I have been home all day. Today this was good.
However. I slept until 8AM. I often do this, but this morning, I did not have Roxie waking me up to feed her at four, or five or six or seven. She really is not eating or drinking much that I can see. I am quite worried. This evening, I opened a can of tuna and gave her the drained tuna water. She did drink all of that and I put some on her dinner food. Hopefully, she is just a bit under the weather. I will be watching her very closely.
I finished the Wee Thatched Cottage wall hanging that I have been working on. I am pleased. Members can display their work at Plymouth Arts Center later this month and I will take it there.
I also have my desk in such good shape that I can find things and have finished a couple of small projects. Things just get buried.
Tomorrow I am going to Mass as I was assigned Lector duties. I hope she remembers when the new schedule comes out that I prefer Saturdays.
Tomorrow is also quiet but I want to finish two writing projects and straighten out my sewing area for the next project which is fast approaching.
Dia Dhuit
Saturday, November 08, 2014
9th Annual Celtic Christmas Tea

Beth Dippel | 3:09pm Nov 7 |
9th Annual Celtic Christmas Tea
Nollaig shona. Merry Christmas. It’s time to begin your holiday celebration .
Be sure not to miss the 9th annual Celtic Christmas tea scheduled for Saturday, December 6, 2014 when The Drowsy Maggies entertain us with a combination of traditional Irish music sprinkled with something for the holidays.
The event will be held at the Plymouth Historical Society, 420 East Mill Street, Plymouth, WI from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
This is a collaborative Irish/Christmas program sponsored by the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, the Sheboygan County Chapter of Celtic Women International and the Plymouth Historical Society.
Christmas treats, traditional brown bread, tea and coffee will be served in addition to the great music and even better conversation. A donation of $4 per person is requested to help cover costs of the entertainment. This event is open to the public. Call 920.467.4667 for questions.
Nollaig shona. Merry Christmas. It’s time to begin your holiday celebration .
Be sure not to miss the 9th annual Celtic Christmas tea scheduled for Saturday, December 6, 2014 when The Drowsy Maggies entertain us with a combination of traditional Irish music sprinkled with something for the holidays.
The event will be held at the Plymouth Historical Society, 420 East Mill Street, Plymouth, WI from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
This is a collaborative Irish/Christmas program sponsored by the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, the Sheboygan County Chapter of Celtic Women International and the Plymouth Historical Society.
Christmas treats, traditional brown bread, tea and coffee will be served in addition to the great music and even better conversation. A donation of $4 per person is requested to help cover costs of the entertainment. This event is open to the public. Call 920.467.4667 for questions.

Thursday, November 06, 2014
This is going to be really short.
I had a super time at Lakeland at the Great Lakes Writer's Festival. I was able to see the opening event and attend the afternoon workshop. Both very good. Fun and educational. My friend, Beverly from the Cream City Writers was able to come in the morning so we had lunch together also.
I got home at about 4PM and then had choir practice at 6PM. That went well too.
The only problem is that my ribs have been sore all day. I have no idea why they have been acting up. I get one area healed and another starts. Dag nab it.
Dia Dhuit
I had a super time at Lakeland at the Great Lakes Writer's Festival. I was able to see the opening event and attend the afternoon workshop. Both very good. Fun and educational. My friend, Beverly from the Cream City Writers was able to come in the morning so we had lunch together also.
I got home at about 4PM and then had choir practice at 6PM. That went well too.
The only problem is that my ribs have been sore all day. I have no idea why they have been acting up. I get one area healed and another starts. Dag nab it.
Dia Dhuit
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Poor little Roxie had to go have her blood tested again today. She was not a happy girl at all. As Dr. Connors and I agreed, she probably cannot understand why a princess such as her should be treated in such a manner. Today was the day for her fluids so I had them do it when they took her blood test. No sense having her go through two times of distress in one day. Her liver/kidney functions are doing OK. We are adjusting her pills again because there is still some iron deficiency.
I had lunch with my High School friends. Three our four times a year whoever is able just meet somewhere for lunch. We were out at Black River in Sheboygan this time. I had not been to that particular restaurant. Good food and it is always fun to visit with old friends. Driving through that area of Sheboygan was odd. We used to live at Creekside Condos on the south side about 20 years ago. I have not been that way for YEARS. The Sunnyside Mall is hardly a mall anymore looks rather deserted though there are some businesses there.
I did my grocery shopping on the way home. I stocked up some on baking items that were on sale. After Thanksgiving it will be time to start baking.
Spent the afternoon on bookwork and some sewing. I have to finish my bookwork in the morning because I need copies and Roxie is sleeping on the copy machine these days. Normally I would move her but she has had a traumatic day and I like to baby her then.
Have been getting a bunch of pictures from our Nora of my great grandson, Marcus. A bunch of him trick or treating and another group of him ice skating. He skates better than I ever did. He is growing so fast. What a precious little man.
Tomorrow the Great Lakes Writer's Festival is at Lakeland College. I am going to go for the day. I will not be able to stay for the night events because I will be going to choir practice at St. John's. But will be able to attend the talks and have lunch with friends.
This week has been SO busy.
Dia Dhuit
I had lunch with my High School friends. Three our four times a year whoever is able just meet somewhere for lunch. We were out at Black River in Sheboygan this time. I had not been to that particular restaurant. Good food and it is always fun to visit with old friends. Driving through that area of Sheboygan was odd. We used to live at Creekside Condos on the south side about 20 years ago. I have not been that way for YEARS. The Sunnyside Mall is hardly a mall anymore looks rather deserted though there are some businesses there.
I did my grocery shopping on the way home. I stocked up some on baking items that were on sale. After Thanksgiving it will be time to start baking.
Spent the afternoon on bookwork and some sewing. I have to finish my bookwork in the morning because I need copies and Roxie is sleeping on the copy machine these days. Normally I would move her but she has had a traumatic day and I like to baby her then.
Have been getting a bunch of pictures from our Nora of my great grandson, Marcus. A bunch of him trick or treating and another group of him ice skating. He skates better than I ever did. He is growing so fast. What a precious little man.
Tomorrow the Great Lakes Writer's Festival is at Lakeland College. I am going to go for the day. I will not be able to stay for the night events because I will be going to choir practice at St. John's. But will be able to attend the talks and have lunch with friends.
This week has been SO busy.
Dia Dhuit
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Election November 2014
And all I am going to say is that I did do my civic duty and voted this morning. I hope everybody else did too. It takes all the voices to come to a real consensus.
It was a nice day. I had breakfast with my friend Bob Fleming this morning. We met at 9AM at the Log Cabin. Haven't visited for a while so we had a lot to catch up on. He is enjoying his home ownership but I can tell it has been more work than he thought. At least, he can pretty much do what he wants. He had two trees cut down and is going to do sculptures of two of the trunks which he left standing. I will look forward to seeing that.
Left him and stopped by UCC where we had celebrated the CWI Samhain dinner. I had "stolen" one of their serving spoons. I discovered it two days later and finally managed to bring it home. Don't want to go to hell for stealing from a church. There are lot more fun things.
I voted next and then stopped at the Sewing Basket. I told Bob and Peg Hurrie's son that I would do a stitchery of the Black Pig sign for their restaurant. I have been mulling it over and stopped to pick up the fabrics that I believe will do the job. It is a fun project. I am putting embellishments on the Wee Thatched Cottage every day. Should be done by the end of the week.
I baked green tomato muffins this afternoon. Boy are they good. Jeff came by with some documents I need for Mom and some genealogy info so I was able to share and send some home with him.
Roxie has to go to the doctor tomorrow. Poor little girl, she gets so upset. It is the day that fluids are injected too. How much can she bear?
So the end of a busy day. I am pleased.
Dia dhuit
It was a nice day. I had breakfast with my friend Bob Fleming this morning. We met at 9AM at the Log Cabin. Haven't visited for a while so we had a lot to catch up on. He is enjoying his home ownership but I can tell it has been more work than he thought. At least, he can pretty much do what he wants. He had two trees cut down and is going to do sculptures of two of the trunks which he left standing. I will look forward to seeing that.
Left him and stopped by UCC where we had celebrated the CWI Samhain dinner. I had "stolen" one of their serving spoons. I discovered it two days later and finally managed to bring it home. Don't want to go to hell for stealing from a church. There are lot more fun things.
I voted next and then stopped at the Sewing Basket. I told Bob and Peg Hurrie's son that I would do a stitchery of the Black Pig sign for their restaurant. I have been mulling it over and stopped to pick up the fabrics that I believe will do the job. It is a fun project. I am putting embellishments on the Wee Thatched Cottage every day. Should be done by the end of the week.
I baked green tomato muffins this afternoon. Boy are they good. Jeff came by with some documents I need for Mom and some genealogy info so I was able to share and send some home with him.
Roxie has to go to the doctor tomorrow. Poor little girl, she gets so upset. It is the day that fluids are injected too. How much can she bear?
So the end of a busy day. I am pleased.
Dia dhuit
Monday, November 03, 2014
Pleasant day
It was a good Monday.
Bible Study was interesting. We have started reading the scripture itself from our own bibles. It is always kind of special to hear the word in the different translations. We have everything from the King James to the Contemporary English to the New American Bible and several in between. Sometimes a translation gives a different slant on something. The message is basically the same but different nuances come out in different translations.
Went right to Meadow View to see Mom and managed to get there just as they were taking one of my communion people for his dialysis. They have made his appointment earlier on Mondays and last week he had already left. All I can do is try or as I did last week, I left it for him. He said that he did get it but it is important to have the people contact too. Everyone else was OK today.
Mom and I had a really good visit. We were talking about a bit of genealogy and how she enjoyed the kids that came for Halloween treats and especially for a Halloween visit for treats from Becky and Elizabeth. Saw Elizabeth's new school picture. What a darling.
Then I went to see my friend Joan Kramer for a reflexology treatment today. That Is SO relaxing. I believe I have told you that she is an RN. She always takes blood pressure. Mine was high again today. It was even higher when she checked me after the treatment. Odd. But it was not too bad and the bottom was ok so I'll just watch it.
Home again did I ever have a happy kitty. She must have just been lonely because she cuddled and purred and was really clingy. She finally has settled down but has not eaten her supper this.
Tomorrow I am having breakfast with my friend Bob Fleming, then voting and finally going to the Sewing Basket to browse. I'll be home before lunch so my sweet kitty shouldn't be so lonely.
Hope your week is going well too.
Dia Dhuit
Bible Study was interesting. We have started reading the scripture itself from our own bibles. It is always kind of special to hear the word in the different translations. We have everything from the King James to the Contemporary English to the New American Bible and several in between. Sometimes a translation gives a different slant on something. The message is basically the same but different nuances come out in different translations.
Went right to Meadow View to see Mom and managed to get there just as they were taking one of my communion people for his dialysis. They have made his appointment earlier on Mondays and last week he had already left. All I can do is try or as I did last week, I left it for him. He said that he did get it but it is important to have the people contact too. Everyone else was OK today.
Mom and I had a really good visit. We were talking about a bit of genealogy and how she enjoyed the kids that came for Halloween treats and especially for a Halloween visit for treats from Becky and Elizabeth. Saw Elizabeth's new school picture. What a darling.
Then I went to see my friend Joan Kramer for a reflexology treatment today. That Is SO relaxing. I believe I have told you that she is an RN. She always takes blood pressure. Mine was high again today. It was even higher when she checked me after the treatment. Odd. But it was not too bad and the bottom was ok so I'll just watch it.
Home again did I ever have a happy kitty. She must have just been lonely because she cuddled and purred and was really clingy. She finally has settled down but has not eaten her supper this.
Tomorrow I am having breakfast with my friend Bob Fleming, then voting and finally going to the Sewing Basket to browse. I'll be home before lunch so my sweet kitty shouldn't be so lonely.
Hope your week is going well too.
Dia Dhuit
Sunday, November 02, 2014
I liked today. Bobbie and Bill picked me up at about 11:30AM to go to Memories in Port Washington. This is the fourth of the season dinner theater tickets that they gave me for Christmas. One more to go and it will be a Christmas musical called An L. M Montgomery Christmas.
We had a really good dinner. Lasagna, ham, au graten potatoes, veggies, their famous fluff (this time Pumpkin) and Cherry Pretzel torte. Wow. Then we waited and waited and waited. We and the other attendees were wondering when this thing was going to start. Finally, one of the owners got on stage and begged us for patience. It seemed that one of the four performers had gotten stuck in a traffic jam around highway 45 and 41 and was inching his way to the theater. Then we weren't upset any more as we could see that this would be a problem:) A bit later he came up and as they had decided to give us our dessert while we were waiting. That did it. I was done with my dessert just when they were able to start. When there are only four actors, it is pretty hard to do a play.
It was well worth the wait. A comedy called Harris Cashes Out. Well done and funny as all get out.
Dia Dhuit
We had a really good dinner. Lasagna, ham, au graten potatoes, veggies, their famous fluff (this time Pumpkin) and Cherry Pretzel torte. Wow. Then we waited and waited and waited. We and the other attendees were wondering when this thing was going to start. Finally, one of the owners got on stage and begged us for patience. It seemed that one of the four performers had gotten stuck in a traffic jam around highway 45 and 41 and was inching his way to the theater. Then we weren't upset any more as we could see that this would be a problem:) A bit later he came up and as they had decided to give us our dessert while we were waiting. That did it. I was done with my dessert just when they were able to start. When there are only four actors, it is pretty hard to do a play.
It was well worth the wait. A comedy called Harris Cashes Out. Well done and funny as all get out.
Dia Dhuit
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