Thursday, June 27, 2019

Except for grocery shopping, I was home all day.     Nicky is not feeling well today.     I managed to get all of his meds down him, but it was not easy.     I gave him some "people" food and some really exotic foods to try to entice him.      It worked, to a point.    At least the meds went down.    But he is not eating any dry food, which he loved and suddenly is turning up his little crooked nose at the food that he has been eating since I got him.   

I will keep trying to tempt him.    His vitals seem normal except that he is still piddling too much, a a result of the steroids.      Well, after this week, he will only have one more week to be off of them totally.    I hope this is the problem, and that we have found another way to increase his red blood count.

It is HOT here and we are not even into triple digits yet.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

We had a very lively discussion at Bible Study.    We finished reading the Gospel of Mary thought to be written by St. James.

The rest of the day I was home.    Nicky seems better in some ways but still is really iffy and his appetite is really bad.    He \likes Swedish meatballs:)

Hopefully as we get him off the sterioids he will improve.

Dia dhuit


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Just got back from Writer's Club.      Read one of the Saint Chapters from my book.  

Nicky is weak and not eating well.     He ate his dry food this morning and this evening I got him to eat a couple of Swedish meatballs.

Dia Dhuit

Monday, June 24, 2019

Took Nicky to the vet today.    His blood is holding with the reduced steroids so we are reducing them again.   He was not eating yesterday of this morning but tonight he devoured his dinner so I am encouraaged.

Was busy around the house all day.   It was in the mid to upper 90s outside.   Sure glad that I am blessed to live in an air conditioned house:)

Dia Dhuit