It was a busy morning too. I had to shovel a bit of the driveway and the front walk. AND I had to do the kitchen floor. One might say that was not necessary, but I couldn't stand it so it WAS necessary.
Anyway, by the time I got over to see Dick, I was so tired, he sent me home for a nap. I made some Schlitzhagen and mashed potatoes and took that, with a salad over to the Care Center and we had lunch/dinner together. We "hung out" until 3:30PM when I headed for church. I sat with my friend Ceil. It was one of my assigned times to be a Eucharistic Minister. I love to do that. It is just amazing to me that I can be one who shares our Savior with my fellow Christians. Wow.
When I left there, I came home and took care of the critters and ate my supper. I fixed a soup that my friend Peggy Feider told me about. It is SO simple and so good. One just mixes a can of pea soup, a can of tomato soup and a can of crab pieces. She apologized for its easiness. It is really good. Too bad Dick wouldn't like it. I mixed it all up and just heated what I was going to eat. I figured it won't do very well with reheating but should keep long enough for me to finish it. I can take a bowl to Mom on Monday too.
Dick and I were together from about 5:30 to 7PM too. I like to be there to take care of a few things that he needs, like filling his CPAP machine. We know that the nurses would do it but I like to do a few things for him.
Well, it is about time to go to bed now. Did I tell you that the Wild Game Dinner is going to be on February 7th this year? Jim and Michelle are excited and want to help me serve again. I have heard that Stenn and Bing are planning on coming. It is always a fun event. If Dick is home, I will have to do some preplanning so he is not alone too long. At least it is close, at Randy and Donna's house.
I need to plan how to cook the roast this year. Perhap a Texas Brisket type. That is really good. I do love to cook.
Take care

