Friday, August 19, 2011

Well, this has been a discouraging day unless it turns out to be the crossroads to health for Dick.

I got a call this morning that Dick was feeling more pain in his chest, neck and shoulder and that he was terribly flushed, especially on the left side of his face.   They had contacted Dr. Sharon and he asked that they send him to Sheboygan Memorial for a complete evaluation.   I went over to Rocky Knoll to be there when the ambulance came to make the transfer.    We got to Sheboygan Memorial shortly before noon.

After all the preliminary tests, they decided to admit him.   So,  up we went to the third floor for the next day or two.   A hospitalist, Dr. Mansoor Mirza, is the doctor in charge today.   I am quite pleased.   After gathering all the information, he came in to talk to us and was very clear and kind in his diagnosis at this point.   Of course, there is much more information to gather.  He has ordered a Cat-scan, as an example.

At this point, he has ordered intravenous antibiotics for the pneumonia, a diuretic to help release the fluids in his lungs and has cancelled his blood pressure meds because his blood pressure is again so low.  He has expressed concern that Dick's heart seems to be enlarged, probably because it is working so hard to try to cure the pneumonia and heal his body.

So.  We all need to pray.  He sent me home a bit after three to rest and I am going to bed very soon.   I am exhausted I know.   And with him in good hands, I can rest.

So. Til tomorrow.   Call or email if you have questions.

God love you and protect us all.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Not a great day.   The weather was absolutely perfect.   Not humid and pleasantly warm.   With the green all around us in beautiful Wisconsin  we can be grateful for and mist hang on to the beauty of the days.

However,   I went to Rocky Knoll at 11:30AM to find that Dick was not feeling well at all.  His temperature was up and his pain in his chest is more intense.   The nurses were in contact with Dr. Sharon.   My mid afternoon they put him on a different antibiotic.  Blood tests have been taken and we are waiting for the results of them.

Before I left his temperature had dropped by two degrees and he seemed a bit more comfortable.   He has a long way to go, but I hope that new antibiotic has kicked in really quickly.

Nice night on the phone.  Richard called and Jim and Michelle called.   I called Dick a few minutes ago and he sounds weak still but seems to be alert.   They convinced him to go to bed early.    He is always afraid of waking up and not getting back to sleep.   I reminded him that he can ask for more sleep aids at that point.

So the day is done,  I am tired and am going to bed very early again to read and wind down.

So until tomorrow


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A typical Wednesday.    I went grocery shopping this morning.  That went well.    I was home a bit after 10AM and put everything away.     I bought some really good cinnamon rolls for breakfast. 

I worked around the house this morning and got to Rocky Knoll at 11:30AM.   Dick is still very weak but said that the sharpness of the pain in the chest has eased some.    We had lunch together.   Then he had his PT.   They are doing things that don't cause breathing trouble and he is not standing until this is healed.   He is still exhausted when he is done.

Today was the weekly cocktail hour at On the Rocks.   We went there at 3PM.   When we got back I was so tired and Dick really wanted me to stay so I napped for a bit.  He doesn't care as long as I am there.  

So now I am home again.   I slept like the dead last night and am hoping for a repeat tonight.   I don't have to be up at any specific time either so I may be a slug a bed in the morning.

It is a lovely day.   I heard that it was supposed to rain in Sheboygan county but we did not get a drop here.   I will now go an water the hanging plant on the porch and call it a night.

Bless you all


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am amazed at the resilience of kitties.   Roxie is so patient and loving through all of this and I know that she is lonely with the house empty so much of her day.  When I come home she is always glad to see me.   She cuddles me and purrs her little heart out and she comes in to bed gratefully with me.   She spends most of the night either sleeping on my legs or over on the other side of the bed.

I have been opening the deck sliding door for her in the mornings.   She likes to hang out there for a while.   The other day she and a squirrel were looking at each other.   Made me a bit nervous but they seemed to be content that neither was a threat to the other.

Servicemaster came today and cleaned the carpets.   Boy did they need it.   I told Jim and Katie to bring the super cleaners as I had been putting it off, first because of Dick's surgeries and then because of the house leaks.

How nice to have the carpets clean and Katie gave me a solution that took up the black spots that had started appearing here and there.

After they left, I fixed my lunch and did a few things then left for Rocky Knoll.   Dick has been weak and has been experiencing pain in his chest.   It has been diagnosed as pneumonia (again) and he is on antibiotics again.

I ate lunch with him, then went with him to therapy.   He is very weak and is not up to games or walks but I just sat with him and read when he napped.   Dr. Sharon came in today and ordered a couple of more tests and treatments that might help heal him more quickly and perhaps prevent a reoccurance.,

As the diagnosis involved a trip to Sheboygan Memorial last night.  The ambulance picked him up at 6 and he got back to Rocky Knoll after 9:30PM.  Thank God for Tim at Custom care and Transport.  The hospital called him when we were ready to go back and just said that she had a patient to be transported back to Rocky Knoll.   He asked the nurse if this was a Medicaid patient.    I heard that and told her to tell Tim that it was Ernest Kunert.     He said and I quote. " OH.  Ernie!  I'll be there as soon as I can."      

There are wonderful people in this world.  I was walking a bit to stretch my legs and ran into Fr. Van Beek.  He was trying to find the way out, so I helped him.  When he found out Dick was a patient, he came to therapy to meet him and wish him well.   I was pleased.   Fr. Van Beek will be retiring in June of next year.
He still look pretty bent over but I saw a light in his eyes so feel that he is recovering finally from his injuries of several months ago. 

I came home at 4PM.   Roxie was very glad to see me.   I put the living room furniture back in place and fixes a bit of supper.  

Since I was up so late last night, I will go to bed early tonight.  

I can read until I am ready to fall asleep.

Be happy


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hello everyone

A lovely Sunday.   Richard and Brenda had spent the night so we had a leisurely breakfast this morning after a nice night's sleep.   Then I left for 10AM Mass at Rocky Knoll.   The mass was again very meaningful.  The Capuchin priest who officiate are very good and bring the lessons of the scripture to today.

When I got back to Dick's room Richard and Brenda were there.    So we all went into the visiting area outside his room and visited until it was almost time for lunch and Richard and Brenda wanted to get on the road for home.   Dick and I are so grateful to them for coming to celebrate our 25th and to thank them and Bobbie and Bill for the gift to Dick of the wireless computer.  He can get back into a stimulating routine again.

We had lunch together.  I ate my leftover meatloaf from last night.    Then we went for a nice walk.   It was perfect out there.  Each time we walk, we do seem to get a bit further.  The grounds are really very pleasant.  Today it was warm with a really gentle breeze.   The sun was not too hot. and the air was fresh and smelled like fresh cut grass.

Dick and I played a game or two or Rummy,  then I came home.  I was so tired that I slept for 40 minutes just like that.  

Now I am finishing up things here so that I can go to bed early to prepare for a busy Monday.

God love you all
