Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Finally blue skies above us

I had a nice day.

First I met my friend, Janet Bieschke for breakfast this morning.   We went to the Dairy State which is on the corner of Eastern and Mill just down from the Art Center.  This is my first meal there since it has become the Dairy State.   It changes owners quite often.   The breakfast and service were both very good, though, as with most restaurants these days, the omelet I ordered was a bit overdone.   I brought half of it home,  omelets do reheat quite well.   I'll have it for dinner tomorrow.

Janet and I had a long visit, discussing CWI things.   I am no longer on the board but she, as the current president, and me as the coordinator of the Sheboygan County Branch can do a lot to help the organization grow.   The new board has lots of ideas.   Ways to offer more for the money to stimulate interest and ways to highlight more of other Celtic Women other than Irish.

As long as I was in that direction, I stopped at the post office and then at the Pig to do my grocery shopping for the week.

This afternoon, I cooked.   I made Vegetable Garden soup and Chocolate Zucchini bread with one of the zucchini that Jeff and Kathy gave me.   I also made a cucumber salad.  The season of plenty. 

Jacquie called this afternoon.   My ex, Dick, had surgery this morning for his prostate.    He is coming home this afternoon so it was an outpatient surgery.   He doesn't tell her anything.   I have asked my prayer chain leaders to put him on their lists and ask you to do the same.    Jacquie had me call the boys.  Jacquie actually sounds pretty good.

The rest of the week is rather quiet.   Something every day but manageable.

Dia Dhuit


If who we are is a gift from God.
Then who we become is our gift TO God.



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