Saturday, January 12, 2019

 Another day at home.   The only time I left the house was to let Nicky take me for a walk this afternoon.   It was really too cold, 42degrees, but the wind was down and I thought the exercise would be good for both of us.

The rest of the day just passed.   The pain patch does not seem to be doing much for pain, but leaves me exhausted.    Will have to call Dr. Aye about that on Monday.   I am sleeping better anyway.

Tomorrow is Sunday again.   Mass in the morning and then another day at home.

Dia Dhuit

Thursday, January 10, 2019

A chilly and cloudy day today.    I was home for most of it,  Just a quick errand about 11AM.  

It was OK for Nicky and I to take our walk this afternoon.   It is supposed to rain tomorrow so walking will be out.

Tomorrow is another day at home, but I have a couple of chores that I want to get done.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, January 09, 2019

It was a nice day.   I went to Mass this morning and then after Mass to the Bible Study.    We are starting a new study of St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians.    Very interesting.

The rest of the day was Very quiet.   I called Dolores to wish her a happy birthday.   We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family.   Dolores is one of the special ones.  She and I were thanking our lucky stars for all the great people in our families, down to great grandchildren now.    WOW>

Dia Dhuit


Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Just got home from the Writer's Club meeting.   Our first one of 2019

Got home just as the president was finishing and the democrats are starting their talks.    I don't feel bad missing the talk as that is probably all we will hear for the next three days at lease.

The writer's club meeting was good.  Only three of us but we heard a good chapter from Carlos and they said they enjoyed my poems.

Dia Dhuit

Sunday, January 06, 2019

The snow is ALL gone..   Today was cloudy and a bit breezy but the temps were in the upper 50s.  So Nicky and I took a walk this afternoon.   He thinks we should go for a walk every day (unless it try to take him out in the rain or snow.) 

I went to the 8:30AM Mass this morning.    It was a nice Mass.  Fr. Phil talked about the Magi coming to acknowledge Jesus birth because of the star.    I wonder if anybody would pay attention to a star these days?

The rest if the day was quiet.   I did a load of wash but nothing else terrible productive.

Tomorrow I see Dr. Aye.  Perhaps she will have some answers to the discomfort I am experiencing.   One can hope:)

Dia Dhuit
