Saturday, November 07, 2015

It is chilly.   Don't know why we should expect anything more from November.   At least the sun was shining and the breeze was mild.

As I was gone all day yesterday, I did my wash today.  I mentioned that there was another showing of the condo yesterday.   They were done before Edie, Nicky and I got back from our drive.   The realtor called Alison this afternoon.   The people are trying to decide between this one and another.   The railroad is a consideration.   To back they didn't put it in a couple years ago.   Nobody would even be thinking about it.

I went to St. John's this morning to their annual Craft Fair.   Ran into lots of friends.   I got one of the items in the silent auction.    Really thought I would get outbid:)   It is a lot of items to sort and store photographs.    I will eventually use this when I go through those boxes of pictures.   Not here though.

After lunch, you will laugh, I went over to Edie's to clean all the dog hair out of her car.   SHE laughed.   She said I didn't have to but I couldn't see leaving her with that mess.    Nick is a shedder.   I don't like it but don't really mind either because he is my dog.   Edie likes him too.

I was a communion minister at mass tonight.   As you know, I always love doing that.

I was thinking of baking something today, but there was a bake sale at the Craft Fair also and I have a super coffee cake and fresh wheat buns.

Tomorrow Bobbie, Bill and I will be going to Memories to see Murdered to Death and eat.   A busy weekend.   How fun is this.

Dia Dhuit


Friday, November 06, 2015

It was chilly today, but sunny.

I rode up to Gills Rock at the northern part of Door county with my neighbor Edie.   She does some Christmas shopping up there and just wanted company.   Sounded like fun to me. and it was.   Edie is good company and she took me on a super scenic tour of Door County as she and her husband spent lots of time up there enjoyed it so.  She still has time shares that she enjoys.

She said that Nicky could come along.    It worked out fine and now I know that the trip to Oklahoma, whenever that may be, will not be a problem.   He is a good traveler.   Sleeps most of the time, is fine about walking when we stop.   I brought water for him but he doesn't drink much anyway.   I told Edie that when he got home he would be exhausted.   We both laughed as he slept so much, but I was right:)

A nice day.  Edie and I are good companions.

Someone came to see the house this afternoon.   Don't have a report yet.

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, November 05, 2015

A busy day.    Lots to do.

Tomorrow I am going to drive to Door County with my neighbor Edie.   I think she just wants company.   She picks up some jams and stuff for presents and her own use up there.   Sounds like a nice break.   Nicky is going with us.

Today I saw the chiropractor.  my neck does feel better.   I hope the impending rain doesn't get it all riled up again.

This evening we had a really fun choir practice.   We are starting Christmas music.   Scott is very good at picking out really good music too.  

Tomorrow there is a showing and a past looker is still considering.   I have a feeling I will be here through Christmas.  Darn.   Was hoping to get there before the cold hit.

Dia Dhuit


Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Just got my computer back from getting just cleaned up.  It was moving so slow that I figured I had better do something.   No viruses but lot of clutter.

Now I have to catch up on Quicken and everything.

It was a generally good day.   Met my fellow high school graduates at Holiday, a restaurant that started out as a teen bar called the Patio.  It was a good time.   I have enough salad left for lunch tomorrow.  It is sure good to see everybody that can come.   There were 24 of us.   Some with spouses, some alone, like me.   We are a close group.   I will miss these lunches when I move.

I'll watch the CMA awards as I go to sleep tonight.   I am really tired.

Nicky is still trying to adjust to the time change.  He can't understand why I wait until what he considers 5:30PM to feed him. I figure that by the end of the week he will be ok.   Then we just have to go through it all again in spring in the reverse.

Well,  until tomorrow.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, November 02, 2015

This was one busy Monday.

I had Bible Study at 9:30AM.   There were 9 of us there.   We have started the 3rd chapter of John's Gospel now.   He and Nicodemus have just met.  We don't move too fast as we all try to bring the gospel into our lives and do.  

I went from there to Redeemer Lutheran Church in Sheboygan for my neighbor, Lois Kolberg's mother.    Several of the neighbor's were also there.   The service was lovely.   The last time I was in that church was when Julie Gross died, many, many years ago.   I did not drive out to the cemetery for the interment but waited with some of the other neighbors at the church and we had lunch with with family and friends.   It is nice to do that so the family is not just deserted after such an emotional time.    Lois's mom, Emma, was 94 and had a very full life.   She had been at Sunny Ridge for several years.

I saw Bob Hurrie, my friend today too.   He had wanted to come with Peggy to the funeral but decided that it was a bit much as he just got home yesterday after his heart attack.   He looks a bit frail but seems strong and is taking care of himself.   He is so blessed to have Peggy to help him.   She is such a nurturer.

So I just worked on the "books" and communications this afternoon.   Seemed like the morning and early afternoon were quite enough.

Tomorrow I am taking the computer to ExcelNet for a "tune up."   It is running a bit slow and Firefox keeps crashing.   Which is very annoying.

I will manage with the laptop.

A small unnamed Haiku.   I need to be writing more.  

I wake up gently
In the cocoon of my bed
And glide into day

Dia Dhuit


Sunday, November 01, 2015

Wow.   A whole day without any appointments or responsibilities.

I did not even take a shower!!!

Got a lot done though.   I did not even have to really cook as I had the greatest leftovers.

Tomorrow will be busy.  One of my neighbor's lost her mother last Friday.   I will be going to the funeral tomorrow right after Bible Study.   Pray for her family.

Also pray for my friend and neighbor Bob, who had a heart attack on Friday.   He is home but Peggy and he need all the prayers they can get for his healing.

Dia Dhuit
