Well, the deeds are done. Dick and I followed immediately by Jim and Michelle closed on our adjacent condos in Tallgrass in Plymouth.
Dick and I signed first and then went directly to the new place with the loaded Santa Fe, dropped off those boxes (and did we ever have it jammed) and moved the five boxes that I had put in Jim and Michelle's garage as we had one of the garage door openers.
Then things got a bit goofy as we, along with a representative from the Realty Company, managed to lock the garage door opener in Jim and Michelle's condo and couldn't get the garage door shut with the control panel. So, Stacy, the rep, went looking for keys and Dick stayed while I went and loaded up the car again. By the time I got back, they had found a key and closed things up again. We still only have one key and no garage openers for our unit but are sure this will be resolved by tomorrow.
After I got back, we unloaded the car again and then went to lunch, where I managed to leave my purse. Didn't discover that until after we had come BACK to the Hunters Glen and loaded up AGAIN, including Chelsea. She has been rather distressed and I thought it was a good idea to get her a bit used to the new place.
So, we got her there and she was afraid of the kitchen floor. Reminescent of the weekend that she spent with my Mother, where she spent the whole weekend in the living room because she was afraid of the kitchen floor there. Mother and I have concluded the at the "little people" had taken up residence in her kitchen. The last two times we took her to Mother's she has gone into the kitchen, so we believe that the "little people" have moved on.
After, Chelsea wandered around on her own for while, she became comparatively comfortable and did explore every room. The cats are also quite agitated but I am just trying to love them enough as they will have to go to stay with Bobbie and Bill for a while at lease.
Anyway, at about 4 I discovered that I had left my purse at Culvers. Thank heavens, It was there so the potential mess was resolved quite easily.
I had choir tonight and took the banner to see if it will fit. Everybody seems to like it and thank heaven's it does fit. and is quit spectacular, because of the colors when it is hanging.
That is all for tonight I believe that it it enough.
May the angels keep you save until morning.