Sunday, November 02, 2014

I liked today.     Bobbie and Bill picked me up at about 11:30AM to go to Memories in Port Washington.  This is the fourth of the season dinner theater tickets that they gave me for Christmas.   One more to go and it will be a Christmas musical called An L. M Montgomery Christmas.

We had a really good dinner.   Lasagna, ham, au graten potatoes, veggies, their famous fluff (this time Pumpkin) and Cherry Pretzel torte.   Wow.   Then we waited and waited and waited.   We and the other attendees were wondering when this thing was going to start.   Finally, one of the owners got on stage and begged us for patience.   It seemed that one of the four performers had gotten stuck in a traffic jam around highway 45 and 41 and was inching his way to the theater.   Then we weren't upset any more as we could see that this would be a problem:)   A bit later he came up and as they had decided to give us our dessert while we were waiting.   That did it.   I was done with my dessert just when they were able to start.  When there are only four actors, it is pretty hard to do a play.

It was well worth the wait.   A comedy called Harris Cashes Out.   Well done and funny as all get out.

Dia Dhuit


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