It was a quiet day. I went back to bed after I fed Roxie but she came in at about 7AM, not happy at all. She pestered me until I finally got up at 8AM. I don't know why, but she does not like me staying in bed mornings.
I spent the morning working on another section of Andrew. Tomorrow I will be finishing another. I think I will be able to make the writing deadline. I may have followup work with inserts, like pictures and maps.
I also did some sewing on the place mats that I am making for the Kettle Quilters to donate to Meals on Wheels in November. I have, however, decided to drop out of quilt club. I find that all it is doing for me is making more work with projects they come up with and at this time I prefer getting an idea and putting it into fabric without feeling obligated. I have enough to do with CWI and Writing.
I baked the blueberry pie that I have been hungry for and had a piece with my supper tonight.
My friend Rita, who goes to mass with Kate and me when she is well enough, was NOT well enough this week. Remember, she has ALS. Please pray for her she has had a couple of setbacks this week. I brought communion to her and Tom today. She is so frail and her speech is quite a bit worse.
Alan Pape, a friend of mine, brought brochures and information on Cape Breton in Canada, which is, I know, a seriously Scottish area. Perhaps CWI would plan a tour there too. Not too far and we could do a long weekend perhaps.
So. I am closing down.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Dia Dhuit
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
We got rain. I think I have a rain gauge somewhere. I must find it and put it out. We have been getting some pretty have rains with the scattered showers that the weather people seeming to be very fond of the Plymouth area. I am glad. I haven't had to water and everything looks just wonderful.
I would have liked to stay in bed this morning for a while, but Jody comes to clean on Fridays so I got up at 7AM. Tomorrow I have no obligations until 3:30 when I will go to Mass. So I believe that I will try to sleep in then. With all the fresh air that I have been getting, I am starting to sleep a bit better during the night.
Today I worked on Andrew, the chapter. I am determined to have the first draft done by next Friday and am within grasp if I keep at it.
I did a bit of shopping. I had to pick up a prescription for me so stocked up on some vitamins for Mom at Walgreens too. I ate lunch at home, but made a point to do my errands so that I could meet my friends and had a blizzard for dessert. It was a good break in the day. We solved the problems of the world and then returned to our homes.
I tried to rest but couldn't do too well because my head hurt. It eased up after a bit later.
I made several phone calls that needed to be done and worked some more on writing. Now I am closing down for an early to bed.
So until tomorrow.
Dia Dhuit
I would have liked to stay in bed this morning for a while, but Jody comes to clean on Fridays so I got up at 7AM. Tomorrow I have no obligations until 3:30 when I will go to Mass. So I believe that I will try to sleep in then. With all the fresh air that I have been getting, I am starting to sleep a bit better during the night.
Today I worked on Andrew, the chapter. I am determined to have the first draft done by next Friday and am within grasp if I keep at it.
I did a bit of shopping. I had to pick up a prescription for me so stocked up on some vitamins for Mom at Walgreens too. I ate lunch at home, but made a point to do my errands so that I could meet my friends and had a blizzard for dessert. It was a good break in the day. We solved the problems of the world and then returned to our homes.
I tried to rest but couldn't do too well because my head hurt. It eased up after a bit later.
I made several phone calls that needed to be done and worked some more on writing. Now I am closing down for an early to bed.
So until tomorrow.
Dia Dhuit
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Shareholder Pictures
Nice pictures I think. The top is a view of Lambeau looking at the newly constructed South end. The second is me with the CWI tartan around my neck on one of the observation decks in the South end. And the last is Bobbie and Bill in one of the new lounges. We had a great tour of the whole stadium, the new areas still smell like new paint and lacquers.
Today was very nice. I went back to bed until 7AM after feeding Roxie. Then I got up and got to work. Lots to do. I wrote a quick newsletter to the Celtic Women to wish them a Happy St. John the Greater Day. He is the patron saint of Galicia. Then I had to send a followup because it seemed proper to pray for all of those people killed and hurt in Galicia in that train wreck.
I finished all of the poems that I enter in contests at this time of year. WRA (Wisconsin Writer's Association), Milwaukee Irish Fest, and a poem for the WFOP (Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets) newsletter. And I am starting to put my St. Andrew Chapter in order and in an logical and interesting mode. Lots of work to do. And my "deadline" for this chapter is a week from Saturday.
Bobbie and Bill picked me up a bit after three PM and we went over to City Park for German night. Was a lovely time. They had a beer garden, an ice cream tent, a food tent and a dessert building. We dined on good food. I ate a pork sandwich with saurkraut and had a piece of chocolate cake a bit later. At 6PM the High School German Band started playing and singing. They were great on the whole, but their female singer was rather piercing and kept yodeling. We had to leave about then anyway as I had to be home for a telephone conference with the CWI Board.
Rosie was sure glad that I had that Conference Call. She was a hungry little kitty. The call went well and was not too long.
I am happy as it was all in all a very full and fun day.
So. Until tomorrow.
Dia Dhuit
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
It is 7PM and I got home from the Green Bay Shareholders meeting just about a half an hour ago. It was a long day, but a good one. I am glad it was not last week with all the heat and humidity. It was hot in the stands, but no rain and we could breath.
The stadium was a bit less than half full BUT when we pulled onto Oneida Blvd. it was solid stop an go until the parking lot which was full anyway. We found a house that was parking people on their lawn less than two blocks from Lambeau so we took it and it was just fine.
Seating was where ever you wanted so we found a place looking down on the stage that was set up on the west side of the stadium where we had a good view. Actually the best view was the TV screens on either end of the field on the scoreboards. It was quite an all encompassing stockholders meeting. Took close to two hours. Then we got to tour basically the whole stadium, especially the new South End which has added 7000 seats. We were told that 3800 people on the waiting list got season tickets and some have been on the list for thirty years. Wow.
We left there about 2:30 or three, I am not quite sure. We ate lunch at the Olive Garden. We all had Calzone and Tuscana Soup. I brought my soup home for tomorrow's lunch. Tomorrow I will post pictures. I am just too tired to download the camera tonight.
Those stadium stairs are not make for short old ladies and I went up and down them twice, then up and down stairwells several times. Lines were everywhere, but we found to our surprise, that when the lines finally got funnelled into the new addition area it was easy to move from one spot to another without bumping into too many people. Super pictures. I got some really nice ones of Bobbie and Bill. Bobbie took a couple of me with the Celtic Women Tartan. We like "Where in the world is the Celtic Tartan?" in our newsletter.
Roxie was quite grateful when I got home at 6:30PM an hour and a half past her dinner time. Usually she is irritated, but did not seem especially so tonight. She is clingy and wants to go to bed now.
I do too.
Dia Dhuit
The stadium was a bit less than half full BUT when we pulled onto Oneida Blvd. it was solid stop an go until the parking lot which was full anyway. We found a house that was parking people on their lawn less than two blocks from Lambeau so we took it and it was just fine.
Seating was where ever you wanted so we found a place looking down on the stage that was set up on the west side of the stadium where we had a good view. Actually the best view was the TV screens on either end of the field on the scoreboards. It was quite an all encompassing stockholders meeting. Took close to two hours. Then we got to tour basically the whole stadium, especially the new South End which has added 7000 seats. We were told that 3800 people on the waiting list got season tickets and some have been on the list for thirty years. Wow.
We left there about 2:30 or three, I am not quite sure. We ate lunch at the Olive Garden. We all had Calzone and Tuscana Soup. I brought my soup home for tomorrow's lunch. Tomorrow I will post pictures. I am just too tired to download the camera tonight.
Those stadium stairs are not make for short old ladies and I went up and down them twice, then up and down stairwells several times. Lines were everywhere, but we found to our surprise, that when the lines finally got funnelled into the new addition area it was easy to move from one spot to another without bumping into too many people. Super pictures. I got some really nice ones of Bobbie and Bill. Bobbie took a couple of me with the Celtic Women Tartan. We like "Where in the world is the Celtic Tartan?" in our newsletter.
Roxie was quite grateful when I got home at 6:30PM an hour and a half past her dinner time. Usually she is irritated, but did not seem especially so tonight. She is clingy and wants to go to bed now.
I do too.
Dia Dhuit
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
I did go grocery shopping this morning. I stopped at the post office first to mail the packages to all these babies that are being born all over the country. Thomas, Troy, and Toby. I don't feel it is necessary to send anything to the new prince in England. He is no sweeter than the three munchkins that I mentioned above. I am however happy to hear that he is a healthy cute little boy and it is always nice to know that babies are born into love. I know my three are.
Shopping went well. I stocked up a bit on cleaning and paper products so spent more than I have been but - I had several coupons which saved me quite a bit.
Home again, I put everything away and then spent the rest of the day on writing. I sent several poems to a couple of contests that I have been postponing. I have to write one more that is suitable for the Irish Fest Poetry Contest. I also am ready for both of the Writer's Club meetings for next month.
I also did a little prep work on the place mats that the Quilt Club is making to give to Meals on Wheels clients in Plymouth. I am making two extra for Mother.
The promised cool front came through today and I have all the doors open to enjoy the breeze.
Tomorrow Bobbie, Bill and I are going to Green Bay for the Stockholders meeting. We will get to tour the new part of the stadium after the meeting. Should be a fun day. A nice break in the middle of the week. And then Thursday, I will be home ALL day.
Til tomorrow
Dia Dhuit
Shopping went well. I stocked up a bit on cleaning and paper products so spent more than I have been but - I had several coupons which saved me quite a bit.
Home again, I put everything away and then spent the rest of the day on writing. I sent several poems to a couple of contests that I have been postponing. I have to write one more that is suitable for the Irish Fest Poetry Contest. I also am ready for both of the Writer's Club meetings for next month.
I also did a little prep work on the place mats that the Quilt Club is making to give to Meals on Wheels clients in Plymouth. I am making two extra for Mother.
The promised cool front came through today and I have all the doors open to enjoy the breeze.
Tomorrow Bobbie, Bill and I are going to Green Bay for the Stockholders meeting. We will get to tour the new part of the stadium after the meeting. Should be a fun day. A nice break in the middle of the week. And then Thursday, I will be home ALL day.
Til tomorrow
Dia Dhuit

#Fairy rule 1: Do not take what is not given. Leave an offering
unashamedly copied the above to my blog. I loved it. Barbara is a
friend of mine in Ireland. If you want to go on a tour of Ireland next
St. Brigid's Day, look at her site She was our
guide in 2011 when we Celtic Women went. Super guide and she brings
along the best Seanchai in the world, Tony.
unashamedly copied the above to my blog. I loved it. Barbara is a
friend of mine in Ireland. If you want to go on a tour of Ireland next
St. Brigid's Day, look at her site She was our
guide in 2011 when we Celtic Women went. Super guide and she brings
along the best Seanchai in the world, Tony.
Monday, July 22, 2013
It was a very hot day today again. Actually the morning was just wonderful and I was home by noon and at that point, the temperature was still below 80 degrees. That cool front is coming through and the next few days should be very pleasant. I want to sit our on the deck like the lady of leisure that I am.
I left a bit early for Bible study because I had to stop and pick up some wine for Mom. I got a Prairie Fume and a Marsala. I told her that Dick sent them. She liked that.
Bible study was great but that room was like an oven. Everybody was there. Felicia is recovering from shoulder surgery, Mary is still off for the summer and nobody else had an appointment or was sick. Wow. We are eleven strong when we are all there. We got onto a discussion of the fact that hardly anybody closes their business on Sunday any more. Hobby Lobby, Evans and car dealers. We are going to make a concerted effort NOT to do ANY business on Sundays anymore to discourage this and do our part to make holy the day of the Lord.
Mom was feeling pretty good today. We had a fun visit. Got into a lot of subjects. She liked the Brigit beads. I was given the assignment of bringing her the background on St. Peregrine.
Home again, I had turkey and gravy for lunch and have been working on the Reunion of the Clans Mass, my writing and finally getting baby presents off to babies that I am sure are growing as I speak.
Dia Dhuit
I left a bit early for Bible study because I had to stop and pick up some wine for Mom. I got a Prairie Fume and a Marsala. I told her that Dick sent them. She liked that.
Bible study was great but that room was like an oven. Everybody was there. Felicia is recovering from shoulder surgery, Mary is still off for the summer and nobody else had an appointment or was sick. Wow. We are eleven strong when we are all there. We got onto a discussion of the fact that hardly anybody closes their business on Sunday any more. Hobby Lobby, Evans and car dealers. We are going to make a concerted effort NOT to do ANY business on Sundays anymore to discourage this and do our part to make holy the day of the Lord.
Mom was feeling pretty good today. We had a fun visit. Got into a lot of subjects. She liked the Brigit beads. I was given the assignment of bringing her the background on St. Peregrine.
Home again, I had turkey and gravy for lunch and have been working on the Reunion of the Clans Mass, my writing and finally getting baby presents off to babies that I am sure are growing as I speak.
Dia Dhuit
Sunday, July 21, 2013
It was a beautiful day until about 4PM when the rain started coming down and it is still coming down.
I spent the morning straightening things out for my meeting this afternoon. I was disappointed in the attendance but not in the attendees. The five of us had a super time and created some really pretty Brigit Beads. I gave everybody the directions and the prayers to go with them and we covered a lot of visiting territory. We also listened to Jamie O'Reilly's Songs of a Catholic Childhood. A perfect afternoon and Roxie loved the company.
So I am trying to finish one project that I keep blowing before bed and you are getting a very short blog tonight for that reason.
Love you
Dia Dhuit
I spent the morning straightening things out for my meeting this afternoon. I was disappointed in the attendance but not in the attendees. The five of us had a super time and created some really pretty Brigit Beads. I gave everybody the directions and the prayers to go with them and we covered a lot of visiting territory. We also listened to Jamie O'Reilly's Songs of a Catholic Childhood. A perfect afternoon and Roxie loved the company.
So I am trying to finish one project that I keep blowing before bed and you are getting a very short blog tonight for that reason.
Love you
Dia Dhuit
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