Tuesday, August 22, 2017

An appointment with Dr. Aiku, my family practitioner, today.   She is pleased with how far I can come and repeated the mantra that I keep hearing.   EAT!!!   I am maintaining since I am home, but still am not really adding any pounds to me.    I keep trying.  Tonight I am going to eat a pork chop, corn and sliced tomato.   I had most of a burrito for lunch and am starting to drink Boost or Ensure to add calories and carbs. 

Tomorrow, I go to a class at the Cancer Center to learn about the chemo treatments and what is going to happen.   I am glad they do that.  I feel so lost in all of this medical stuff.  

I did ask if I could drive, but she said that I would have to have gone through Chemo and know how I am going to react to that stuff.   I hate being dependent on others but love that others are willing to LET me be dependent on them.   How blessed am I?

Dia dhuit


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