Friday, December 19, 2014


I can't believe that I will be going home in three days.  The past eleven days have just flown.  Barbara is improving by the day.  

Today we went to see the new Night at the movie. Barb and I both liked it a lot.   Bart was not impressed.  It was fun and so good to see Robin Williams and Mickey Rooney in their last roles.  had a lot of popcorn.   Movie popcorn is so good.

Then we drove out to Medicine Park to walk around and have dinner.    Stopped at a store called the Branded Bear.   They have a wonderful line of Indian made products from jewelry to some clothing, to paintings and pottery and art.  I bought a bag.  A small leather pouch on a leather strap with cedar an sage in it for good health.   It can go in your car, your home or around your neck.   I LOVE it and will show to my Celtic Friends.

We had dinner at the Riverside.   Barb and I had gone out there once before.   There was a campfire down the street and we were told carol singing.  Too cold for us.

It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow.   I hope so as the past couple of days have been gloomy.

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, December 18, 2014


Another good day. 

Barbara went to one of her doctors and will not have to start the last chemo until  January 15.   A good holiday break for her.   A time for her body to prepare itself for the new onslaught.   I know that all the BAD things have to be destroyed but it is so hard on the body.

Bart and I went for a walk around the neighborhood today.   There are a lot of houses for sale.   Hopefully  there will be as many when I make my move.   We all hope that is not too soon.

It does seem that I will be able to flip and still be mortgage free which  my sweetheart was adamant on.   I find that when I am here I know where the homes are and am able to think about it.   When I look at home, I am not sure WHERE the homes are.  Right not where are seven homes within walking distance and four of them are below or about what I think will be an even trade.   Yaa Hoo.

So,   I feel good about Barb.   She is off until January 6the when she is released by her doctor,  As well as she is doing it will be fine.   Too bad she has to do more chemo.   But if this will END it ,   It is OK.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A rainy day but still warmer than Wisconsin.

We stayed home today.    I did some computer work and washed my clothes.   I will not have to wash until I am home now.

Tomorrow will be a bit busier.  Barb has a doctor's appointment which will hopefully tell her when she wil resume the chemo.     I  will stay here or go out with Bart's car. 

Would have liked to walk again but the rain was pretty constant.

Til tomorrow then.

Dia Dhuit


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This is a  good visit.  Barbara is doing better all the time.   The lab tests came back with absolutely no cancer in the lymph nodes and tissues that they removed are .cancer free.   Yee Haa!  She will have several months of chemo,  to insure that all the cells are gone, but she will not need radiation.

Last night, we had dinner in Geronimo with Adam, Lexie and the girls.   Adam is quite the barbeque master and made steak and ribs with roasted cauliflower.  Lexie made a super potato salad with bac    on too.   We were stuffed and had the nicest visit.

Today was quieter   Barb went out to do some errands late this morning and wanted time to Christmas shop.      I went for a walk after lunch and found the homes for sale in the neighborhood.    There are several and I looked them up on the net when I got back.   At least half are doable.    Which tells me that I should be able to move as planned.   Get here with an owned home and actually less costs than in Wisconsin and near Bart.     I will actually be kind of in the middle of all of the kids.    Sounds good to me.

Bobbie,   Bart says you should consider moving to Lawton.

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


Sunday, December 14, 2014

A pleasingly quiet day today.

Went to Mass this morning.  I like the church here.   It is very close to Bart and Barb's home.  

Barb went to Sacrament at her church this morning too.   Bart was not feeling too well so he stayed home.  

We just sat around and visited and rested the rest of the day.

Tomorrow there are errands and we will be busier.    Nice to have a quiet Sunday before facing a week.   Tomorrow will be  week since I left home.   Where does the time go.

Dia Dhuit
