Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sorry I haven't written for a couple of days but Thanksgiving was busy and fun.    I hope yours was the same.     We have a lot to be thankful for besides the wonderful meal that was set before us.    All the friends and family loving each other is a joy to see.   I did tell you that my Jim is here for a few days with his two doggies.   We are enjoying the visit SO much.

Yesterday, was a sad day.    My neighbor, Bryce, from across the street came over to tell me that there was a dead cat in their yard that looked like my Fluffy.    And it was my Fluffy.    She apparently got hit by a car, my sweet girl that was so street wise, I thought.   Jim helped me bag up her sweet body and dispose of it.      I am so upset.    Now I have no living thing to care for.      I will be looking for another dogie soon but am so glad that Jim and his Paisley and Gracie are here right now.   The house will be so empty.

I don't want to write any more tonight.   I am getting too sad.

Dia dhuit


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What a nice day.    We were supposed to get rain this afternoon, but that has been delayed.

I made a pumpkin pie and Figgy Hobbin for the Thanksgiving feast tomorrow at the Benoit's home.

Jim got here at about 3PM and we have been enjoying a family time together.  Sure glad that he could come.    His doggies are fun too.   A bit big for my taste:)   notice the :), but they are sweet as can be and they love me.    I can tell.

Tomorrow Thanlsgiving.    And I have so much to be thankful for.

God love you all


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hi Everyone.   I took a couple of days off from the blog.    Nothing exciting is really happening and I have managed somehow to catch a cold.

So I am holed up in my little cave of a house trying to take care of myself and to stay away from others so I don't pass this on.   The weather has been dry and in the upper 60s during the day.     I  will be happy to have a doggy to walk me again.       After Thanksgiving.

I made the pie crust today and tomorrow will bake the pumpkin pie and the Figgy Hobbin for the dinner at Adam and Alexia's house.

Been doing some sewing too.

Love you all\