Saturday, August 30, 2014

Saturday - Holiday Weekend

This holiday doesn't change much for me other than I will not have bible study on Monday.   I am going to Mass at St. Fridolin's in Glenbeulah so that I can pick up the hosts to take to Mom and her fellow Catholic residents at Meadow View.    I have never been to St. Fridolin's.  I understand that it is a vey lovely little church so am looking forward to it.

I took a walk just before lunch as I could not seem to get my get-a-long moving this morning.  It was muggy and warm - not hot- but there was a nice breeze and it did get me motivated.

I worked on the stitchery project that I will be talking on at IBAM.  Will do more on that tomorrow.

I went to Mass at 4PM.   Visited with several people before and after Mass.  I took communion to Tom and Rita.   Rita is failing so fast but we did get her to smile that beautiful smile of hers.  She is so brave.   I know her faith is strong, as is Tom's.   She will go gentle into the arms of God.   Please keep praying. 

I shredded a bunch of stuff tonight.   The trash people will not be happy with me.

Tomorrow another day at home.  I am feeling crafty so should be busy.

Dia Dhuit


Friday, August 29, 2014

Another quiet day.    It was hot and muggy.   I was glad that this was not the day for the 5K walk in Hilbert.  The humidity was really bad.

I did some shopping today.   Picked up a couple of things that I need for the Scottish trip and some grocery shopping.

I finished getting the zucchini that Jeff and Kathy gave me used and preserved.   I still have two cucumbers to deal with.

This is the weekend of the Sheboygan County Fair.   I rally don't want to go alone so unless I hear from somebody will spend my weekend at home.

I took Roxie to the vet again today to get another lesson on giving her fluids.  She was really upset.  She hissed at Dana.  We were both very understanding to Roxie.  After all,she doesn't understand.   I did the actual input.  I wrote down the 1, 2, 3s this time.   Hopefully next Friday,  (I figure we should move it to Friday) will be OK. 

My friend, Jana Winchester Hertz, is coming to Wisconsin in late October.   We are planning on her spending a day and night with me.  Then she will be at a conference for Braille.   Should be fun.   We will go to Manitowoc for an Ancestry search for her.

So the day is done.  I am hoping to sleep well and only have one outing tomorrow.  Mass at 4PM followed by taking communion to my dear Rita and her husband, also dear, Tom.

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, August 28, 2014

A day at home.  It was a beautiful day too.   Not too much going on.

I did some planning for the trip, baked some scones and did some wash.

This evening I joined the people who could come over in the open area on Thursdays to just mingle.  It got a bit cold but I kind of liked it as when it is cooler, my head doesn't hurt as much.

I tried to give Roxie her fluids today and failed miserably.   I am taking her back to the Vet's tomorrow for more instruction.    He fluid day will probably be changed to Fridays.

That is all there is to report today.

Dia dhuit


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Home all Day

I fell asleep after Roxie finally roused me at 6AM (after bugging me from 5AM on).   Didn't wake up until after 8.   So I got up and ate breakfast first.

Then I got dressed and took care of all those morning things that have to be done. 

I was busy today but at my own speed.   I am working on a small ZINE - don't ask why.   It has just been on my mind and I decided to do one to take with me on my travels and to IBAM this year.   A Zine is a mini booklet printed on one sheet of paper to be folded in such a way that it makes a teeny booklet.  I am calling it Snippets and have six small poems in it.

I also got the BIG poem I Watched The Trees Die mounted on a backing.  It is 4 by 5 feet and was in the Cooler by the Lake event at EBCO.   I just want to put a simple frame around for defining and for stability.   Then I'll take a picture and post it.  What DOES one do with something that large.
Guess what.   This evening the phone rang and it was my darling grand daughter Nora.   She will be leaving for her internship at the White House at the end of the week.  She starts on Sept. 2.   She has all the info for getting into the White house and will spend the weekend learning her way around.   I am so very proud of her.    It will be hard for her to be away from our little Marcus, but Daddy Ernie will do just fine.  She is going to be working on the wounded warrior program in her months there.   Something near and dear to her heart.  We had the best visit.    I had not talked to her in a long time.   But I always feel in contact with them because of the uTube snippets of them and Marcus.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

Tomorrow is another day mainly at home.   I have plenty of projects and goals before Scotland and am grateful for these quiet days.

Dia Dhuit until tomorrow


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Finally blue skies above us

I had a nice day.

First I met my friend, Janet Bieschke for breakfast this morning.   We went to the Dairy State which is on the corner of Eastern and Mill just down from the Art Center.  This is my first meal there since it has become the Dairy State.   It changes owners quite often.   The breakfast and service were both very good, though, as with most restaurants these days, the omelet I ordered was a bit overdone.   I brought half of it home,  omelets do reheat quite well.   I'll have it for dinner tomorrow.

Janet and I had a long visit, discussing CWI things.   I am no longer on the board but she, as the current president, and me as the coordinator of the Sheboygan County Branch can do a lot to help the organization grow.   The new board has lots of ideas.   Ways to offer more for the money to stimulate interest and ways to highlight more of other Celtic Women other than Irish.

As long as I was in that direction, I stopped at the post office and then at the Pig to do my grocery shopping for the week.

This afternoon, I cooked.   I made Vegetable Garden soup and Chocolate Zucchini bread with one of the zucchini that Jeff and Kathy gave me.   I also made a cucumber salad.  The season of plenty. 

Jacquie called this afternoon.   My ex, Dick, had surgery this morning for his prostate.    He is coming home this afternoon so it was an outpatient surgery.   He doesn't tell her anything.   I have asked my prayer chain leaders to put him on their lists and ask you to do the same.    Jacquie had me call the boys.  Jacquie actually sounds pretty good.

The rest of the week is rather quiet.   Something every day but manageable.

Dia Dhuit


If who we are is a gift from God.
Then who we become is our gift TO God.



Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Quiet Day

This was the quiet day that I had hoped for.    I did not have to go ANYWHERE.   

I spent the day finishing about three projects, catching up on phone calls and brushing the cat.   She is getting awfully demanding about getting brushed these days. 

This week is a quiet one.   I hope to use it to my advantage and to enjoy the summer days.

Tomorrow is quiet.  I will go to Bible Study and then to visit Mother.   The rest of the day I will be home. Yea.   Perhaps if it is not too muggy, Roxie and I could spend a bit of time in the afternoon out on the deck.   We both like that.

So Until tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit
