Thursday, October 08, 2015

What a good day.   It was a bit cool and we had two rain showers during the afternoon, but I don't mind cool.   Cold is another story.

My neighbors, Larry and Mary Ann, had organized a lunch adventure at Black Wolf Run for any of our residents who wanted to come.  We had a nice crowd of about 20 people who carpooled to the restaurant and enjoyed a good lunch together.   Larry and Mary Ann are leaving for Florida soon so it is nice to spend time with them before they leave.   I will probably be gone before they return so this was a nice good by.  

You will not be hearing from me until Sunday evening.   I will be in Chicago at IBAM.   Wish me luck with my talk on Saturday.   The rest of the weekend is a breeze.

Love you all

Dia dhuit


Monday, October 05, 2015

      A beautiful day.    I had bible study this morning.   We had a new person,  Helen Maurer brought an old friend. Ceil Lorenz to the study.    She has macular degeneration so doesn't see very well, but it is a good thing for her to get out and be with a group like us.   I seem to have packed my study books.

While I was gone, I left Nicky with my neighbors, Bob and Peggy as Alison had a couple who wanted to see the house.   When I came home they were still there so I stayed a little while at the Hurries.   When I get home after there were visitors, Nicky always comes in barking and checks out the house.

These people did not think my grout was clean enough in the kitchen so I bleached it today.   Three cupboard doors were squeaking so my neighbor Dave came and oiled the hinges for me.

The viewers are all told that the carpeting is old but all act surprised when they come in.

Tonight I had dinner with Kate.   Haven't seen her in so long, we had a great visit.

Doctor appointment tomorrow.  Dia Dhuit


Sunday, October 04, 2015

It is definitely not summer any more.   This morning, I broke down and put on one of my winter coats.   It was only 50 but I just did not want to be cold.   

Had a showing on the house this morning.  Nicky and I went over to my neighbor, Edie Spatt, to be out of the way.   I brought scones and clotted cream and jam so that we could share a Cream Tea.   I had Cream Tea almost every day in Cornwall.   I shared with Bobbie the other day too.   It is simply a scone, slathered with clotted cream, butter and jam eaten with a nice strong cup of tea.  Edie is so good to let us hang out when there are showings and I like to visit with her. 

Tomorrow there is another showing.  I have Bible Study and the showing is at 10AM.   So I asked Bob and Peg if they would be friends with Nicky til I get back from the Study.   I could possibly be even back before they are done, but not a good idea to have Nicky there when people come in.

He was well aware that people had been in our house when we came back from Edie's.   He plunged in barking and searched the house to be sure we were safe.

I caught up on almost all of my current organization, financial and medical projects.  

Just have to prepare my talk for IBAM next weekend.   I have the "bones" but need to flesh it out.

A reasonably busy but quiet week ahead.   Wish you the same

Dia Dhuit
