A Saturday at home except for Mass at 4PM. It was a hot and muggy day and is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow.
I will finish cleaning the garage tomorrow. I just have a little corner left. The problem now is trying to figure out where to put the junk until Tuesday morning. I am getting rid of a lot of bags of stuff and the rest of the garage looks pretty good.
I picked up my friend Rita for Mass at 3:30PM then we stopped at Kate's to drop off some vases that I had for Kate. Kate came to Mass with us and will join us on most Saturdays from now on. We are growing into quite the prayer group. I love having prayer partners in the pew with me on Saturdays.
I called my Sara tonight. I try to call them occasionally thought they are hard to catch at home. This was the first ime I reached her in quite a while and it was so good to hear my girl's voice. She is doing pretty well and moving along with her education. She is getting to the end of her math courses, which she hates. I was always pretty good at math. Mom says I got that from Dad because he was good at it and she was horrible. Since I chose banking, it is probably a good thing.
So the end of the day. Tomorrow I get to be home ALL day. What a nice thought. Roxie will be a happy little girl.
So until tomorrow
Dia Dhuit
A haiku - no name
As thunder and rain
Wash dust and stress off of us
Dance through the raindrops
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
We got rain. The weather people warned us but by 10AM, I was beginning to think it was going to miss us when all hell broke loose. It POURED. And it was still raining just a bit at 12:30PM when I headed to Dairy Queen.
I was busy all day but nothing worth mentioning here. I am trying to find my chargers for my Kindle. I can see it in my head but can't find it. Darn, those little people.
I had lunch with my friends today. That was a nice break. There were five of us there and we caught up on a lot.
Then I came home and looked for stuff some more after a short nap to get rid of my headache. I went for a walk this evening and watched the kids play ball for just a little bit. Now it is time to settle down for the night.
This evening will is the Summer Solstice. The season between Beltane, the middle of Spring and Lughnasa, the middle of summer. So the Solstices are the actual beginning of the seasons. Pretty exciting.
Leslie is on her way, or already, in California with Courtney, my newly found granddaughter. From what I gather on Facebook, the twins are pretty imminent. Pray that all goes well. So far everything is perfect.
All these babies. First John and Holly with Jack and Sam (they are moving back to Sheboygan, I should be able to see those grand nephews pretty soon.) Then just this week, Shawn and Bekki had their little Thomas Francis. I just love it.
So rest easy tonight. Dia Dhuit
I was busy all day but nothing worth mentioning here. I am trying to find my chargers for my Kindle. I can see it in my head but can't find it. Darn, those little people.
I had lunch with my friends today. That was a nice break. There were five of us there and we caught up on a lot.
Then I came home and looked for stuff some more after a short nap to get rid of my headache. I went for a walk this evening and watched the kids play ball for just a little bit. Now it is time to settle down for the night.
This evening will is the Summer Solstice. The season between Beltane, the middle of Spring and Lughnasa, the middle of summer. So the Solstices are the actual beginning of the seasons. Pretty exciting.
Leslie is on her way, or already, in California with Courtney, my newly found granddaughter. From what I gather on Facebook, the twins are pretty imminent. Pray that all goes well. So far everything is perfect.
All these babies. First John and Holly with Jack and Sam (they are moving back to Sheboygan, I should be able to see those grand nephews pretty soon.) Then just this week, Shawn and Bekki had their little Thomas Francis. I just love it.
So rest easy tonight. Dia Dhuit
Thursday, June 20, 2013
This was quite a busy day. It started out very comfortable and though the temperature got up into the 80s we had a nice breeze which kept the humidity down a lot.
I kept busy at home this morning, then after lunch, I went to downtown Plymouth and left flyers about the EBCOArt Poetry event at various places along with what I could about my book. I am excited as I am now marketing.
This evening, we had a gathering in the empty lots, now a "park" in front of my unit. We, the board, just sent out an email and were pleased that 16 people came. So we will do it every Thursday. Just bring a chair and what you want to drink. Doesn't matter how many, just a chance to get out of the house and visit.
So it was a very busy day and tomorrow will be similar.
Love you all
Dia Dhuit
I kept busy at home this morning, then after lunch, I went to downtown Plymouth and left flyers about the EBCOArt Poetry event at various places along with what I could about my book. I am excited as I am now marketing.
This evening, we had a gathering in the empty lots, now a "park" in front of my unit. We, the board, just sent out an email and were pleased that 16 people came. So we will do it every Thursday. Just bring a chair and what you want to drink. Doesn't matter how many, just a chance to get out of the house and visit.
So it was a very busy day and tomorrow will be similar.
Love you all
Dia Dhuit
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
A whole day at home and it was a beautiful day.
At 9:30AM I was on an hour telephone conference with my friend Janet and another friend Joan. We covered a lot of territory. I need to assemble it in my brain.
I cleaned my 2nd quarter of the garage. Only two quarters to go. In winter things just get shoved wherever.
I watered the potted plants inside and out and cleaned up and sorted lots of papers and prepared for the next two days. I really have NOTHING scheduled for the next two days but want to start marketing the book. Tomorrow I will scan in the information and email it to everybody and I want to spend an hour or so tomorrow and Friday taking advertisement stuff for this AND cooler by the lake: the the Poets of Mead at the EBCO ARTworks at 12th and Erie in Sheboygan..
Mary Eckardt came here tonight to take pictures for the exhibit at EBCO. We had a really informative visit. She was the one who interviewed me for the Press when I won the poetry contest at Milwaukee IrishFest in 2002. So we have a bit of a history.
What a busy day considering everything. The next two days will also be busy. I am excited by the book and will get the picture and all to you tomorrow morning. That is my morning goal.
Dia Dhuit
At 9:30AM I was on an hour telephone conference with my friend Janet and another friend Joan. We covered a lot of territory. I need to assemble it in my brain.
I cleaned my 2nd quarter of the garage. Only two quarters to go. In winter things just get shoved wherever.
I watered the potted plants inside and out and cleaned up and sorted lots of papers and prepared for the next two days. I really have NOTHING scheduled for the next two days but want to start marketing the book. Tomorrow I will scan in the information and email it to everybody and I want to spend an hour or so tomorrow and Friday taking advertisement stuff for this AND cooler by the lake: the the Poets of Mead at the EBCO ARTworks at 12th and Erie in Sheboygan..
Mary Eckardt came here tonight to take pictures for the exhibit at EBCO. We had a really informative visit. She was the one who interviewed me for the Press when I won the poetry contest at Milwaukee IrishFest in 2002. So we have a bit of a history.
What a busy day considering everything. The next two days will also be busy. I am excited by the book and will get the picture and all to you tomorrow morning. That is my morning goal.
Dia Dhuit
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Today I had to be at Aurora for an MRI at 9:30AM. I had planned on arriving early and was glad I did, as they have a new computer system and had to update all or most of my information. Ick. But all went well anyway. It takes quite a while and is noisy as all get out but with the ear plugs, I managed, as usual to get a bit of a rest.
Then I stopped at the bank for a couple of things on the way to the Pig for my weekly shopping. Didn't need much but stocked up on paper products that were on sale. Dick would be very proud of me. He always worried about running out of paper towels, kleenix and bathroom tissue.
Today is six months since he went ahead. How fast time is going. It still is lonely without him. It is hard to get used to.
I filled the car tank while I was out too so I am set for quite a while. The rest of the day was busy at home. I prepared a salmon salad from the leftover 52 Stafford dinner. It was SO good. I gave a couple of slivers to Roxie and she was a happy, happy girl.
I took a walk at about 4PM because I had a condo delivery and it was so beautiful, it seemed a crime to stay in all afternoon. I kept running into people and was not back in the house until after 5. Roxie pointed at her "watch" and chided me for being later to serve her her meal.
I found the boxes of my book on the porch. Yea, Now I can start selling and marketing. You can find it on Xlibris.com, Amazon.com and barnsandnoble.com or ask at bookstores. They or you will, temporarily have to look it up by my name Mary J. Kunert as the book title is misspelled in the stores' data base. The title is Schlitzhagen and Green Meatballs. It is listed as SchlitzChagen and Green Meatballs. XLibris is working on correcting this. But it is there. I am a real author. Yea.
I do have books to sell now and will be going to the local book stores etc. to market them. On July 13, the Mill Street Festival occurs in Plymouth. My favorite book store Book Heads will have four authors with tables to showcase and sell their books. I am one of them. Thank you SUE. She will also have the book on her shelves along with Fragments and Seeking.
So It has been a very full day. Tomorrow I am home all day but will be having Mary Eckert here to take my picture for the Poets of Mead event at EBCO next month. Then I will have the handouts and can share more details with you. So much is happening in my "writing career". It is quite exciting.
Until tomorrow then.
Dia Dhuit
Then I stopped at the bank for a couple of things on the way to the Pig for my weekly shopping. Didn't need much but stocked up on paper products that were on sale. Dick would be very proud of me. He always worried about running out of paper towels, kleenix and bathroom tissue.
Today is six months since he went ahead. How fast time is going. It still is lonely without him. It is hard to get used to.
I filled the car tank while I was out too so I am set for quite a while. The rest of the day was busy at home. I prepared a salmon salad from the leftover 52 Stafford dinner. It was SO good. I gave a couple of slivers to Roxie and she was a happy, happy girl.
I took a walk at about 4PM because I had a condo delivery and it was so beautiful, it seemed a crime to stay in all afternoon. I kept running into people and was not back in the house until after 5. Roxie pointed at her "watch" and chided me for being later to serve her her meal.
I found the boxes of my book on the porch. Yea, Now I can start selling and marketing. You can find it on Xlibris.com, Amazon.com and barnsandnoble.com or ask at bookstores. They or you will, temporarily have to look it up by my name Mary J. Kunert as the book title is misspelled in the stores' data base. The title is Schlitzhagen and Green Meatballs. It is listed as SchlitzChagen and Green Meatballs. XLibris is working on correcting this. But it is there. I am a real author. Yea.
I do have books to sell now and will be going to the local book stores etc. to market them. On July 13, the Mill Street Festival occurs in Plymouth. My favorite book store Book Heads will have four authors with tables to showcase and sell their books. I am one of them. Thank you SUE. She will also have the book on her shelves along with Fragments and Seeking.
So It has been a very full day. Tomorrow I am home all day but will be having Mary Eckert here to take my picture for the Poets of Mead event at EBCO next month. Then I will have the handouts and can share more details with you. So much is happening in my "writing career". It is quite exciting.
Until tomorrow then.
Dia Dhuit
Bloomsday 2013
This is Kathy, me with the tartan and Rosemary
We had sample food mentioned in the book and a discussion and readings from Ulysses after a sumptious dinner from my friend Paul Hanson who has read the book THREE times
Joan, Joan, Richard, Felicia LuAnn and Elaine Paul is next to Elaine
Monday, June 17, 2013
Today was gorgeous. They say a cold spell is sweeping through and we may get rain again, but nobody should complain about today. It was our fourth beautiful day in a row.
I came home from Bloomsday last night just too tired to post, so decided to wait until tonight. It turned out to be a super evening. There were eleven of us, including my friend Paul Hanson, who joined us as a Ulysses/James Joyce expert. We started gathering at 5:30PM. When I arrived, Joan and Dick Kramer and Joan Schwabe and Peg Payne were already there. The others wandered in between 5:30 and 6:30. I had brought the usual Gorgonzola and crackers and Peg treated us to a bottle of Burgundy wine. I also brought Banbury Cakes from my friend Maureen's book that she shared, The Joyce of Cooking. I got a salmon dinner. Brought the soup and part of the salmon home for lunch for today and tomorrow. The food and service were excellent last night. I am going to call Sean and let him know how much we enjoyed everything. Paul gave us a lot of insight into Ulysses and Joyce. We are thinking of an all day reading of Ulysses that is done in many parts of the world for next year. Maybe. Could be fun and a real challange.
Today was my usual busy Monday. I went to Bible Study at 9:30AM. Our Peggy was back after a double knee replacement. She looks good, can drive and walk without support but has to move VERY slowly. We are so happy she is there.
We finished the second last Psalm in the series. Mary, our summer bible attendee came today. We were so happy to see her too. Last year she was part of another study and never did get to us. She works at the school for 9 months of the year. Good discussion. We have figured out that the Psalms are the same prayers and petitions and praises that we are praying today. The world has not changed all that much.
Next over to Mom's. We got her bills all squared away and then I showed her my book. I will have my copies nest week and then can start seriously selling them. She kept smiling so I know that she liked it.
Home again, I lunched and then went to the Cream City Writers where I again shared my book and told them about the poetry exhibit at Ebco in Sheboygan the middle of July. I will go into detail on that when I get my handouts. I will also be detailing the book when it properly appears on the web sites that it is supposed to be on.
So a busy day and a tired Mary.
Bless you all
Dia Dhuit
I came home from Bloomsday last night just too tired to post, so decided to wait until tonight. It turned out to be a super evening. There were eleven of us, including my friend Paul Hanson, who joined us as a Ulysses/James Joyce expert. We started gathering at 5:30PM. When I arrived, Joan and Dick Kramer and Joan Schwabe and Peg Payne were already there. The others wandered in between 5:30 and 6:30. I had brought the usual Gorgonzola and crackers and Peg treated us to a bottle of Burgundy wine. I also brought Banbury Cakes from my friend Maureen's book that she shared, The Joyce of Cooking. I got a salmon dinner. Brought the soup and part of the salmon home for lunch for today and tomorrow. The food and service were excellent last night. I am going to call Sean and let him know how much we enjoyed everything. Paul gave us a lot of insight into Ulysses and Joyce. We are thinking of an all day reading of Ulysses that is done in many parts of the world for next year. Maybe. Could be fun and a real challange.
Today was my usual busy Monday. I went to Bible Study at 9:30AM. Our Peggy was back after a double knee replacement. She looks good, can drive and walk without support but has to move VERY slowly. We are so happy she is there.
We finished the second last Psalm in the series. Mary, our summer bible attendee came today. We were so happy to see her too. Last year she was part of another study and never did get to us. She works at the school for 9 months of the year. Good discussion. We have figured out that the Psalms are the same prayers and petitions and praises that we are praying today. The world has not changed all that much.
Next over to Mom's. We got her bills all squared away and then I showed her my book. I will have my copies nest week and then can start seriously selling them. She kept smiling so I know that she liked it.
Home again, I lunched and then went to the Cream City Writers where I again shared my book and told them about the poetry exhibit at Ebco in Sheboygan the middle of July. I will go into detail on that when I get my handouts. I will also be detailing the book when it properly appears on the web sites that it is supposed to be on.
So a busy day and a tired Mary.
Bless you all
Dia Dhuit
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