Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Home all Day

I fell asleep after Roxie finally roused me at 6AM (after bugging me from 5AM on).   Didn't wake up until after 8.   So I got up and ate breakfast first.

Then I got dressed and took care of all those morning things that have to be done. 

I was busy today but at my own speed.   I am working on a small ZINE - don't ask why.   It has just been on my mind and I decided to do one to take with me on my travels and to IBAM this year.   A Zine is a mini booklet printed on one sheet of paper to be folded in such a way that it makes a teeny booklet.  I am calling it Snippets and have six small poems in it.

I also got the BIG poem I Watched The Trees Die mounted on a backing.  It is 4 by 5 feet and was in the Cooler by the Lake event at EBCO.   I just want to put a simple frame around for defining and for stability.   Then I'll take a picture and post it.  What DOES one do with something that large.
Guess what.   This evening the phone rang and it was my darling grand daughter Nora.   She will be leaving for her internship at the White House at the end of the week.  She starts on Sept. 2.   She has all the info for getting into the White house and will spend the weekend learning her way around.   I am so very proud of her.    It will be hard for her to be away from our little Marcus, but Daddy Ernie will do just fine.  She is going to be working on the wounded warrior program in her months there.   Something near and dear to her heart.  We had the best visit.    I had not talked to her in a long time.   But I always feel in contact with them because of the uTube snippets of them and Marcus.  I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

Tomorrow is another day mainly at home.   I have plenty of projects and goals before Scotland and am grateful for these quiet days.

Dia Dhuit until tomorrow


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