Saturday, February 20, 2010

I had a lovely day. I spent most of it preparing for tomorrow's CWI scone baking meeting and cooking. I measured out the dry ingredients for the scones and made a list of the non dry ingredients to load into the car tomorrow. Then I baked a pie crust and made a strawberry pie for our dessert tonight.

We had our leftovers from Sweet Basel for our noon meal. Then I took a nap. When we were both awake, I helped Dick take his bath and changed the bandage on his right leg.

Chelsea and I went out for several walks today. It was pleasant but she is really getting to be a pest. I am glad we are getting close to March as the weather will continue to improve and it will be less unpleasant as time goes on.

I went to Mass at 4PM. I was Communion Minister which is always a thrill for me. The children's choir was singing tonight. They are always good, but somehow the soloists were not too good tonight. One of them was unintelligible which is a shame because it is distressing for her and for those trying to hear her.

George called tonight. He wanted to tell me that Shawn's wedding invitation had been returned. Apparently, Shawn had been given the wrong city. We will be getting a new one in a week or so. The wedding is in August so no big problem but he wanted me to know. They had to put a doggie down a month or so ago and now have a new one. George said the only problem with the dog is that it is such a loving creature that it's nose is constantly under ones hand wanting to be petted.
Not a bad feature.

So. That was my day. Tomorrow is a scone baking extravaganza. Will be fun.

God love You


Friday, February 19, 2010

Well, the dishwasher is not working. I had a dishwasher full last night and turned it on but somehow or other it got on delay cycle, so I thought that perhaps when I was cleaning it I managed to push the wrong button. I tried to let it run to the delay time but nothing happened. This morning, I called Mike, the appliance guy, who gave me a couple of things to try but they did not work either so he will be here on Monday morning. It is either something very simple, OR we need a new washer, depending on the cost, of course, as it is very old. Mike is very good, we have had him here before and he will tell me.

So I washed dishes this morning and throughout the day. I got to the Dairy Queen today to have lunch with my friends. It was good to see them and visit again. My friend Betty is in Puerto Rico with her daughters on vacation. I had grilled cheese and brought a cheeseburger and fries home for Dick.

I also had to bake two desserts for St. John's Fish Fry. Wednesday after the Ash Wednesday Mass, Fr. Van Beek announced that they were really short of desserts for the first of the Friday fish fries. This is a BIG fundraiser for the church and they have them every Friday during Lent. Starting next week, Dick and I will get take outs. Anyway, I volunteered to bake something and then almost forgot. Usually when I volunteer, it is on a Sunday and I have a week to get it done.

Then, this evening, I went out to Rhine and shot the pistol league. Nancy couldn't come this week but I was able to shoot with Rich and Janet Bieschke so did not have to shoot alone. I did better than last week but certainly still need a lot of work.

Dick and I installed our new Quicken program today. Had to update before April. It will be interesting to see the improvements.

Guess that is all for today. Tomorrow I am home all day except for Mass at 4PM. I am going to gather the ingredients that I need for the scones that CWI is going to bake on Sunday. We are having a scone making session which should be fun. I have several things to tell the group at our meeting.

Til tomorrow then.


Part of an email that I received. An oldie but goodie.

For those of you who watch what you eat, here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies.

1. The Japanese eat very little fat
and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat
and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

3. The Chinese drink very little red wine
and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine
and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.

5. The Germans drink a lot of beer and eat lots of sausages and fats
and suffer fewer heart attacks than us.


Eat and drink what you like.
Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today was mammogram day so I don't have much else to report. That was enough.

Joan came and did the housecleaning this morning. I am so glad that we have her. I can still handle the rest.

The mammogram was at 10:30AM and went well. I don't believe that there are any problems but will know for sure in a couple days. It want well, I was not too uncomfortable.

We had sandwich and salad for lunch as we went out for dinner tonight.

We went to Sweet Basil again. We do like that restaurant. Dick got spaghetti and meatballs as usual and I had the meatloaf. Of course, there is one meal I will not have to cook this weekend again.

I did a bit of sewing for the dolls that I am making. I have a vision of a trio that I will put a picture of on the blog if I ever get them done.

That was my day.

Hope yours was as unenvolved.

God love you


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Grocery shopping day. Chelsea got me up at 1:30AM last night. Then again at 5. I was able to get back to sleep both times and got up finally at 6:30AM. I did all the morning things and was able to be done with Chelsea so I could watch the winner of the Westminster Dog Show interview on GMA. Dick and I watched the show the past two nights. We really do enjoy it. This year the Scottie won the Best in Show.

Shopping went quite well. They had Tb one steaks on sale again so I bought some for the freezer - as if we needed any more meat. Oh well. We are well stocked.

The rest of the day, I spent mainly cooking. I made a broccoli/cauliflower salad and a carrot/pineapple salad and we had tilapia with tater tots and fresh veggies along with the broccoli/cauliflower salad. Num Num

This evening, I went to the Ash Wednesday service at St. Johns. I was communion minister which is always a thrill for me. The children's choir sang which also made it special. Church was, of course, full as it always is for the ashes. Mom and I always laugh because there ARE people who come to church for Christmas, Easter and Ash Wednesday. There was a time when St. Blaze Day was kind of a big deal too. The priest would bless your throat with candles to protect against choking and diseases of the throat. That was another feast that brought out the people who seldom came to any other masses.

I got home to find that Michelle had called while I was gone. She is scheduled for a procedure on Monday afternoon called a LEEP which we are all hoping will correct the problems that she has been experiencing. So I am putting out a prayer call for our Michelle. They will be calling after it is over so I will be able to update you then.

So that was today.

God love you


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chelsea got me up at 2AM this morning. She had a bit of a tummy problem. I am just glad that she does wake me, otherwise we would have messes and that would not be good. I went back to bed and slept, not to soundly, but did sleep until 6AM.

I had to do some driveway scraping and shoveling of sidewalks today. There was just enough snow that I did not want to leave it in case it melted and froze but not enough for our plow people to come and do it.

I had an appointment with our accountant, Mark Miller, to get our taxes started. He thinks from first glance that we should be OK. All we try to do is break even. We are still in the state of trying to figure that out and this year, I will have to start drawing on my IRA.

Then I stopped at the clinic to pick up some more tubabrip for Dick and at Hallmark to buy greeting cards. Eileen checked me out and showed me how to tell how many points I have with Hallmark. I had $18 in credit to use on my cards. Pretty good. I get most of my points from the ornaments that I buy at Christmas.

Home again, I cooked up some Jambalaya Rice with sausage for our Fat Tuesday dinner. Hard to believe that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday already.

I had a very long nap this afternoon, I think that getting up in the middle of the night wears me out. But I wouldn't have it any other way as long as our Chelsea is with us. And every once in a while she does sleep through the night. (Of course, then I wake up at about 5AM and wonder if she is still with us.)

Tomorrow is shopping day and Ash Wednesday service in the evening. Must remember to fast and not eat meat.


God Love You


Monday, February 15, 2010

A busy ME day. To start with, Chelsea got me up at 2AM and then again at 5AM. I went back to bed both times and it was after 7 when I finally woke up for good. I did all my morning things and then left for Bible Study at about 9AM. There were only four of us there this morning. Winters often end up this way. It was a lively discussion, not always on the track of the reading but beneficial. We decided that we really need our friend Joe to keep us on track.

Then over to Mother's to take her pills to her and to have our weekly visit. She shared a folder that she had found in her cedar chest of things relating to Dad. They were certificates from completion of several classes that Dad took over the years. Classes that mother had even forgotten. It seems that he was always curious and eager to learn something new. There was even a correspondence course that went back to when I was only about 7 years old. What a guy.

Home again, I fixed Dick and I a dinner of chicken, veggie loaf and broccoli and then dashed off the the Cream City Writers. I picked up Jena and Kate on my way. We had a nice group. Bill Krauter's girlfriend Shirley was finally able to join us. She had been planning on coming for several months but has health problems and just couldn't. She is charming and read the loveliest story of childhood. I showed them my book and sold two and have three others committed for. WOW. Jena, Beverly and I all have poems accepted in the poet's calender. We are so excited. I will let the Plymouth Review know but, of course, cannot give them the poems until after they are printed in the calender.

Then I took Jena home, and went over to Kate's for a cup of tea before coming home again. My neighbor, Freddie, a good friend of Kate's stopped in just after we got to Kate's. She had been on vacation and was checking in and telling Kate about her trip.

Home again, I had some animals and Dick glad to have me home. That is a nice feeling.

Tonight we are watching the first half of the Westminster Dog show. I just love this show. It is rather weird. The first hour was on USA and the last two hours on CNBC. Oh well, I can watch both and the end tomorrow. I still remember the first year that I stumbled on it. The Papillon won and was such a little ham. He knew that he was cool and fit just beautifully in the cup.

So that is the day. Tomorrow, I am taking my tax information to Mark to get that started. I hope that next year it will be simple enought for me to do myself.

Take care and God love you


Sunday, February 14, 2010

A lovely quiet Sunday. I slept until 6:30AM with only one break in my sleep to take Chelsea out at about 3:30AM.

She was kind of a pest until about 10Am then went to sleep and basically slept most of the day. She did not finish her breakfast this morning so I think it was a bit of an off day for her. She is just plain old.

We had steak, broccoli, spinach salad and garlic bread for our Valentine's dinner. Sure tasted good.

I napped and read this afternoon. I have a really good book, An Irishwoman's Tale, by Patti Lacy. I met her and bought the book when I went to IBAM, last fall in Chicago at the Irish Center there. She was fun and wrote almost a book for me in the inside cover.

We talked to Bart and Barb and Jim and Michelle this weekend. Had received a box of goodies from Bart and Barb. Barb bought them in Germany and I know intended them to be here for Christmas but with her Dad's illness and all they were unable to get them off. She picked out some lovely things AND a pair of Kunert tights from Germany. Wonderful brochure that I can share with everyody.

Wanted to check with Jim and Michelle because Michelle may be having surgery and we were wondering if they knew anything yet. Nothing yet. But pray that all is well.

So. That is our Sunday.

Tomorrow starts a new week. It is quite busy but I feel at least better rested than I have been in a long time.

Take care

God Bless You
