Monday, March 20, 2006

Bible Study was quite lively again. We are trying to give ourselves the "assignment" of doing something to right a wrong in this world. I really wasn't very good this last week, but DID call a friend who lost her husband six months ago because I thought of her. That was probably instigated because of our conversation. Tom, wrote to an organization that her was interested in. He mentioned that he was interested in their society but that one of their rules is that they do not accept Roman Catholics. He protested this rule and so far got a very snippy answer.

We will keep trying.

I went to see Dr. Casey today too. My shoulder and ribs are so much better. I must continue to do my exercises.

Tonight we had the first meeting for Celtic Mass an Faire. I hope that you can all come. It will be held the Sunday after Labor Day weekend again. I have work to do this week, calling the entertainers and the vendors.

One of my fellow Faire workers is Dorothy Ruh, the mother of Bob Fleming, an artist friend. I had received the most beautiful St. Patrick's Day card from him and his friend Steve. Bob did the design using the skills that he had learned at a special course that he took in painting icons. It is beautiful and I will treasure it. Sometime I will share it with you.

Jeff Foxworthy said "If you have not actually eaten it, but you have heard of Head Cheese, you may be from Wisconsin." It was cold today. It may be the first day of spring, but we sure are not feeling it.


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