Friday, September 04, 2015

A Holiday weekend ahead.   I am so happy that Richard and Brenda are coming.  

We will have dinner at the Black Pig in Sheboygan tomorrow night.   I want my kids to see the wall hanging that I designed for the restaurant.  I am pleased with it and want to share.

The Black Pig is owned by the son and daughter in law of my very good friends, Bob and Peggy Hurrie.  If you come to visit, ask me to show you the "Hanging Gardens of Hurrie."  They have done such a lovely job of planting the berm next to their unit.   Not required.  But they love to do this.

Just got back from taking my Nicky out and am going to get ready for bed.

Hope your holiday weekend is wonderful.

48 years ago,  September 4th was Labor Day.  Bret was born that day.   There were about 5 women in labor arriving at the hospital withing a couple of hours and one of the nurses said.  "Just because it is Labor  Day did not mean that you all had to come at the same time."   I was glad that I did.   Welcomed one of the most special people in my life, my son Bret, who always makes me proud.

Dia Dhuit



Thursday, September 03, 2015

A whole day at home.   Shanna came to clean this morning.  I was on the phone most of the morning Putting out fires and preparing for the trip.

I spent the afternoon just culling the excess that is all around me in the house.   It is amazing how much can just be disposed of .   At some point, I will be able to take advantage of all the people who have offered to help me pack.

Just took Nicky out for his evening walk and am heading to bed.

Talked to my niece, Vikki, today.   That is always a pleasure.

Also talked to my sister, Nora.  She always makes me feel good.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, September 02, 2015

What a day.   Two showings so I had to get out of the house with Nicky.

Thank heavens, one of my neighbors, Edie, is willing to put up with us.  It is too hot to be driving off and doing shopping with a little doggie.

One did not like it and the other is a bit concerned about the railroad but has not crossed it off as yet.  A successful day.

Now I am closing down for then night.

Until tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Well, another day of business.  I did get a lot done in the house AND went to the post office, the store, St. Vinnies and Kate's house.   I dropped off stuff at Kate's and St. Vinnies.

Now I am really tired.   It was so hot today.  

Alison called to tell me that there are two showings tomorrow.  One at 10AM and one at 1PM.  So Nicky and I are going to visit my neighbor Edie  while they are here.   It is better to get out of the house.

It would be really nice to have an accepted offer before I leave on my vacation.  (Don't say Vacation from What.)  There are two homes that would be OK in Lawton right now.  

Well, I am taking the doggy out for his last evening walk and then going to bed to read and work crossword puzzles.   My hips have been so sore the past two nights.    I hope that is done with. I have been doing hip exercises all day.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, August 31, 2015

Such a day.   A busy Monday

Shopping and errands this morning.   Working on sorting and getting trash ready this afternoon and my neighbor, Gary Cole's funeral.  It was a very warm funeral, lots of family and friends.  Aunt Kathleen was there too.

Anyway, I am tired and want to go to sleep.

Dia dhuit until tomorrow.
