Saturday, September 13, 2008

It rained most of the day and stayed quite warm. When I came home tonight, it was still 70 degrees.

Chelsea and I did not take a very long walk this morning - because of the rain. She also got me up much to early, so after I got her back home and fed her, I went back to bed for an hour. Then I fixed breakfast, showered and got ready to go to see Dick. Jim and Michelle came over at about that time too and they took the green recliner to the Care center. Dick MAY never sit in it but if he gets more mobile, he may find it more comfortable. I think he is afraid that he would not be able to get up if he got in it. A valid concern. I was there by 9AM but he was already really missing me. It was another disturbing night for him. He forgets where he is when he wakes up and tried to get out of bed. I hope that the meds and the trauma dissipate soon and he becomes less forgetful. The day pretty well went OK.

There are nurses all over him and the physical therapist came in today. He will continue that AND start occupational therapy on Monday. He will not be bored.

This morning I called and left a message for Bret and talked to Barb so they would know the situation. Then my Bart called tonight. He had a lot of good advice for us, having gone through traumas to his body and all kinds of med situations. I have made notes of his suggestions and will bring them up to the doctors as the questions arise.

Now that he is closer, I am able to come home to take care of Chelsea easier and to do a few things around here without leaving Dick for long periods of time. I went to Mass at 4PM and then came home for a bit. Jim and Michelle invited me to their place for a delicious beef stew dinner with fresh hot corn bread muffins. It was SO good and such a nice break. Eating at their house gave me the added benefit of not seeing things that need to be done in one's own home. I really have found their help this week invaluable. So good to have children that are near and care so much. We are a lucky couple. ALL of our kids have been so supportive in whatever way they can. I feel their love and know that Dick does too.

Fr. Van Beeck reminded us today in his sermon, that we are not supposed to "instruct" God but to ask for his help and trust that he will do what is best for us. I told Dr. Fehrman on Friday that I figured he had used his skills and knowledge and now the rest is up to God.

As Bret would say. "It'll be OKAY , Mom. Don't worry."

Love You


Friday, September 12, 2008

Dick is all transferred to the Rehab Place. He is at the Plymouth Care Center.

I got up at just after 5AM and really rushed Chelsea on her walk so I could get showered an to the hospital before 7AM. I wanted to be there when Dr. Fehrman came and I MADE it. Dick was again glad to see me. He is still having difficult nights and is SO glad when I get there.

The morning was spent with bathing, therapy, tests and checking out. He had very little time to rest and then the Wheelchair Taxi came. I had intended on leaving earlier and picking up the things that he needed but he wanted me to stay for the checkout so I did that.

I got to the Care Center before he did. Jim and Michelle had hooked up his computer for games and gotten the TV working so the room was as set as it could be. We got there just in time for lunch which we ate together. On the way to the sunroom, which is a bit more private than the dining rooms, Mary, one of the nurses gave us a tour of the facility so Dick could get his bearings. The lunch was delicious, salmon, rice and asparagus with lemon meringue pie for dessert. Then started the admission process. This was exhausting for him but thank heavens it only has to be done once.

I left at just before 3 to try to get a nap. I did manage a short one before the phone rang but it did help, I felt much better for the rest of the day.

I did a load or two of wash and gathered up the things that Dick needs to be comfortable over there. I am so glad that he is so much closer now. On the way I filled the gas tank.

I spent a bit over an hour with Dick. Jim and Michelle came for a quick visit too while I was there. I changed the right food dressing and then left. I had to go to Walmart to exchange the cell phone and get the number and the minutes that I had left transferred. My old one died JUST when I needed to give it to Dick in the Rehab Center. There are no phones in the rooms and it would cost $50 to hook one up PLUS cost for calls. It would have been nice if I did not have to replace the phone but even that only cost $20.

Now I am home and winding down. Chelsea is glad that I am here. She will be in for a surprise next week when I take her to visit Dick. Pets are welcome. Isn't that nice?

Actually, Chelsea is DEMANDING that I go to bed now. So I will not disappoint her.

Now Dick is settled for at least several weeks until we have the safety issues settled. I miss him already. Please also pray for my friend Kate's husband, Ron, who had another stint put in his heart.

Love. Mary

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chelsea and I got up at about 5:30 this morning. It was a perfect day for a walk and I got the kinks out before I headed for Brantmeier to get the car serviced. It was actually past due but now we are back on schedule. Then I came back home to give Chelsea one more chance to empty her very old bladder before I went back to Memorial to be with Dick.

He is doing OK but is very tired and forgetful. I will be so glad when all the meds are out of his system and he is settled down. He is exhausted. Tomorrow, he will be transferred to Plymouth Care Center at the old Valley View Hospital. There he will be safe and undergo therapy to build him up again. Jim, Michelle and I went over there this afternoon to view the room and take a TV over there for Dick. It is a nice room at the end of the hall. I liked the staff. We met the director, the admissions social worker and three of the nurses. The nurses seem to be all named Mary. This will be easy AND confusing.

Jim and Michelle were also taking Dick's computer over so that he will be able to use it. He will have everything but internet. So he can play games and do a lot of other things that are resident. I will be taking his wheelchair and walker and probably the green recliner. He is not too excited about that but I think we will insist. He needs a variety of places to sit and be comfortable. We don't want sore bottoms or anything like that.

I feel bad that I am not more able to be three nurses which seems to be the magic number required at this point to move him safely, but I am not. We will be just fine.

Yesterday I saw Sy Regan walking down the hall so I zipped out to say Hi and found out that his wife Nora had had a second hip replacement. Today, I saw that her door was ajar so asked a nurse if she was "receiving" visitors and then went to see her. She is in great humor and already walking a bit. She had the other hip done in June and because that went so well was willing to do this one. She is really a joy. She told me that she was just glad that she is not a spider. Six more would be just too much.

Tom Keyes and Lorraine Schaap were in the hospital to visit Nora today and I happened to see them so they came in to say HI to Dick and we prayed over him. Prayers are the answer now. We have used his tools, the doctors and medical science and now we need Him to finish the job.

Take care,

I NEED to go to bed now


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another LONGGGGG Day. But I am ready to hang it up finally.

Left for the hospital at 7:30AM. I still missed Dr. Fehrman. But he had talked to Dick at some length and Dick was aware enough (yesterday, as I said, he was not really assimilating the information because of the drugs he was on) to know what the prognosis is.

As I said, it is risky because of the circulation problems. We will just have to wait out the next week to ten days to see if his body is cooperating.

So. I stayed with him until about noon, then zipped home to spend some time with Chelsea and shop and bank. I got back to the hospital at about 3:15Pm. Dick is doing well overall. The nurses love him, of course, and take good care of him. When his dinner came, I went down and got mine so we could eat together.

The person from the social service/release area came and talked to us about what happens when he is released. He cannon put any weight on his left foot for several weeks. We know that he would not be safe at home unless we had full time nursing and a lot of equipment that we DO NOT have. Therefore, we are opting for rehab. There is a rehab center at the old Plymouth Hospital which is about three blocks from here. That is where we went every day for 8 weeks last year to get the antibiotics to clear that horrible infections. We know a lot of people there and it is close. I feel good about that. We have to consider Dick's safety and we want every chance of healing to be there.

Anyway, while I was waiting today, I finished crocheting and assembling a Koala Bear. Maybe I'll take a picture and send it to you tomorrow. I am so delighted with little FUN things these days and my little Koala Bear is cute.


Hey. I did a rundown of yesterday and forgot to tell you a couple of really goofy things that happened. So, you get an extra. In case you already read last night's post you can enjoy these things.

I mentioned that Jim and Michelle went down to the cafeteria to be with me when I ate dinner. We parted on the first floor, they to home and me back up to the 4th floor. I walked down the long hall and into room 451 and THE ROOM WAS EMPTY. The bed was gone with my sweetheart in it. I stood there a second, mouth gaping and then dashed to the desk. Where is he Where is he. They started to laugh and assured me that all was OK. He had been taken down to Dr. Siddique to have the pick line put in his arm and he was back up in about 45 minutes. Right after Dr. Siddique came to talk to me.

The other was not as dramatic. After we hung up from talking to Richard, the desk nurse gave me a note to call a Gene at a Sheboygan number. We didn't recognize the number or remember a Gene who would be calling but I called anyway just in case. This Gene had the wrong hospital or ward or room because he was looking for someone named Elmer. So I took the note back out to the nurse and they do not have an Elmer on the floor.



Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Another VERY long day, though I am winding down much earlier than last night.

Chelsea tried to get me up at 5:45AM. I decided to give her some lettuce and try to rest a bit longer. It only lasted for another half an hour but I REALLY needed that half hour.

I walked her, showered and headed off to the hospital, missing Dr. Fehrman by just minutes. He had been in, told Dick what the plans were and that they were hoping to do the reduction at noonish. So I decided to zip down to the cafeteria for a bagel as I was really hungry by then. To my dismay, when I got back, Dr. Fehrman had been there AGAIN, because he forgot to mark the foot he was working on. A very important thing.

So we sat together, visited when he was not dozing and waited. He did not have TOO bad a night because of the morphine. Then somewhere aroung 10, Bobbie walked in. She had read the blog and my message while having her breakfast after her walk and decided to just come on down. We were sure glad. She left just about the time they were going to come to get him as she had to get home. Bill was due home from work and they were going to visit her mother, Barbara.

He went up to surgery at about 12:30PM. I zipped back down to the cafeteria to get something for lunch and came right back up to the room. I was not taking any chances on missing the doctor again. I did not have to worry about that. There is plenty else to be worrying about as it turns out.

After about an hour the nurse came to tell me that word had come down that they were unable to do the reduction from without and had to operate. Dr. Fehrman even called in Dr. Livermore to try to help but they were unable to put the bones back manually. So, there are now three more wounds and three pins in that poor left foot. Dr. Fehrman came down after the surgery to explain everything. It is, as we all know, very serious because of the poor circulation in his legs. The next week to 10 days will be crucial.

Poor Dick did not get back to the room until almost 4:30. He was a long time in recovery and is still not recovered. Jim and Michelle came at about 3PM and stayed until almost 6, even going down to the cafeteria to stay with me while I ate something. Michelle jokingly said that she WANTED to be there because people who are coming out of anesthetic are funny to listen too. They are too.

He is bothered and can't put his finger on it. Tomorrow we will go through everything with Dr. Fehrman when he is able to hold it all together. I am sure he feels bothered because it has not sunk in that he ended up with a major surgery instead of the manipulation that we so prayed for.

Richard called from Madison and talked to his Dad. That was comforting to Dick. I got home and had a call from Eileen and a message from Nora. These are all so welcome.

Please pray hard that God puts his healing hand on Dick. A Dr. Mc Calla, a infection specialist, has put a pick line in Dick's arm again. He wants to give antibiotics to be sure that the bones are totally clear. Anything to ward off creeping infection. Dr. Siddique put in the pick line and came up to see me. He is such a comfort and I am SO glad that he did that procedure. I got to see a couple other nurses that have helped us over the years and Brian from Dr. Moreno's office. We have way too many friends in the medical profession. They all love Dick.

Anyway, now I am HOME and Chelsea is begging me to go to bed with her. (Either that or she has to go out to "you know what")

I will give her the opportunity for the latter and then we will do the former.

Until tomorrow.

Love you all


Monday, September 08, 2008

It is ten after ten in the evening. Way past my bedtime and I am just starting the blog. Why? you ask?

It all started this morning. I am not sure that I mentioned that Dick's left foot, the one with the surgery, was "bent" He has been walking pigeon toed. It started on Friday evening or Saturday. We noticed that the foot was kind of sideways. We attributed it to the loss of the bone and little toe on that foot, but by Saturday we could not straighten the foot at all and it was hurting. By Sunday he could not walk on it at all. We were both up almost all of Sunday night. He had an appointment with Dr. Moreno at 8:15AM. He is the wound specialist but we had him look at the foot anyway and he said that he thought it might have a break. He ordered an X-ray and sent notice to Dr. Fehrman's office. We went and got the x-ray and they sent us home with more Vikadin.

As we were getting ready to load up, some paramedics came up behind his chair and asked us to move. We were a little startled but they were pushing a woman on a gurney. It was really good luck for us as they helped us get Dick out of the wheel chair and into the car.

Home again, we had a miserable day. At one point it took Jim, Michelle and myself to get him into bed to rest. Then he couldn't stay long because it hurt that way too.

Dr. Fehrman was in surgery until 4:30. W did hear from his nurse who said he would get back to us either tonight or tomorrow. By 4:30 I knew there was NO way we could make it through another night and after much insisting, finally convinced the nurse that Dr. Fehrman HAD to look at the x-rays and get back to us. He finally did at about 5:30PM. The ankle is not broken. There is a dislocation of a bone in the ankle which has twisted the foot into a very unnatural painful position. This CAN be as bad or worse than a break and is obviously every bit as painful.

To make a long story short, Dick is now a patient at Sheboygan Memorial Hospital where they can treat his pain and hopefully provide him with the care he needs. Tomorrow, Dr. Fehrman will go in and fix it. I don't know if it has to be surgically, or if they can do a manual adjustment but he has to be under sedation. He is relieved that something will be done, but very uncomfortable. I am relieved but tired and miss him already.

Tomorrow will come soon and I want to be back there at about 7:30 or so. Therefore Chelsea and I are going to go to bed now. Just wanted to update everybody. Jim and Michelle went with me tonight. It is good to have support.

We appreciate all the prayers and hope that this will be a beginning of improvements. The open wound on the right foot DOES look better.

Take care



Sunday, September 07, 2008

Today was a mixed day. Mostly good. The morning was a worry because Dick is having so much trouble standing. His feet hurt, mainly the heels and ankles and he is afraid to stand on them at all.

Chelsea and I took a shortened walk so that I could get everything done before I went to Blessed Trinity for the Mass and Faire. We did his sequential compressions, changed the dressing on the open wound and fed us all a good breakfast. Then I helped Dick lay down for his morning nap before heading out to Falls.

Bobbie and Bill were here at 11Am and said that he was just getting out of the bathroom when they arrived so Bobbie was able to help him get in his wheel chair and back to the desk, then Bill went to Chester's for burgers and fries all around which they said were Delicious. Chester's makes Burgers and Fries the way they are supposed to be made. Think Bob's Lunch for those of who who lived in Falls.

I got to church at 9 in time for part of the rehearsal. The prelude started at 9:30 with harp and instrumentals with Irish Dancers on the altar, two songs by our combined choir. We had the Blessed Trinity Choir, The choir from St. Peter's Episcopal in Fall, St. John the Baptist in Kohler and St. Mary's in Chilton. A FULL choir and it was beautiful. The Kindrcore also sang. THEN we went into the Mass. The procession in and out was led by a bagpiper, Jo Stauber, a member of Blessed Trinity. Confirmation Students followed him with banners and then the lectors, Deacon Jens, and Fr. Bob. Very impressive. If you have not attended this mass, plan on coming next year. We are very proud of the tradition and the beauty of the service.

Jeff and Kathy came from Hilbert and brought Mother over. She is so precious. My niece Sara came with her boyfriend Bill too. He seems very nice and was puppy sitting. What a guy, he brought the dog with him and the dog was a perfect gentleman.

Randy and Donna worked the beer tent and Becky and Bryan were there with the beautiful Elizabeth. She is growing into such a charmer with the most gorgeous brown eyes in the whole world.

My friend Nancy asked if I was going to sing so I asked the bandleader if I could join them for a song. He and I sang Isle of Innisfree for the crowd. After a few false starts to get the right key it turned out OK and I got hugs all around from the band. The dancers also spelled the band for three sets during the afternoon. They are local dancers and were WONDERFUL and beautiful.

I loved the day and came home to a contented husband. Bobbie and Bill were good for him. When I got home he quite quickly went down for a nap. While was sleeping Jim and Michelle came over for a bit to visit with Bobbie, Bill and me. Bobbie had brought some homemade Mocha Sherbet for four , so I invited Jim and Michelle back for dessert later.

Dick and I had hamburger soup for supper and then capped off a perfect day with the sherbet with Jim and Michelle. I found out that Michelle has another whole week off so we will be seeing them more this week than usual also. That is a nice treat.

So except for the fact that we are concerned about Dick's feet, it turned out to be a mostly up day. Good Deal. Much better to have more ups than downs.

Tomorrow starts doctor visits. Pray that we can figure out the pain problem and pray for my friend Kate's husband Ron who may have to go to St. Luke's on Thursday.

Love you all


A public notice. I think it is important.

*Subject:* Get YOUR FLAG READY

Please join us in this FLY THE FLAG campaign and PLEASE forward this
Email immediately to everyone in your address book asking them to
also forward it. We have a little less than one week and counting to
get the word out all across this great land and into every community
in the United States of America .

On Thursday, September 11th, 2008, an American flag should be
displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the
United States . Every individual should make it their duty to
display an Am erican flag on this seventh anniversary of one our
country's worst tragedies. We do this honor of those who lost their
lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue
to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and
abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed
in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and
stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags
have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some
tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in
solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and
together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds

Tell everyone you know and we can get the flags out there again. Our guys over there and serving us here need to know that we care about them and about our country.