Saturday, August 26, 2017


Yesterday, Dr. Trachte put the medi-port in my left upper chest.   I was just too tired and sore to post last night.

Barbara and I had to laugh today.  She has been reminding me to use my left hand because of the surgery on my right side.   Now what do I do:)

I was very uncomfortable and having trouble getting air in for a while yesterday and during the night,   BUT after a good afternoon nap, I am feeling much better.    As Dad would say.   "I might live." 

My neighbor and Celtic friend Robbi walked down to visit me this afternoon.   I love company so that was a pleasure.   She is an amazing woman.

I am watching the coverage of the devastation from Hurricane Harvey.   When I see some of the trees literally toppeled overe with the roots exposed I am reminded of my childhood.

We lived near a woods.   We played in that woods.   At least a couple of times there were storms bad enough that they toppeled some of those OLD BIG trees in the woods.   We would go out to play and use those old root bases for forts and shelter.   What a childhood.   My "woods" is now all houses.

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Another busy day.    I saw my surgeon, Dr. Trachte, this morning.   He is pleased with my progress and says that I CAN drive if I want to.  

Bart will still come with me to doctor appointments as they seem to involve more intense treatments AND it doesn't hurt to have a couple of sets of ears and eyes knowing what is happening.

Tomorrow I will get the "port" implanted in my upper chest so that they can give me the chemo treatments through that rather than a new source of entry every time. 

My first Chemo is on Tuesday.   I have FIVE different prescriptions ready for any possible reaction.  Whew.

Well, I don't usually get the reactions they mention for meds.   Maybe I will luck out:)

Until tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Another Day another Medical professional:)

Today, Bart took me to the Cancer Center at CMM for my instructions on what will be coming up and expected of me starting next Tuesday when I will get my first Chemo treatment for this cancer thing that is inside me.

A wonderful nurse sat with me and went through reams of paper  - instructions and information - on what will happen and what could possible be expected.   I now have four thick folders of STUFF.   I will start my own library soon.   I AM really glad they do this.   At least a person has some idea what to expect.   After all, they will be trying to destroy evil cells in my body and it is not a pretty sight.

Tomorrow, I will see my surgeon and then am free until Monday when I will have my consultation with my radiologist.   I need both chemo and radiation.

I will be having chemo every three weeks and it works out perfectly with the England/Wales trip.  Now if we can get the radiation to work as well.

Dia dhuit


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

An appointment with Dr. Aiku, my family practitioner, today.   She is pleased with how far I can come and repeated the mantra that I keep hearing.   EAT!!!   I am maintaining since I am home, but still am not really adding any pounds to me.    I keep trying.  Tonight I am going to eat a pork chop, corn and sliced tomato.   I had most of a burrito for lunch and am starting to drink Boost or Ensure to add calories and carbs. 

Tomorrow, I go to a class at the Cancer Center to learn about the chemo treatments and what is going to happen.   I am glad they do that.  I feel so lost in all of this medical stuff.  

I did ask if I could drive, but she said that I would have to have gone through Chemo and know how I am going to react to that stuff.   I hate being dependent on others but love that others are willing to LET me be dependent on them.   How blessed am I?

Dia dhuit


Monday, August 21, 2017

I slept through the eclipse.  

Had appointment with the oncologist which took HOURS.   By the time I got home all I could think of was food and rest.   I did both and am not sorry that I missed the event.  There will be pictures of it all over for weeks.  I will just enjoy them.

The next couple of weeks will be getting into the treatment part of my cancer.  Since I will be able to still to to ENGLAND/WALES I figure that it is all just a logistics thing.  RIGHT.   Just say Right.

Tomorrow I see my general practicioner.    Then the next day classes on what is involved in the chemo, then Thursday, my surgeon.  So by Friday, I MAY know what is happening in my life:)

Dia dhuit


Sunday, August 20, 2017

A sunny warm day in Oklahoma.

I was home all day.  Still can't drive and though I know I could have gotten someone to drive me to and from church, the thought of sitting an hour in those hard pews for an hour, I knew was NOT a good thing.   Also I am still quite weak.

Got to remember, I am recovering from surgery and I am NOT 50 years old any more:)

This week will be busy.   Will be seeing the Oncologist on Monday and get a plan for the chemo and radiation therapy that comes next.   Then Tuesday, I will see Dr. Aiku, my family physician for the miscellaneous help I am sure I need.   I DO have some questions.   Finally, on Thursday, I will have a followup with Dr. Trachte,, my surgeon.  

So anyway, home all day.  Bart hurt his shoulder the other day and is resting for the week ahead as he is my chauffeur.   Barb has a sinus infection and is trying to heal.   I worry about her, she is rather run down and susceptible.   I hope this day of total rest will help.  Wish she could have an extra day or two thrown in.

Nothing exciting happened.  Nicky and I alone, lead a pretty quiet life.

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit
