Friday, May 15, 2015

I realized this afternoon that I am hosting a baking Sunday for CWI the day after tomorrow.   So shopping I must go tomorrow.

I had an interesting day.   My cleaning lady came and got the house cleaned.   Then I finally have the hall dry and finished up the wash.   I could not get the mattress pad on  the bed and had to call for help.   I called Peggy and she told me to call Bob and tell him that he had to come to help.   It is the strangest thing as it has no corners.  But it is ON.

I went to shoot tonight and found out that some of the ammo I have is not good for target.    EEEEWWWW.  You get one shot off, then have to eject it and remove the clip.   Then you reload the clip and start over.   So I did ONE target with Jerry helping me chamber the bullets.   What apain.

Glad to be home.

Tomorrow I will be busy all day with the Condo meeting  and church and then the musical event at Plymouth  Arts.      I am going to soak and go to bed.

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, May 14, 2015

A nice day.   However, it is cold.   I do wish we would get some sunshine and som warmth around here.  I am sure it is making my cold hang on.   The trouble with the cold is that everytime I cough, it causes my rib pain and my shoulder and arm and neck pain to hurt more.   Another hot bath tonight and early to bed.

I had a chiropractor treatment today.   Of course, the results of that really show up the next day.    I need to schedule a massage too.  

This Saturday morning is the Tallgrass Condominium annual meeting.   I now have EVERYTHING that I need to bring ready to do.   We meet at 10AM and I will go over at 9AM to be sure my check in table is ready.    I have my helpers lined up.

Saturday evening, I will be going to the Plymouth Arts Center to watch the Spring Concert.   Last year I sang with the group.   This year, I knew it would be too much of a commitment.   But I want to go see it as many of the singers are now my friends, notably, my friend, Kate, who has sung with them for years.

So, tomorrow, I need to woak on Bloomsday.   I am trying to reach my friend Paul tonight to see if he wants to be involved this year.

Hope my chest is loosened up some by morning.    I am sick of aching.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Home all day and I am still exhausted.

I spend a good chunk of the day getting my Quicken to work.   My version is no longer accepted by Wells Fargo, so I had to upgrade.   What a mess, but I believe the worst is over.

I also came home to a leaking washing machine that had soaked the whole hallway.   Curt from A-1 Appliance came over and rescued me again.   I am still drying out the hallway.

My neighbors and friends Bob and Peggy invited me over for wine and dinner.  What a joy.   I was feeling kind of down all day and they have perked me up.

I did get a call from my Bart today.   That always makes me feel good.

Tomorrow I will see my chiropractor.  Sure hope she can relieve some of the pain.

Dia Dhuit


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I am truly exhausted.   So glad that I get to be home all day tomorrow.   It will be such a joy.

My washing machine is leaking, so I called A1 and Curt will be here some time tomorrow.

I figure that tomorrow, I will just get everything caught up and prepare for the Condo Member meeting that is Saturday.

Right now, I am heading for a hot BATH.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, May 11, 2015

Just got back into my home after five days on the road and at my niece, Vikki's for Jacquie and Doris, and Rhonda's memorials.  I am exhausted - a hot bath, some Baileys and to BED.

More tomorrow but thought you would like to know that I am home.

Dia Dhuit
