Saturday, September 20, 2008

A strange Saturday. I woke up tired and stayed that way most of the day, though I did have a fairly decent sleep. Chelsea tried to get me up at 5AM. Silly girl.

I did a bunch of stuff here. I feel much more in control. Then went to see Dick at 9ish. He had a so so night but no events. He was all clean and dressed. We had a fairly quiet morning, no therapy. I came back home at 11ish to wait for Bobbie and Bill and Jim and Michelle to discuss things. That went well and we all went over to celebrate with Dick for an hour or so. Then Jim and Michelle came home and cleaned the house and took care of Chelsea, bless them. They have been just wonders during all of this. I just hope they know how I feel. Chelsea too. I went to church at 4 then came back to sup with Dick. He does like that. We had soup and grilled cheese sandwich, one of my favorite meals.

After we got back to the room, Dick was Very tired and started to doze a lot so I came home at 7 to do some more home stuff.

I filled out my fantasy football sheet. Looking at it reminded me of a Bart story. He played soccer when he was in grade school. One year he got on a team with purple uniforms. The teams got to pick their own names. That was the year Denver, a football team of course, but more popular than soccer in our country, was really hot. The Orange Crush. The kids wanted to be the Purple People Eaters. One of our moms spent five minutes explaining the Orange Crush and touting it and really making it sound SO wonderful. Then she asked. "Do you want to be PURPLE CRUSH or purple people eaters." and eleven little boys in unison shouted. "Purple People Eaters." So that is what they were. Their banner was so cute purple people eaters with each of the boys names in them and they got to keep them at the end of the season. I wonder whatever happened to that.

Have a blessed Sunday.


Friday, September 19, 2008

I ALMOST forgot to post. I was actually in bed when I remembered. I was a rather busy confusing day.

I did sleep well last night. No achy hips or knees. Chelsea was an early bird at 5AM but I gave her lettuce and shut her out until almost 6. We had a really lovely walk.

I did some wash and some computer catch up and then went over to see Dick. He was at breakfast and really glad to see me. It is so nice to be welcomed with so much love. We spent the morning together. I went down to therapy with him. Then we were able to get an appointment with the beauty shop downstairs to have his hair cut and washed. That was a relief. It has been difficult and we have been doing mostly just washing with cloths. So a shampoo was a pleasure for him.

I came home at about 11:30 to walk Chelsea and prepare a meal for us. Usually the meals are very good. I am sure these were too. They always have an entree and an alternate, the alternate being the leftovers from the day before. However, yesterday the meal was liver and onions, Dick HATES liver and onions so opted for a repeat of Wednesday's Salisbury steak which he does like. Today was a cod dinner and Dick does not like cod either, with liver and onions as the alternate it seemed logical for me to bring something. So I had some Braciole de Manza, a venison rollup and colcannon which I put in the new dishes that I had bought at Cooks Corner to bring meals in. I also brought him some nice fresh picked cherry tomatoes. We had lunch together in his room.

I brought Chelsea to see him this afternoon too. She is not exactly a cuddly dog and just runs around the room panting but I think it is still good for both of them.

I went and worked at Rhine for about an hour and a half but they said I could leave because I wanted to stop at the Care Center before too late to discuss something with Dick. Bobbie came down too and we had a good visit. Guess that's all for now.

Maybe tomorrow I will remember earlier.



Thursday, September 18, 2008

Today was much better than yesterday, I did not get discouraged at all. Even when I talked to Dr. Fehrman's nurse, Karen, who affirmed that the ankle does have two new fractures. They are small but they are there. We are wondering if he possible injured it the first time because of disorientation caused by the pain pills. A distinct possibility, but we will never know. At least now everything seems to be under control.

I did have a terrible night's sleep last night. I woke up about 2AM with my hips and knees just aching and had to get up and soak in a hot tub. That helped. Then Chelsea dragged me up at 5Am. So I took her out long enough to relieve herself, fed her and went back to bed until 6AM. Just kept on moving until 9 when I went over to the Care Center to see Dick. He had a reasonable night. No events anyway. I just stayed with him and kind of napped until 11 when I had to go home to take care or the girl.

Bobbie and Bill picked me up between 11:30 and noon and we drove up to Green Bay to Cook's Corner. For those of you who don't know, Cook's Corner was in Manitowoc. An absolutely WONDERFUL kitchen supply store with any kitchen gadget etc that you can think of. It also has a fudge and coffee counter and interesting foods. They closed the Manitowoc store and not too long ago we found out that they had reopened in Green Bay.

They took me to Olive Garden for lunch. We all had the soup and salad lunch. We all had Zuppa Toscana soup too. It was SO good. I wish we would get an Olive Garden in Sheboygan County.

I sure had fun at the store. I found that they carry Revolution brand tea. I got three kinds that I like, Earl Grey with Lavendar, Tropical Green Tea and White Pear tea. I also replaced several gadgets and utensils that needed replacing. Altogether a wonderful day and I feel much more rested and relaxed.

After I got home, I took care of Chelsea, then went over and spent a couple of hours with Dick. We had supper together and then I left.

Bret called tonight. He has been trying to call since I left him the message, but not catching me home. He is fine and sounds so good. I miss my boy.

It was a Beautiful Day. in the mid 70s and sunny. A few trees are beginning to show color which is scary in mid September. Tomorrow it is supposed to get up into the 80s. We have really been on a roller coaster. It was 48 this morning when Chelsea and I walked.

Maxine says: "If there's a law against showing boobs on TV, then what's with all these campaign ads"

Enjoy your Friday.



Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tonight was kind of a meltdown. I am beyond exhaustion. So Dick sent me home at 7:30PM with instructions to get to bed BY 9:00. Sooner if possible.

Got up at 6AM. Walked Chelsea, showered and got over to the Care Center by 8AM so I could have breakfast with Dick. He was all cleaned and ready when I got there. It was a busy morning. He had therapy and people were in and out all morning. Then at 10:30 I went home to walk Chelsea, then picked up Kate Sliwinski, a cousin on the Uelman side, who wanted to share the Uelman genealogy that we have gathered. We drove to Sheboygan Falls and picked up Mother. We ate at the Fireside Pizza and found that we had a LOT to share. Kate remembers coming to my Grandma and Grandpa Bowser's home. It was cool. I got a veggie pizza and have some left for breakfast tomorrow.

We were discussing a church, St. Matthias, out near Long Lake where the Uelman's used to go. Mom told her the story that Grandpa told about the poor young girl who had lost her mother and was treated just terribly by her father and brothers. Finally the poor woman drowned herself in Mauthe Lake. Grandpa remembered them bringing her poor body up from the lake on a farm wagon with her hair streaming down the back of the wagon. Then to add to the poor woman's indignity, she was buried "over the fence" from the graveyard as in those days suicides could not be buried on hallowed ground. We all agreed that it is a good thing that the church has come to its senses about that.

Got back in time to ride with Dick in the Custom Care andTransport Van to The Sheboygan Clinic to see Dr. Mc Calla about the antibiotic drip and Dr. Moreno about the wound on his right foot. Would you believe that Dr. Moreno came DOWN to Dr. Mc Calla's office so Dick did not have to move all over the clinic? He is so caring. The wound is looking good and has shrunk quite a bit.

When we got back I went home for supper and to feed Chelsea. I returned to the center to find that Dr. Fehrman had called. The X Rays from the other day show a couple of small fractures in the foot. We don't know the cause, but they are not bad and we have to be double careful that he keeps off of that foot AND that he keeps the legs up. He will be re x rayed on Tuesday AND see Dr. Fehrman.

Anyway, I am home now and going to bed.

Sleep will be a welcome friend.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I have been back and forth to Plymouth Care Center four round trips today and I am exhausted. Dick is really exhausted too.

First, though, I got up at 6, walked Chelsea and then gave her a bath. She was filthy and this is the day I decided to take her over to see Dick.

I walked over this morning at a little before 9AM. It is about a mile and takes 15 to 20 minutes. An easy walk but I won't want to be doing it in the evening as I wouldn't want to talk it in the dark.

By the time I got there he had already been visited by the Occupational Therapist who is making sure that he can bath and dress himself and is helping get him moving around safely. He had Physical Therapy at about 1oAM. I went down with him. They put him through a nice steady regimen that should keep his muscles in shape and will help him again with moving safely.

I brought lasagna and ate with him in the dining room. He had turkey and said it was quite good. He still has little appetite but did OK.

After lunch, I walked home and got Chelsea ready and in the car. She loves a ride so was very excited. She was a good girl at the Center. Bobbie and Bill were also visiting. I think that was good because she had four people she knew in this room we sat in. We did not stay long as she was kind of hyper and I did not want her to tire Dick or wear out her welcome. She did so well that she can go again in a day or so.

Then I stayed with Dick til it was time to go and give Chelsea her meal and medicine. I stopped at KMart to find some shorts for Dick and at the bank also. I fixed myself supper when I got home. I had more soup.

I stayed with Dick then this evening until about 8. He was sleeping most of the time but likes to have me there.

Now it is time to sleep. I don't seem to really get rested. I did try dozing in the chair we brought for Dick today. But it is hard when they come in every so often to check things. They seem to be coming in all the time, until he pages them for something. Then it takes forever. The nurses are all very kind and caring but often slow in response. I imagine that is simply logistics. They can't be two places at once but sometimes the need gets pretty urgent.

So that is the story of the day. Tomorrow, I will be lunching with Mother and Kate Sliwinski, who is related through the Ullrichs on the Uelman side of the family. Sounds complicated doesn't it. My Grandma Bowser was an Uelman and one of her sisters married an Ullrich. I think. I am sure all will become clearer tomorrow. Anyway we are going to Firehouse Pizza and I have decided that I am going to have pizza. I have been hungry for one for some time now and will satisfy that hunger.

Have a good day. And we appreciate the prayers so much.



Monday, September 15, 2008

This morning I shut Chelsea out of the bedroom and actually slept until 6:30AM. It was such a pleasure and I REALLY needed that extra sleep. Then Chelsea and I had quite a nice walk before I headed over to check in on Dick.

His night was not too good. He woke up and was confused and got himself out of bed and into his wheel chair by himself. Not good. They took an X-Ray just to be sure. Dr. Fehrman will not be able to look at it until tomorrow BUT Dr. De Roos, who actually put Jim back together 20 some years ago, looked at it and did not tell them to bring him right back. He said that Dr. Fehrman can look in the morning. Whew, we think.

Tonight they will put a motion sensor on the floor when Dick is in the bed in case he dozes off and has a similar problem. I will sleep better knowing that.

I went to bible study this morning. We had a nice session and all shared our concerns and will keep each other firmly wrapped in prayer. This is a wonderful support group for us. They are all SO caring and helpful.

I then went over to Mom's for a short visit. A friend of hers picked her up at 11:00 and I was able to help get Mom and her walker into the car. I also picked up a deposit to take to the bank for her. I am her banker, you know.

Dick and I then had lunch together in his room. We had intended to join the guys in the dining room but he was still hooked up to the IV drip and it was just too difficult. So they brought our trays to us. I had ordered a meal to eat with him today. I am glad that I did. It was ribs with broccoli and baked potato and a nice cheesecake/strawberry dessert.

I stayed until about 3:30PM when it was time to go take care of Chelsea and get to my appointment for physical therapy for my knee. Becky did an evaluation and has prescribed three exercises to help strengthen the muscles around the knee. I will see her once a week.

I fixed soup and crackers for my dinner then went back to spend the evening with Dick. I sure hope he sleeps better tonight but we did have a pleasant visit.

This morning I pulled myself together and got two poems sent of to the Robert Frost Foundation poetry contest. I need to be creative again. Actually, during the past couple of weeks, I have crocheted a penguin which I gave to Michelle, a koala bear, who still needs a home and am working on an appliqued St. Basil. I get so restless so have to vary my activities a lot.

Tomorrow, Chelsea gets a bath. Then I can take her to see her man. She will hate the bath and love the little outing.

Nora called tonight and my friend Janet stopped by the Care Center this afternoon. With all the support I received at bible study, I am pretty strong for this evening anyway.

I am going to embellish a Maxine for you for a thought to sleep on. Just think in 40 years we will have a whole bunch of old ladies named Tiffany and Amber with tattoos AND to top that picture off, rap music will be the golden oldies.



Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another rainy day. When Chelsea and I got out for the walk it was really quite pleasant but by the time I went out, intending to WALK to the Care Center, it had started to rain again and did not stop until late this afternoon. At least we did get a good walk.

Dick had a much better night last night. He did not sleep much but at least did not get disorientated when he woke up from naps. I got there at 9AM and stayed there through lunch. I brought some lasagna for myself. They have a microwave to heat bring ins. I can also join him at any meal for the price of $5. The first day I did and the food is really quite good. It was double cool because Jim and Michelle came by and when they found out what WE were doing, Jim went home and got stew and corn bread for THEIR lunch and we all ate together and started watching the Packer Game.

I had to go home for an hour or two but got back in time for us all the see the spectacular ending of the game. Can you believe three interceptions returned for touchdowns. The first half was pretty good too. They had to give us our heart attack and catch up in the fourth quarter though.

Wow, we are starting off at 2 and 0.

I came home at about 7PM and have been spending most of my time taking Chelsea out. She seems to think that I owe her these days. I don't know if she really feels she has to go, after all she does take water pills, if she wants attention or if she wants to go to bed.

Tomorrow or the next day, I will take her in to visit Dick. She will like that I know. Just the ride will make her happy.

Well, we have another adventurous week ahead of us. I know that Dick will start therapy, both physical and occupational tomorrow. We have to get him safely mobile. I will also start some therapy for my knees. They have been getting worse lately and I know that proper exercises would help me.

Thanks for all the prayers. I pray for you all every day too.



Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical.

My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high,

I'd gained some weight, and I didn't feel so hot.

My doctor said eating right doesn't have to

be complicated and it would solve my physical

problems. He said just think in colors...

Fill your plate with bright colors... greens,

yellows, reds, etc.

I went right home and ate an

entire bowl of :

M &Ms