Thursday, August 18, 2011

Not a great day.   The weather was absolutely perfect.   Not humid and pleasantly warm.   With the green all around us in beautiful Wisconsin  we can be grateful for and mist hang on to the beauty of the days.

However,   I went to Rocky Knoll at 11:30AM to find that Dick was not feeling well at all.  His temperature was up and his pain in his chest is more intense.   The nurses were in contact with Dr. Sharon.   My mid afternoon they put him on a different antibiotic.  Blood tests have been taken and we are waiting for the results of them.

Before I left his temperature had dropped by two degrees and he seemed a bit more comfortable.   He has a long way to go, but I hope that new antibiotic has kicked in really quickly.

Nice night on the phone.  Richard called and Jim and Michelle called.   I called Dick a few minutes ago and he sounds weak still but seems to be alert.   They convinced him to go to bed early.    He is always afraid of waking up and not getting back to sleep.   I reminded him that he can ask for more sleep aids at that point.

So the day is done,  I am tired and am going to bed very early again to read and wind down.

So until tomorrow


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