Saturday, November 04, 2017

Felt awful most of the day.   Guess is is the leftovers from the Chemo that I had on Tuesday.   The effects do seem to hit a few days after the infusion.    Sure glad that I didn't have to go anywhere today.    I mainly slept but did some sewing and baking too.   I won't let the "bastard" get ME down.

Tomorrow is another quiet day.   I will go to mass in the morning and then see how things go.

I have changed my clocks.    Sure glad that some do themselves.    I am trying to stay up a bit later, but am SO tired.    I wake up after a couple of hours and have trouble getting back to sleep.   Trying to stay up that extra hour will be a challenge.  Nicky is not the most stimulating conversationalist.

Dia Dhuit



Friday, November 03, 2017

I am so glad that the weekend is upon us.   I am so SICK of going to the Cancer Center every day for the radiation treatment.     It leaves me exhausted and squishy feeling.

Two days to feel semi human again.   Only 12 more treatments.   Two weeks and two days.   The last day I will have another double up with chemo again.     Shuckens.   But this too is getting to an end.

I worked on a quilting project today.   Almost have the picture complete, then just need to get to a shop to get sizing and backing, if I don't have any in my stash.   I know I need sizing.

It was a lovely though cool day today.   Nicky and I are taking short walks now, if the weather is good.    Still not going around the block.   I think I would get too tired, but we go up a block and then back when we get the mail.     Good thing.  After all, I did get him to "walk me":)

Supposed to be up in the 80's for both tomorrow and Sunday.    Boy are we on a weather roller coaster.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Back to simple radiation only today.   I am still exhausted from the double chemo/rad  and should not have to do that ever again.   Should be done with all treatments, as I say, by mid December and be declared cancer free early in 2018.   Yea.    

Aside from the Rad treatment, it was a very quiet day.   Good thing as I took a two hour nap this afternoon.   I did switch out my Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations.   So something got done.

Tomorrow.  Same old, same old.   Radiation and whatever.

til then

Dia Dhuit


Tuesday, October 31, 2017


I survived my radiation/chemo double up OK.   It took five hours.    I got there on time at 9:30AM.  They were running behind so it was 10AM before they took my blood for Labs.   Then I was late,  10:30 when they got me back to the Chemo place.    BUT they don't have enough people in the lab and it was 12:30 or later when they finally started the infusions.     I wasn't home until 2:30PM.   They tell me to EAT then keep me prisoner over lunch hour.   Go figure.

So the whole day is shot as I have little or no strength for anything.   6PM to 8PM I have to be ON for the trick or treat kids.   So far I have had three sets.  It is 6:30PM already but I imagine the last hour will be the busiest. 

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


Sunday, October 29, 2017

It was a cool but lovely day here in Lawton OK>

I went to the 8:30AM mass and joined friends for coffee and donuts in the hall afterwards.    Saw my friend Pam for the first time in weeks.  Seems she was not feeling well about the time I started back to church.    Go figure.

Gave Nicky a bath today.    He was getting a bit doggy smelly.    He doesn't seem to mind baths.   I remember  that Zero used to just hate them and would cower in terror at the word.

Aside from that, just rested.   I am feeling  somewhat tired and "frayed".

Well I am almost half way through all of the chemo AND radiation.   Should be done before Christmas.  Yeaaaaa.

Dia Dhuit
