Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Only one more day

Only one more day left in this year.    I am glad.   The last few months have been rather tense and there is something about a new beginning.   Even if it is only from one day to the next the symbolism of going from one year to another is exciting.

Was home most of the day with Nicky.    He is doing very well.  Starting to cling, but did go off and take a nap by himself in the late morning which I felt showed a bit of comfort.   We are still working on knowing  schedules and his appetite is down.   But he is an agreeable little guy.

We went to Kettle Moraine Veterinary Clinic for his "free" checkup.   The visit was free but we did update one shot and I had them check his little butt as he seems to be chewing at it too much.   He does have a little infection so guess who will be putting ointment on a dog's butt twice a day for a week or so. 

Hopefully I will have something more inspirational to say tomorrow night as we pass into 2014.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, December 29, 2014


The Monday before a new year begins.   And it was a typical busy Monday. 

I left at 8:45AM so that I would get to St. Mary's before the Holy Dusters finished cleaning the church so that I could pick up the hosts to take for communion to Mom and her fellow Catholics at Meadow View Manor.  Then we had our last bible study of the year.  We had a great discussion about the fact that man seems to always need God or gods to explain his existence.  

Next to Meadow View Manor and Mom.    Gave her communion first, then went to find the others.    I am a bit distressed. One of my ladies passed away while I was gone.   That is always a bit hard.   She was such a lovely happy person.  Mom and I had a lovely visit.   I am going to have lunch with her on New Year's Day.    I want to bring her a bottle of Madeira Wine.   Uncle George Deeley used to have that wine on hand to share and Mom likes it.

Home again,  I took Nicky out right away.   He was jumping all over me, he was so happy to see me.   We have a ways to go, of course, but he is accepting me as his friend.   He still is sleeping at my feet at night.  

I went to see Dr  Wiegand, my chiropractor, today.   She worked on my neck and ribs and I hope it will help as much as it did before I left for Oklahoma.

Tomorrow I will be home all day.   Nicky and I do have an appointment at 6:30PM with Kettle Moraine Veterinary Clinic, so that they can get him on their books.    I can hardly wait til they see him.   My neighbor, Bob Hurrie came over on some Condo business and was impressed with him.
Nicky was a bit nervous but Bob knows doggies and was very patient with him.

Tomorrow, I believe that I will have my end of year and after being gone and holiday tangles untangled and can get back to writing and quilting again.    I have begun a new quilt project and will share when it is done.

So until tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


Sunday, December 28, 2014

A whole day at home for Nicky and me.    I feel good about it.   He slept in my bed last night which I know will help bond us.    He finally went to the bathroom and ate, so I know it is just a matter of our understanding our ways.

He is a very sweet little thing.

I got a lot of other things done around here and am ready to start tomorrow with a usual busy Monday.  My ribs are very sore.   I see my chiropractor tomorrow and hope that she will be able to help.

Meanwhile,  I am now going to take my little Nicky out for his final evening walk and go to bed with cold packs on my ribs.

Dia Dhuit


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Well, guess what I did today.   I went to the Humane Society to put my name in on this little bundle, Nicky.   He actually had two applications on him so I didn't think I would be able to get him.  To top that off, I had not filled out an application to adopt and my memory was that it would take a couple of day.

Mary Margaret was sweet enough to come back at noon, she volunteers to help clean and all  on Saturday mornings.  Yoko brought him in and Mary and I visited with him for a while.   He was very shy and seemed to be waiting for Yoko.   Mary said that Yoko is SO good with the critters and I know how hard it is for an animal that has been in a family to adjust and not be afraid.

Anyway, I filled out the app and they said do you want to take him home today.   I stuttered that I didn't have food or his leash or collar.   Well, that was no problem.  So I was more than willing.   He is cute and looks like Yoda in person too.  (that is for Richard, Brenda, Bobbie and Bill.)   His nose is listing a bit to the right too but he is adorable.  He is obviously an odd combination of Chihuahua and Pug.  He has asked me to take him out about 5 times.   I know I wanted to walk but I will be glad when he feels more comfortable.  I think he wants to go "home"  whatever that is in his little heart

Right now he is sleeping on my lap.   I will be home all day tomorrow so perhaps he will become more comfortable after a good nights sleep and a day of a kind of routine.

So I am no longer alone in the house.   He will be just fine. 

Dia Dhuit

Mary and Nicky