Friday, May 08, 2020

This morning I had my port flushed.    All  is well and I don't have to go back for two months.    Sure will be glad when they say I can have that thing removed.

A pretty quiet day but I feel that I got a lot done.    Vita was excessively demanding today.   Don't know what her problem is.   

Had a nice long talk with my friend Barbara.    We have been friends since grade school and even spent time in the convent together.     How special it is that friendships stand the test of time.   I heard from some of my Lawton ladies and now am feeling a closer relationship.    When you stand together in the hard times, you know you have it made.

I still try to smile at everybody.    With a mask I didn't know what good it would do, but one man said, don't worry, we can see it in your eyes.

What a joy

Dia Dhuit

I so miss hugs.   My sons say I have to stop some of that:)

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Today, my sweetheart would have been 90 years old.    I miss him so.     I can imagine if he were here today he still would be bragging about his young wife, as I will only be 80 on the 21st:)    He still makes me smile.    Am I not the most blessed wife in the world?

A rather pleasant day.   I was home, except for Vita's walks all day.    Bart stopped by and has been able to help me with a couple of "house" questions.   I made a slew of phone calls and am connected with those who have reached out.     Vita was supposed to have her haircut today, but they called and postponed it until Sunday afternoon.    So she is still a scraggledy little pup.

Til tomorrow
Dia Dhuit

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

It was a day at home all day.  

Thank heavens I saw SOME real live people.    Dan and Han, my lawn mowers came to do my yard and I talked to them a bit.    Outside is much safer and they are fun to talk to.

Then, I actually cleaned.   I cleaned both of my bathrooms quite deeply and am very proud of myself.    That is really much easier than vacuuming so I shouldn't get to cocky.

It was a lovely day and is supposed to be even nicer tomorrow, though I would not be offended with some rain.    We really need it.

Bless you all.    I miss voices in the house, and a warm body.

Dia Dhuit

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

A busy two days.   

Yesterday, I saw Dr. Toy in the morning then Dr. Aiku in the afternoon.

Both say I am doing OK, but Dr. Aiku wants me to gain weight and is insisting that I drink two of those icky protein drinks every day.    Oh Well.

After her appointment I did my grocery shopping.

Today, I got up early to go back to the Clinic for my Lab Tests.   They had not been ordered for yesterday and I had eaten lunch so had to wait for today.

Home again, I did some cleaning and sorting and made a batch of Chicken and Kale soup which smells wonderful.

Tomorrow I will be home all day.

Trying to write    Will share an unnamed Haiku with you all.

Dia Dhuit

Dreams wake me confused
Built on reality, they hint
At what might have been.

Sunday, May 03, 2020

Well,   as I said having someone in the house sure threw me off.     We didn't DO anything exciting, just visited and took care of our various critters and ourselves.     We BOTH loved having someone to talk to.

Had Bart and Barb and Marlies over for dinner one night and Barb brought us dinner one night.    The they invited us over on Saturday for brats.      A nice week.     Bart's back was really bothering him so he wasn't able to do a couple of things he wanted to with Jim, but they had some good visits anyway.

He will be back.

Have a busy week ahead.    Three medical appointments and Vita will be getting her first haircut since moving in with me.     I really wasn't thinking about that as Nicky did not need them but she is definitely shaggy and it is getting hot.

So hope you are all well and that you missed me Just a little:)
