Friday, June 21, 2013

We got rain.    The weather people warned us but by 10AM, I was beginning to think it was going to miss us when all hell broke loose.   It POURED.    And it was still raining just a bit at 12:30PM when I headed to Dairy Queen. 

I was busy all day but nothing worth mentioning here.   I am trying to find my chargers for my Kindle.   I can see it in my head but can't find it.    Darn, those little people.

I had lunch with my friends today.   That was a nice break.  There were five of us there and we caught up on a lot.  

Then I came home and looked for stuff some more after a short nap to get rid of my headache.  I went for a walk this evening and watched the kids play ball for just a little bit.   Now it is time to settle down for the night.

This evening will is the Summer Solstice.  The season between Beltane, the middle of Spring and Lughnasa, the middle of summer.    So the Solstices are the actual beginning of the seasons.   Pretty exciting.

Leslie is on her way, or already, in California with Courtney, my newly found granddaughter.   From what I gather on  Facebook, the twins are pretty imminent.    Pray that all goes well.  So far everything is perfect.

All these babies.   First John and Holly with Jack and Sam (they are moving back to Sheboygan,  I should be able to see those grand nephews pretty soon.)  Then just this week, Shawn and Bekki had their little Thomas Francis.     I just love it.

So rest easy tonight.  Dia Dhuit


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