Saturday, August 10, 2019

I forgot to post yesterday.     Well, nothing very exciting happened anyway.    Nothing much today, though I did make a pot of chili.     I haven't been hungry for chili for quite some time.    Bart and Barb will come over to share.  I never mind making chili in hot weather because it is done on top of the stove.

The hot weather continues.   Should be 105 for the next couple of days then perhaps a "cool front" of mid 90s by Wednesday.  Good Grief.

Nicky is perking up.   He actually ran after Fluffy the cat yesterday.    Fluffy just sits and looks at him when he does that.   But that was the first time I saw him run in months.    We went for a nice walk this morning before the heat got too bad.     I turn him back before he wants because I don't want him to get too tired.     We will extend his walk as weather and his energy  increases.  The cat, Fluffy, follows us most days, weaving in and out of my feet.     She will walk all the way around the block with us.

Did a bit of sewing today but rested too.  

Tomorrow, Mass in the morning and my dinner guests in the evening.   Yea.

Dia Dhuit

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Another hot day in Oklahoma.     You know me.   I figure that id they say the heat lasts through August 15, st Au\gust 15 the heat should end:)

Not ture.   We are getting some relieve in about a week  according to the weatherpersons.

This morning I had a pedicure.   My nails were awful and I can't do them myself.   I have gone to Wisconsin often enough before to have my friend Joan to them    But it just didn't work out. this time

Nicky is doing OK.   He is eating so I hope he'll pack on some weight.

Dia dhuti


Wednesday, August 07, 2019

When I got home from my Writer's Club meeting, I was too tired to post.    A good meeting, with several good readings, but they spend a lot of time just chattering and I would, frankly, like to get on with the readings.    Just me.   I guess.    But I love the people and they are talented and helpful to my writings.    I feel encouraged to dive back into my new book.

Nicky is doing pretty well.   He ate both of his meals today, very enthusiastically.    Of course, he is a picky guy and I have to keep tempting him.   I am wondering if he is playing me:)

I saw Dr. Toy, my chiropractor, today.   He put me back together again.   I go once a month to get adjusted now.    It helps.     He calls me his Wild Irish Rose.

Then I went to Bible Study.    We are studying Isaiah now and it is interesting.    We are a good support group, praying for each other and the causes we bring to the study.    Know that if you are ill, you are probably being prayed for:)

Obviously, I know the smile symbol.   I know the sad one too but don't like to use it.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, August 05, 2019

It was warm today but is supposed to be even warmer the next few days.     Means no walks for Nicky and me for the next few days.

Nicky spent the day at the vet's getting his insulin checked every two hours.           We are increasing his insulin a bit, but everything else seems to be stable or improving.

I got a lot done while he was gone.    Didn't realize how much time he takes.    But he is worth every minute.

Have a great evening.

Dia Dhuit

Sunday, August 04, 2019

I went to the 8:30AM Mass this morning.    A nice mass.   One of our deacons gave the sermon which is always interesting.

Home again, I rested and sewed and took care of Nicky.    He worried me today because he ate a very small breakfast.     He ate better tonight.    But I can't keep thinking of things to tempt him.    I am running out of ideas:)

Tomorrow he goes to the vet for tests.   He will be there a good chunk of the day.

Dia Dhuit