Saturday, September 13, 2008

It rained most of the day and stayed quite warm. When I came home tonight, it was still 70 degrees.

Chelsea and I did not take a very long walk this morning - because of the rain. She also got me up much to early, so after I got her back home and fed her, I went back to bed for an hour. Then I fixed breakfast, showered and got ready to go to see Dick. Jim and Michelle came over at about that time too and they took the green recliner to the Care center. Dick MAY never sit in it but if he gets more mobile, he may find it more comfortable. I think he is afraid that he would not be able to get up if he got in it. A valid concern. I was there by 9AM but he was already really missing me. It was another disturbing night for him. He forgets where he is when he wakes up and tried to get out of bed. I hope that the meds and the trauma dissipate soon and he becomes less forgetful. The day pretty well went OK.

There are nurses all over him and the physical therapist came in today. He will continue that AND start occupational therapy on Monday. He will not be bored.

This morning I called and left a message for Bret and talked to Barb so they would know the situation. Then my Bart called tonight. He had a lot of good advice for us, having gone through traumas to his body and all kinds of med situations. I have made notes of his suggestions and will bring them up to the doctors as the questions arise.

Now that he is closer, I am able to come home to take care of Chelsea easier and to do a few things around here without leaving Dick for long periods of time. I went to Mass at 4PM and then came home for a bit. Jim and Michelle invited me to their place for a delicious beef stew dinner with fresh hot corn bread muffins. It was SO good and such a nice break. Eating at their house gave me the added benefit of not seeing things that need to be done in one's own home. I really have found their help this week invaluable. So good to have children that are near and care so much. We are a lucky couple. ALL of our kids have been so supportive in whatever way they can. I feel their love and know that Dick does too.

Fr. Van Beeck reminded us today in his sermon, that we are not supposed to "instruct" God but to ask for his help and trust that he will do what is best for us. I told Dr. Fehrman on Friday that I figured he had used his skills and knowledge and now the rest is up to God.

As Bret would say. "It'll be OKAY , Mom. Don't worry."

Love You


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