Saturday, August 30, 2003

Bobbie and Bill came for supper tonight. We had our usual late summer Saturday Corn and Fresh Sliced Tomatoes and I made a cherry pie from some Door County Cherries I had in the freezer. Yum, Yum.

We had a nice visit too. Big Oscar is still shy enough to spend most of the time down in the family room hiding from the big bad strangers. Foxie Roxie, on the other hand, hung around and checked them out thoroughly. NOW that they are gone, she had disappeared and he is downstairs with Jim.

I will go to 8:00AM Mass tomorrow. We haven't started choir yet and I DO like to have the day ahead of me. I always stop at Mother's after Mass to visit for a bit. Once choir starts, we do most of our singing at the 10:30AM Mass, then I will go later. Actually, in the winter, that is not a bad thing.

I am almost done with my wall hanging for the Quilt Show. I will take a picture and post it on this site when I am done.


Have a good Sunday


Friday, August 29, 2003

I was thinking of my children today. Bart was such a somber little guy, so serious and intense. Bret was a happy go lucky fellow and a ball of energy. And they haven't changed.

I remember one year we were going to make a trip from California to Wisconsin to visit Grandma and Grandpa Deeley. Bart was only three and he said he didn't want to go because they had red tomatoes in Wisconsin.

That really had me confused until I questioned him and found that he had heard me say that a tornado had touched down in Sheboygan Falls that Fall and a child was killed. He interpreted "tornado" as "tomato" and didn't want anything to do with that.

Have a great day


Thursday, August 28, 2003

Today, I went out to Rocky Knoll with Sr. Marcia and 8 other people from Blessed Trinity to help the residents play bingo. The residents are disabled in many ways and this is a new event for them. I gather that it was started this year and obviously has turned out to be very popular. The host people (us) bring the winnings (.50 per bingo and $1.00 for the last game of blackout.) They love it and the quarters are great prizes because they can use them in vending machines.

This was my second visit. I thank my blessings and I bless these people. They cheerful and excited and a pleasure to be around. Our next big game will be in October.

Joy to you.


P. S. We are LOVING the new cars.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

When I lived in Huntington Beach California, I had chickens. Sounds silly doesn't it. But a friend was moving who had 8 chickens of various breeds. There was one little polish chicken, a little black one with a white crest that was the only one who laid a WHITE egg. It was a teeny tiny little egg.

There were three Rhode Island Reds and a leghorn who laid brown eggs.

The last three were Araucona, a breed of chickens that layes green eggs. These eggs are supposed to be lower in cholesteral, a claim disputed by many. But the eggs are fun and make Easter very easy. I wish I could find some of these eggs around. But though the stores will have brown eggs, (at a much inflated price) you never see green eggs. By the way, only the shells are green just like brown eggs.

The eggs we got from these chickens tasted so good. Of course, they were fresh eggs and I fed those chickens nothing but the best.

Bart liked them and used to sit out in the back yard a lot just watching them. I wish I could raise a few again.

Have a nice day.


Monday, August 25, 2003

Tomorrow, we are going to pick up our new cars. This will make a very interesting day for sure. It is a bit cooler tonight and we are having a little rain.

We had guests for dinner tonight. George and Patty Cedzo who are tour guide and driver on many of our bus tours. We have become pretty good friends over the years.

I fixed Pork and Beans for dinner. By pork and beans, I mean a pork roast boiled with fresh green beans, potatoes and onions. That is one of the best summer- fresh vegetable- dishes there is. We have enough left for a couple of more meals too. That pork gets so tender and good.

Try it sometime. If you need more insturctions, just let me know.



Sunday, August 24, 2003

I'm on pets again today. Mainly because I read something I wanted to share with you all. It is an old Italian Proverb that says "When a person dies, so the legend goes, all fo the animals that they had in their lifetime will be waiting for them at the gates of Paradise." Such a comforting thought.

Also, on a sillier note. Those of you that know me, know that I do a lot of humming and whistling as I go about my daily tasks. My human companions have accepted this quite readily, but I have discovered that Foxie Roxie doesn't like it when I whistle. She even wakes up form napping to tell me to shut up.

Wonder what that says about my whistling.

