Saturday, November 22, 2014

I am amazed.  I have over 4000 posts to this Blog.  I AM pretty faithful but that is still a LONG time.  Do I get a medal?

Today I was able to stay home all day.  Going to get the mail does not count.

I didn't tell you yesterday but while Bobbie and I were perusing the Kohler Christmas Market, a women asked us if we were twins.   We ALWAYS have people, when we are in crowds, asking if we are sisters but twins was new.  As my Bobbie is only 12 years younger than I am it is not too surprising.     Bobbie and I are really pleased that we both look like my Mother who is beautiful.

I accomplished a lot today.  Writing, preps for Christmas, baking.    And tomorrow will be quiet too. I love the quiet days if I have a lot to do but otherwise, I get lonely.

Dia Dhuit


Friday, November 21, 2014

What a great day.     I had to bake Barm Brack this morning before meeting Bobbie at 10AM at the American Club in Kohler for the Christmas Market.    The reason I had to is because I poured the "strong milkless tea" into the dried fruits yesterday and then remembered that it had to soak overnight.  So.  I had to get it done early because the rest of the day was set aside for fun.  The bread is really good.

Bobbie and I met at Kohler and had a super time.    We do this every year and always enjoy all of the merchandise and food samples that are on display.   Lots of jewelry this year which neither Bobbie nor I are particularly interested in but lovely Christmas ornaments and decorations and tons of great knit warm cloths, some of Alpaca which is warm and not so itchy.    We both bought some smoked salmon from a vendor that Bobbie is familiar with.    Samples of course and it is REALLY good.    Roxie will love it when I open that.

This evening I drove in to Sheboygan to the Sheboygan Visual Artists 2014 Holiday Show.    Two of the Poets at Mead read a couple of poems during the evening and I wanted to cheer them on.   I enjoy the shows anyway and know a lot of the artists and attendees so it is a good time.    It was lots of fun.  Tim Ebenreiter was there as Ebeneezer Scrooge and stayed in character the whole evening.  

So home again and very content, I am ready for bed.   Tomorrow I get to be home all day and have plans.

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, November 20, 2014

It was cold again today,  perhaps not as cold as the previous two days and there was sunshine which always makes things look better.    It was windy though.  A couple of times I actually looked outside to see what was going on.

I worked on two chapters of the book today.   Got a lot done.   I also practiced the music for Mass on Sunday.   I will be missing the practice tonight as I had previous plans.   My neighbor, Pat, asked if I would like to go to Pour Vino for an event they are having.   From 7 to 9, an artist will help us do a painting.   Everything for the painting AND a glass of wine with it.

When I get home, all I will be wanting to do is to go to bed.   So, this is today's message.

By the way if you did not see my notice on Facebook -  If you got a message to re-friend me, it is a scam.   A BAAAAAAD scam.   I have changed my password and you should change yours.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hey.   I got to stay home all day today.

Yesterday, was close.    I had an appointment at the bank for Mother and a friend called to ask me to drive his wife to the grocery store because their car was broken.  They are a bit strange, but Lynn, his wife, is one of my favorite members of the various poetry groups I belong to and I was glad to do it since I was out anyway.   I did my grocery shopping too which left me free today.

I did have a great day.   I took care of tons of phone calls, added more books to my "library".   I have decided to document my books.   I also had wash to do.

Poor Roxie, today was her fluids day.     I always feel so mean.   She sits on my lap so patiently and escapes as soon as I pull the needle.    I have found that just settling her on my lap instead of trying to confine her works best.  

I had a rush of bills too so caught up on them.

I will spend the evening on the book, I want to get the Scotland chapter done.

So.  Hope your day was as nice as mine was.

Dia Dhuit
