Tuesday, October 31, 2017


I survived my radiation/chemo double up OK.   It took five hours.    I got there on time at 9:30AM.  They were running behind so it was 10AM before they took my blood for Labs.   Then I was late,  10:30 when they got me back to the Chemo place.    BUT they don't have enough people in the lab and it was 12:30 or later when they finally started the infusions.     I wasn't home until 2:30PM.   They tell me to EAT then keep me prisoner over lunch hour.   Go figure.

So the whole day is shot as I have little or no strength for anything.   6PM to 8PM I have to be ON for the trick or treat kids.   So far I have had three sets.  It is 6:30PM already but I imagine the last hour will be the busiest. 

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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