Saturday, March 25, 2006

We just returned home from the Sheboygan Symphony. Last year, our conductor, Guy Bardo, who was really excellent, decided not to continue with the orchestra. This year has been a year in which after the board narrowed the applicants down to four, each planned and conducted one perfomance. The conductor this evening was the only woman candidate, Cornelia Kodkani-Leammli, who impressed me. We had an opoeist, Mark Fink, as the guest artist. The whole performance was very impressive.

I saw several friends, notably, Steve Naffin, my old choir director at Blessed Trinity, and his friend and mine, Bob Fleming, the artist, who did so many beautiful hangings in Celtic designs for the church. He is venturing into expanding his art, notably, as an example, I received a St. Patrick's Day card from him that I was sure he had designed with the most beautiful St. Patrick. He is, Steve said, going to do a series. I told him to be sure to let me know when they are ready for ordering. You might want to see the Patrick. I love artists.

I was thinking about the desert the past couple of day. I do miss the desert. It was always such a treat to go out there for a weekend or more. The kids could run themselves silly. I remember one year we had all the kids there pile into Neil Minter's Jeep. He had a CJ6 which is a bit longer than the standard CJ5. Then we took 8 milimeter movies of them piling out one by one. I believe we had 20 some kids in that vehicle. It was quite a sight. We, my ex and the kids and me, belonged to the Orange County Four Wheelers. The club prided itself on being a family club. We even would say that we had 25 FAMILIES as members.

I also remember a trip when we took the boys bikes along with us, as we were going to the high desert with dirt roads versus sand. We were camped in a valley with high hills all around us. I looked up to the top of a hill with a trail winding down to camp and saw Bret just plunging down the trail from the top. All I could do was hold my breath and pray. He made it obviously. That was only the beginning for him. At 15, he could outdrive many of the grown men.

Have a sweet Sunday.


Friday, March 24, 2006

This was a nice day. It was cloudy mostly, but not windy and the temps were in the high 30s to low 40s. When I went to Plymouth for lunch the thermometer on the bank registered 45. Don't know how accurate it is but it did feel rather nice.

I got the kitchen scrubbed and polished this morning. Since I didn't do it last week, it really did need it. This evening I started a batch of wild grape wine. This is a new recipe, The first batch that I made a couple of years ago was rather bitter (foxy is the term used in wine talk). I am going to try that original recipe too, but this one calls for raisins and bananas. That should mellow it out. I am going to add more sugar to the other one after I rack it the second time.

Dick took Jim and me out for a fish dinner tonight. We went to Ninos. Very good too. Then Jim and I went and signed up for the spring pistol league and shot three targets. I did pretty good, the exercises and the elbow band are finally helping apparantly. My average was only 2 below Jim's average. Bobbie, bring your gun Sunday so you can sign up and shoot if you want to be in the spring league.

I got the FUNNIEST email from my friend Janet in California today. I will share it with you as I need to sign off and go to bed. Tomorrow we go to the symphony in the evening.

Here is the FUNNY email.

Cleaning the Toilet - Hilarious

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the

water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both

lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises

that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash"

and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there

are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom,

and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.


The Dog



Thursday, March 23, 2006

We had flurries off and on all day today and the temperatures stayed in the high 30s. There was little wind so it was not bad.

We grocery shopped this morning. Then I took Mother to the Ear Doctor to have her hearing aid checked and adjusted. She is having a bit of trouble adjusting to the new one. It has built in features that she has to get used to. Then she and I went to Brisco County for lunch. That was nice. We had a nice visit.

We were talking about days before my time. She remembers when there was and insane asylum (and that is what they called it too.) somewhere out on the Kohler Memorial Drive. I asked her how long Dad worked for Kohler. We are not sure so we will have to figure that out. I know he worked in the Woolen Mill both as Brickner and as Grieves in Sheboygan Falls. (Woolen Mills are practically extinct. Wool Carding too. People use synthetics and cottons but less wool these days.) He worked at the Tannery for a while too. But he was at Kohler and had been there for some time when the strike was called and that was the beginning of his strong and dedicated interest in unions. The Kohler strikers formed a chorus that traveled to Union functions. I remember them being very good and singing Union words to all kinds of old favorites. For instance. "When the union's inspiration through the workers blood shall run." to the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I find that I still know the words to that one.

Tomorrow is a quiet day but we are going to the Friends of Mead Public Library's party for the 8 people who have taken early retirement. Bill is one of them as you all know.

Have a nice Friday.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My quiet day at home turned out to be another day of running around. We got a call yesterday that Dick's glasses were ready (I am pretty sure that I told you that.)so we drove to Plymouth to pick them up this morning. We had breadfast at Mc Donalds. I do like their breakfasts. Today I had a bacon, egg and cheese bisquit. Quite tasty.

Then late this morning, Darlene, the nurse at Dr. Phelan's office, called to say that the wrap package was in, so we went to the clinic after lunch to have his other leg wrapped. It made sense to do them both. Anyway, that took care of both the morning and the afternoon. I did manage a nap this afternoon. I have been getting very tired lately.

Tomorrow will also be rather busy. We grocery shop in the morning and then I am taking Mother to the clinic to have her hearing aid checked. Her appointment is at 11:30 so we will go for lunch. I am hoping Dick will come with us. It makes a nice outing for the three of us. I believe that we will go to Briscoe County, I like their Chef's Salad with Tuna. Num Num.

At least choir is cancelled for the next three Thursdays, that means that I have an extra night at home.

Since Monday or Tuesday, (depending on which calendar you look at) was the beginning of spring, I quote the Cadfael Book of Days by Robin Whiteman regarding SPRING. "A time for all manner of births and beginnings, and for putting death out of mind."

Today it got up into the forties and with the wonderful bright sun - felt like spring.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Whew! What a day. This morning we had an appointment at the Clinic with Dr. Hodous, the podiatrist. He checked out Dick's feet and did the nail cutting and trimmed tha callouses. Then we got home and I had to be at the dentist at 11:15 for my checkup and cleaning which went just fine. It is nice to have clean polished teeth.

Then, Dick had made an appointment with Dr. Phelen because of the sores he has been getting on his right leg. Dr. Phelen had the nurse wrap the leg again, which will provide an immediate fix and he recommended a vascular specialist in Brookfield that we can call to see if there is anything he can do for the swelling and circulation. There is hope anyway.

I did a bit of sewing today. Tomorrow we can go and get Dick's new glasses as Dr. Cheryl's office called and said they were ready. That is the one day this week that I was going to be able to stay home, but that is the breaks. Dick was saying earlier that he does not like the old glasaes because it is difficult to read with them. So we need to get the new ones as soon as possible.

I am really tired tonight. With all those errands, I did not get a nap and Chelsea woke me up at 5AM this morning. I took her out and went back to bed but that only lasted until 5:30 so it has been a long, long day.

Tomorrow, despite picking up the glasses should be much quieter.

Remember -- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT
a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!!"

Have a good Wednesday. I will get to have a NAP.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Bible Study was quite lively again. We are trying to give ourselves the "assignment" of doing something to right a wrong in this world. I really wasn't very good this last week, but DID call a friend who lost her husband six months ago because I thought of her. That was probably instigated because of our conversation. Tom, wrote to an organization that her was interested in. He mentioned that he was interested in their society but that one of their rules is that they do not accept Roman Catholics. He protested this rule and so far got a very snippy answer.

We will keep trying.

I went to see Dr. Casey today too. My shoulder and ribs are so much better. I must continue to do my exercises.

Tonight we had the first meeting for Celtic Mass an Faire. I hope that you can all come. It will be held the Sunday after Labor Day weekend again. I have work to do this week, calling the entertainers and the vendors.

One of my fellow Faire workers is Dorothy Ruh, the mother of Bob Fleming, an artist friend. I had received the most beautiful St. Patrick's Day card from him and his friend Steve. Bob did the design using the skills that he had learned at a special course that he took in painting icons. It is beautiful and I will treasure it. Sometime I will share it with you.

Jeff Foxworthy said "If you have not actually eaten it, but you have heard of Head Cheese, you may be from Wisconsin." It was cold today. It may be the first day of spring, but we sure are not feeling it.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

I had to go to church THREE times this weekend. Of course, I only stayed for one Mass. I had to give a little personal invitation to the members of Blessed Trinty for the Thank You Dinner that we are having on April 23 for all of our members who faithfully serve. We did this last year and had a rousing 200 or more people show up. Much more than we expected. We ran out or cake. This year we hope to have as many or more. We keep it very simple. Ham, Veggies, Potato Salad and Cole Slaw, rolls and cake.(Much of it all ready to serve from the local grocery deli) We even have soft drinks, beer and wine for a short reception before. There is no program or anything. Just a chance to visit, mingle and eat together. After all Jesus did a lot of that.

Jim and I went shooting this afternoon. My arm IS getting better. The first two were OK but not great, but the third, I shot a 65 which is up there at my highest. Now - League starts next Friday. Can I maintain? We will see.

The corned beef and cabbage was excellent. You had your chance. I asked if you wanted to join us. I even made a cake for dessert. I had way too big a cabbage, so cooked half and make cole slaw with the other half.

Talked to Bart today because it is his birthday. It is hard to believe that my baby is 35. He sounds pretty good actually and said that he is feeling OK. I remember well the day he was born. I was in labor and some friends were over and decided to stay to help time the pains. Well, Tome' got pretty plastered and , though I was not aware at the time, made somewhat of a spectical of herself at the hospital.

I, myself, remember, though that I was very excited about being able to see him come into the world. When Tony was born, I was terrified because he was so early and frankly I did not expect him to survive the birth. Then, when Bret was born, for some reason, the doctor put me to sleep at about the time I delivered. So I was determined to see Bart come. I remember that the whole delivery room was enjoying that. At one point a nurse leaned between my vision and the mirror and I stopped pushing and said that I couldn't see. Anyway, I remember seeing the head crown, and then the shoulders slid out followed by the most beautiful sight that I ever saw. He was a bit dusky but when they cleared his mouth he let out a nice little shout so I knew that he was OK. Thirty five years. WOW. Where has the time gone.

Dick called Dick tonight too. We had not talked to him and/or Brenda for a LONG time. Brenda sent the cutest card. As the snakes are being driven out of Ireland by St. Patrick. He says "MMM Tastes like Chicken." To top it off the snakes squeal like crazy and Roxie must liken it to whistling (which she hates) and really fussed when I played it.

Have good week.
