Saturday, January 02, 2021

A chilly morning

 But it got up into the 50's later and is supposed to do about the same for the next four days.

This morning, I remembered that I had not got my lottery tickets - Horror of horrors.   Dick probably poked me to remind me.    I did not have numbers for Wednesday - Phew our lucky numbers did not come up.

Went to church this evening.   I am still rather weary and somewhat sore in my bones, but tomorrow and Monday, I should be able to stay home ALL Day.     I am sick of this weakness and want to be my normal self.

Bless everybody this 2nd day of 2021,  

Dia Dhuit


A breath of fresh thought

Striding through your mind with JOY

Always true to you

Friday, January 01, 2021

What a special morning

Vita and I woke up to snow.   There was at least an inch and a half on the lawn.    I found out that Vita does not mind snow at all.   She just pranced along on her walks.    I had to be careful because there were some frozen spots.    I had my rubber boots so just moved into lawns if it looked as all slippery.

 As our weather people pointed out, snow is water too and will help the drought situation that we have been in for some time.

After the procedure, I feel fine.     Very weary, but I guess that is to be expected and I do get out of breath.   Monday, I will contact the doctor to update and find out if this is all normal. As I seem to be improving, I am not worried.

A very quiet beginning to the year.   I am not complaining.    Hope your 2021 is starting off peacefully and content.

Dia Dhuit



 Time alone is good for the soul.

But only if they accept and embrace it.

Self quarantine mandated by law

Does not bring about meditation and peace.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Everything is fine

 My procedure went very well.   Bart and I got there shortly after 10 for a 10:30 AM Check in.   All was well with that, then we just had to wait my turn.    The waiting is tedious, because my joints and back got sore, but the event itself takes less than 30 minutes.     I will find out ALL the results early next week as he took some biopsies but he did see a problem and did dilate the area that showed the blockage.     We will know in a few days if that will help.   Bart stayed with me for an hour or so after I got home.     Then  I needed a nap, so he went home.

I am feeling tired, but fine and do not have to go anywhere until Saturday night when I go to Mass.   (Of course, I wouldn't go if I did not feel well.   but if this is any clue, I should be well over things by then.)

Happy New Year to you all.    Let's pray that 2021 will be all we hope for.

Dia Dhuit



Skitter Scatter

Doesn't matter

If you Dare

To Care.

I dream of singing, dancing, belonging

When high clouds block the sun.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

We had chilly weather

and rain today.   We have needed the rain, but the cold is not welcome.    As long as we are able to get out between the rain, Vita does not mind at all.    I keep telling her that is because she has her nice fur coat to keep her warm.  Mary has to layer.

I think I have everything done that cannot wait until Saturday, even meals in containers.    So I can get this procedure done and just rest.   I just hope that I will be more comfortable after it is over.

Happy New Year.    I plan on posting tomorrow, but just in case.   Happy New Year,


Dia dhuit




A New Year Poem

Wars start.

Does peace start too?

Children play outside in frigid air

Making snowballs to use for fights

OR roll until they are big enough

To build a fort or a snowman.

It's a New Year

Let all it's snowballs be snowmen of forts.



 I DID tell you that my procedure was good to go, but accidentally wrote Positive for the result.    The result was actually NEGATIVE.    I do not have COVID



Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Only two more days left in 2020.

 I will definitely be lazing around on New Years Day after the procedure on my esophagus on New Years Eve Afternoon.     Will be just fine.    I had no plans anyway.    AND I now have been tested for COVID and can tell you as of today, that I do not have it.      I tested positive, so I have been doing, at least, an adequate job of taking care not to get into dangerous situations.    Dick would be so proud of me.   (He told me once that he was always proud of me:)   AM I Blessed\, or what.)

Went to Walgreens and used up the rest of a debit card that I got from Humana.    It is paying for the procedure too.

Tomorrow, home all day.   Best that way.

 Talked to my friend, Joanne, today.     I must remember to call people more, It was so good to hear a voice that remembers so much of what I do.

Be at peace.

DIa DHuit



Yesterday's river is gone

empties into the ocean of today.

We swo, ion the choppy sea

toward an ever elusive tomorrow

making our way to eternity.

Monday, December 28, 2020

What a good day

Got to talk to my sister,Nora, this evening.    They are all doing well and we decided we want this mess over so that there will be an IrishFest in Dallas again that we can all attend.    What fun we have at those.   I remember the last one, I brought my Irish Walking stick and people were stopping me on the grounds to ask where I got it.    (Actually, I got it at Irish Fest in Milwaukee and am very proud of it.   I have the one I that Dad had too.)    I have a collection of canes and walking sticks.

This morning I got my COVID test to be sure that I can have my procedure on the 31st  of December.   Won't know for a couple of days but I do not have any signs of trouble so figure it will be OK.

 Dr. Toy, my chiropractor put my back in place again.   

So it was a full day. 

Hope this virus meets its match soon so we can begin being close and comforting again.

Can't tell you how much it means to even talk to someone.   Vita just does not say much.   Actually she has a pretty good vocabulary as far as understanding:)


Dia Dhuit


GIVING THANKS from my Seeking book

Express Gratitude!

I told the trees this morn ing

That they smelled lovely.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Can't Believe

Only four days left in this most difficult year for the whole world.

Well,    the vaccine is out and becoming more available each month.   Hopefully, this will drop the COVID illnesses and places will open up again, which will get people back to work again and eventually we should have some semblence of "normal".     Whatever that turns out to be:) 

I was home all day today.    Nice.   It was a good day for the walks that Vita takes me on.   I didn't need a jacket after noon.    The sun was shining and it was SO pleasant.

Bart and Barb stopped by this afternoon.    They got me a Zoom camera.   I could not do it with my computer and Barb fixed my sound which I had somehow managed to lose. 

It was just SO good to have someone real in the house to talk to.    They are doing well and I gave then their candy and some cookies.   

Tomorrow, two appointments, but they will both be short.   Have to get a COVID test before my procedure on Thursday,   That will be in the morning    Then in the afternoon, i see Dr. Toy.    I can tell I need Dr. Toy, my hips ache.  He'll put me back in line.   

You all take care of yourselves.     I love you all.

Dia Dhuit



(From my book Seeking)

I feel in my sleep
A dream flying over me

Waiting to be caught