label so I feel good about that.

Yea  - a feel good day:)    Hope you all had the same.

Dia Dhuit


A friend sent me a bunch of timely quotes    - thought I would share one, hopefully to make you smile.

You know when you buy a bag of salad and it gets all brown and soggy?   Cookies don't do that.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Sunday at home with my Vita.   She took me for a lot of walks.    It was really nice this morning, but this afternoon it has turned chilly and worst of all, very windy.

Spent a good chunk of the day sewing.  Almost have a project done.   I am having trouble with the bobbin tension on my machine, so am, at this point, doing my hand work.

Tomorrow, I see Dr. Toy ( hope he can help my back and neck, they are not TOO bad, but I do have some trouble sleeping.)   Also my mammogram is due so tomorrow is the day.   Does one ever get too old for those things?   I hate getting squished.

Hope all of you are well.    I worry especially about my Wisconsin friends as COVID is thriving there.  Prayers every day

Dia Dhuit



We just might become

Like some hermits of the past

Praying all alone:)

Saturday, October 17, 2020

This was an Iffy Day

I am irritated.   My sewing machine is acting up.   The bobbin tension is goofed up and I don't know how to adjust that(:

 Aside from that , all is well.    I am feeling good.    Bart came over to check my phone, so I had company.    Food is easy:) because I have leftovers from Olive Garden.

Went to church tonight.    A very comforting mass.    We prayed for all of us and for the end of this pandemic.    I now have a prayer to say every day.


Please, all of you, keep yourselves safe.


Dia Dhuit



I know that I posted this before but I WANT to do it again.

Reopening the schools is important, but reopening the pubs is importanter.


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Safe and sound at home

 After a lovely Writer's Club meeting.    There were just the three of us, Marti, Karlos and me but we all read and enjoyed it    It is so nice to get encouragement from others.   I am ready to send my book to a publisher,   Need to do some research as to how to present it and search for a market.

Tomorrow I will be meeting with my Celtic friends and am looking forward to that too.    Have a couple of interesting things to present.   One, a famous Irish Poet -Derek Mahon died.   He wrote about the pandemic.


How should I not be glad to contemplate

the clouds clearing beyone the dormer window

and a high tide reflected on the ceiling

There will be dying,there will be dying,

but there is no need to go into that.

The lines flow from the hand unbidden

and the hidden source is the watchful heart:

the sun rises in spite of everything

and the far cities are beautiful and bright.

I lie here in a riot of sunlight

watching the day break and the clouds flying.

Everything is going to be all right.


Dia dhuit


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Another HOT DAY

Hopefully, this will be the last of the 90 to 100 degree days  This Wisconsin girl does not want to live with days and days of -0 degrees but over 90 is just as uncomfortable and one can only take off so many layers of clothes:)

 Vita and I had a nice day.   Lots of walks.   But that is good for me.   

I worked a bit on a wall hanging that I am working on and also figured out my next project.

Did a bit of writing.   Tomorrow is the Writer's Club.  

Bill Smith called me this evening.  What a pleasure to have someone to talk to.   We had a bit to catch up on..   He is doing pretty well.    Glad we are able to share the memorird of our Leslie.  But he is, as Leslie would want, going on with his life.   He deserves the best.


Dia Dhuit




At home alone

I do a lot of that

Pretending he is here with me



Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A clean house

Kerry came today and cleaned my house.   Always nice to have things vacuumed and scrubbed.  I am grateful for her and that I am able to have her come.   

The rest of the day was quiet, though I did keep myself occupied and Vita and I went for several walks enjoying the day.   It was up into the 80s, but after 100 plus, this was very pleasant.    Supposed to be 90s tomorrow, then drop to Autumn temperatures.

I switched the quilt on my bed.   I found that quilt that I made in 2004 and it is quite cheerful and bright so I decided I wanted cheerful and bright:)


Dia Dhuit




Yesterday's river is gone

emptied into the ocean of today.

We swim in the choppy sea

Towards an ever elusive tomorrow

Making our way to eternity.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Finally done for the day.

 Was busy most of the day.     Desk and bills and stuff in the morning.

Then I got a call from Shawn, who is doing several jobs around here.  He was able to come over today and he finished installing the new door on my storm shelter.   Sure glad that is done, the old door was rotting and had leaked inside.   Now I can clean in there and the door is a mite lighter so I can even open it myself if need be.

Tonight was Quilt Guild.    We had an indoor quilt airing.    People brought quilts and we voted on our favorites, not knowing whose was whose.     Mine didn't win, but am I glad I found it.    It was a quilt that I made in 2004 and had folded into my cedar chest.     I like it and it is big enough to go on my bed.   I need a change.

Dia Dhuit

God love you


Now the day is ebbing

The gentle night embraces

My soul as it rests.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

by the way

 The Blessing of the Animals.

It was outside.   EVERYBODY was wearing masks and we were pretty well social distanced (with a couple of conversation glitches.)

A busy and fullfilling day:)

You can tell that I like those kind of days.  

I worked on communicating with my Lawton Celtic Friends as to our meeting next Friday at 2PM at the Olive Garden.    If you want to come, Just let me know:)

This afternoon, Holy Family Parish offered a Blessing of the Animals celebration.   Of course, I took my Vita.    She was an angel as were most of the other animals.   AND the only disturbance was a couple of barking dogs, but since some dogs are barkers this is not BAD but their nature.     A lovely prayer service, quoting from the bible the love of God for his creatures other than humans.  Then Deacon Mike blessed each pet with holy water.   I think Vita wanted more water.  There were many dogs, several cats and a turtle and a bearded lizard.   I was blessed and delighted to be a part of it.

 Tomorrow, the holiday doesn't ,mean much to me, except that I don't get mail.   Bart and Barb are going to come over to help me with a new system that I have.   I now have an alert button.   That is not the name but I am sure you know what I mean.    Bart felt that he would be more comfortable if I could press a button for help if I need it.    I think it is a good idea.    Mother had it much older than I.   I feel like her.  I will only press it if I cannot handle it myself.

Take care of yourselves and I love you all.

Dia Dhuit



A lovely day

Sunshine and gentle breezes

Freshness all around

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Settling down for the night.

 It was a lovely day,   A bit warm for me but I did not have to sit out in the sun so it was fine.    As I say, thank God for air conditioning.

Cleared out a lot of things that have been cluttering around the house.   I want to get all that junk out to the curb  - Oh Oh.   Just realized.   Monday is a holiday, we will not have trash pickup.    Ouch:)


Oh well, worse things have happened in my life.

Went to  Mass tonight.   Will be glad when this pandemic is over.   I go but so many people don't.   I can't blame them, it is a real fear.   But I need communion, Jesus gift to us.

Tomorrow they are having a blessing of the animals at church.   I am taking my Vita.


Will report

Dia Dhuit



I saw a squirrel

Running into the tall tree

Scared by my presence.

Thursday, October 08, 2020

What a cool Writer's Club

All four of our regulars were there and we all read something.   This is what gives us a push to do something for the next week.    I brought everybody the directions on how to construct a Pantoum poem which is a poem based on specific rules that is fun to do, especially if you don't have a particular idea.   Hard to explain, but if you want to know, I'll talk you through it:)

Was busy most of the day with some book work, some cleaning and working on the Football Fantasy pool.

Hope your day was as good.


Dia Dhuit



Coming to Friday

I have filled the week with joy

Lots of love in it.

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Boy was I ever busy today!!!!!

Spent the first part of the morning getting wash started and cleaning a bit, then went grocery shopping.    After a quick lunch I had a appointment with Kandi to get my hair cut.    It was getting to a length where my natural wave was kicking in and it was starting to stick out in odd places.    I go about every six weeks and it seems to work.   I like Kandi, Barb recommended her to me.

Then I went over to Bart and Barb's for a bit to go on an errand with Bart.    

Home again, I am happy.   Tomorrow Vita goes for her "beauty treatment."   She will not be happy with me.

Dia Dhuit



Love comes in sizes

It has to - to fit all needs.

Open your heart to love.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

A frustrating day

 Am I ever glad it is over.    Walgreens told me that a prescription I really need would be here today on Friday.   Today, after waiting on the line for over a half an hour they told me they don't have it and don't know when they will get it.

I got my doctor to transfer it to another pharmacy.  That was somewhat of an ordeal as the Doctor was in with patients and I waited forever to talk to a real person there too, then wait til the doctor was able to approve the order.

But miracle of miracles.   I have my prescription and believe I will just transfer my account to this local pharmacy as they were REALLY nice and caring.\

It was a lovely day weather wise.   Vita and I went for several walks and she tried to talk me in to more, the little pest. 

Since I was on the phone most of the day, I didn't really get anything else done.    Tomorrow will be better and I am getting my hair cut, so I will feel beautiful by the end of the day:)

Hope your day was better than mind.   Love you all.

After this COVID thing, I want hugs from everybody.

Dia Dhuit


After the turmoil

Finally A quiet Day

To let me relax

(Perhaps tomorrow)

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Today was totally uneventful

I did to to Walgreens to pick up some of my vitamins and some birthday cards for October birthdays, but that was the only excitement there was.

I did some sewing on my project but really wasn't in the mood.    I think it is just one of those days when I felt a bit lonely.   Such is life.  My Vita does help me and I know that I could to over to Bart and Barb's but just wanted to be that way for a while, I guess.    Tomorrow I will reach out and get myself going again.

Dia Dhuit


A day in the life

Not a spectacular day

But a pleasant one.

Saturday, October 03, 2020

A Lovely Day

 The temps were not too high and not too low.    I spent a bit and I mean a bit of time weeding my sculpture garden.

Dan and Han came today and mowed my lawn.   I will have to start watering tomorrow but it is really starting to look good.  After three years, real grass is taking over the Bermuda and I am so proud.   Dan is such a help.

Worked on my current quilting project.   Want to get it done by the Quilt Guild Meeting.

Went to the 4:30PM Mass at Holy Family.    Was a very nice mass and I bought a book at the bookstore called A Travel Guide to Heaven.   The Bible Study is going to discuss it in between the actual Scripture Studies that Fr. Phil likes the parish to have.

 Home all day tomorrow.

Stay well and lets all pray for our president and our country and all who are affected by the coronavirus.

Dia Dhuit


A jewel of a day

Presented with clear blue skies

And delicate clouds.

Friday, October 02, 2020

A day at home

 Another day at home.   I did quite a bit of cleaning and caught up on the wash.

Tomorrow will also be quiet though I will go to mass in the evening.

Hope you are all well and have a quiet a life as mine is.   (though a little bit of action would not ne turned away)


Dia Dhuit




After the turmoil

Finally a quiet day

To let me relax

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Felt squishy today.

 Often happens in the morning but I am usually just fine by 10 or 11 AM.   Not today, so I decided not to go to my Writer's Club meeting.  Darn.   I had something to read too.

I was able to accomplish some things today despite the discomfort.   I am cleaning the garage. 4 feet at a time.  I am working on a quilt project and I am writing.    But today, a goodly chunk of the time was spent resting, trying to settle my body.   I do NOT have a fever and I do not vomit.   I just feel like hell.   Probably just as well not to be around my writer friends. anyway. Just in case.

Tomorrow I am home all day and will see how I feel.  Otherwise, I will move up my doctor appointment.

Dia Dhuit


I may have shared this before, but it deserves a second printing if I did.

Lord.  I shall be very busy this day.   I may forget Thee but do not Thous forget me.

Sir Joseph Astley

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Home all day again.

Vita LOVES that.   She does not like it when I leave.   When I come back she is like a pogo stick, bouncing up and down and getting all excited.    I always take her for a nice walk after I am gone for a while.

I have always said that I get dogs to walk me, and Vita is no slacker.   She would go for a walk every hour on the hour if I asked her.  

I have been making a list of things that need to be done around here each evening for the next day and am getting a lot done.    I am definitely feeling much better and am actually getting creative and eager to do STUFF.     Isn't that great?

Tomorrow I will get my flu shot and go to Writer's Club.

Dia Dhuit




A warm wind blowing

Plays the house until it hums

Like a happy child.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A lovely day

 Got a bit warm this afternoon,  80's, but now that I have my air back, I don't even care:)  Vita and I were quite comfortable.

Kerry came to clean today.   I always feel good when things are vacuumed and cleaned.   I keep up the appearances, but don't get too deep unless a "tragedy" occurs. Vita loves company and adores Kerry.

Didn't have to go anywhere today.    It was pleasant enough that I probably let the dog take me out more than I should have but the walking is good for me.

Talked to Bill Smith today.   He is doing well.    He will always be my son in law as he loved our Leslie SO much and took such good care of her.    I also got a call from my friend Barbara in Minnesota.   She was excited.    She got her port out this week.    That is so cool because the doctors figure that she won't need it again.    Super Yea!

So GOOD to have people to talk to, or as I like to say, Voices in the house.

Did a bit of sewing and writing and cleaning too.   So I must be feeling better.    I don't want to spend as much time being a slug.   This is very encouraging to me.

Be well.   Be safe.   Be happy.

I love you all

Dia Dhuit



Comment from my goofy mind:

Since when do social and distancing go together?


Monday, September 28, 2020

Whatta Day

I am so thrilled with today.    

My air conditioning is FINALLY fixed.    Of course, the big heat is on hold, but as I told the guys that fixed it, if this is what it takes, then I am happy. And I thanked them for coming:)

Vita is going to be disappointed when all these people stop coming to the house.   She is very friendly and likes to make friends.

This afternoon, I went shopping, so I am up to date on that.   Tomorrow Kerry comes to clean.

Dr. Toy adjusted me this morning.   He gave me a few hints as to how to avoid the hip and back pain I experience at about the middle of the night.    I will try what he has suggested which is simple and see if it works.

Bobbie sent me a picture of her new cat, her name is Anouska and she is beautiful.    I would love a cat but have not figured out where to put a litter box:(

Hope you are all well and not too lonely.

Dia Dhuit


Aunt Ruth used to say

"He can park his shoes under my bed anytime."

Any day.

She was an old lady and it always made us laugh.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Hotter today

 And still not air conditioning.    I have been able to keep the temperatures in the house tolerable, as it does cool down in the night and I keep the ceiling fans on which keeps the air moving and cools things a bit.

I did make a quick trip to Walmart to pick up an item I needed to finish a project that I can work on tomorrow

Then this evening I went to mass.   Fr. Phil was gone.  The priest who subbed was very nice.   I miss Fr. Phil but it is nice to have a sermon from other people sometimes.   Fr. Phil sometimes has the deacon's give the sermon, that is nice too.   A bit of variety.

A really quiet day tomorrow, glad I have a project.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit



As we walk at dawn

I wish I could ride that cloud

To eternity

Friday, September 25, 2020


It was VERY quiet today.    I did not do much as I didn't feel like it.     Somehow, I felt like Dick was trying to describe when people asked what he was doing after he retired, and I quote:

"I am retired.   That is what I do."

What a guy.   I smile when I think of him.   I still talk to him, you know.   

Vita and I took several walks today.   Not too far but they get my blood moving and my muscles a bit looser and Vita Loves it.

Hopefully, the compressor for my air conditioner will be in by Monday and I will have it working again.   I have managed to keep the house tolerable, but I like it cooler. 

Dia Dhuit


Small thought poem

Dreams left me confused.

Built on reality, they hint

At what might have been.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Writer's Club was Great

 The day was long and uncomfortable for me.   I DID get a lot of stuff done.   My desk is clean if nothing else.

Tonight was great.    Writer's Club.    Just Marti, Karlos and I were there.   But we all read and I do believe we are getting better all the time.     The meetings encourage us to write things so we have something for the next time.     The more one does, the better one gets.      I was pleased with the critiques on my poem and saint story of St. Petroc.

I am almost done editing the Celtic saints book, then will start submitting it to editors and publishing houses.  I have a poem that I think is ready too.    If it is accepted anywhere, I will let you know.

We are supposed to get hotter over the weekend, and I still have no air.  I may have to spend time at Bart and Barb's.     I am happy to have somewhere that I am welcome, but we all know that home is best.    Vita will be so confused.

Be well.

Dia dhuit





My Dog

I would be so alone

Without her sweetness in the house

With me