Saturday, November 07, 2015

It is chilly.   Don't know why we should expect anything more from November.   At least the sun was shining and the breeze was mild.

As I was gone all day yesterday, I did my wash today.  I mentioned that there was another showing of the condo yesterday.   They were done before Edie, Nicky and I got back from our drive.   The realtor called Alison this afternoon.   The people are trying to decide between this one and another.   The railroad is a consideration.   To back they didn't put it in a couple years ago.   Nobody would even be thinking about it.

I went to St. John's this morning to their annual Craft Fair.   Ran into lots of friends.   I got one of the items in the silent auction.    Really thought I would get outbid:)   It is a lot of items to sort and store photographs.    I will eventually use this when I go through those boxes of pictures.   Not here though.

After lunch, you will laugh, I went over to Edie's to clean all the dog hair out of her car.   SHE laughed.   She said I didn't have to but I couldn't see leaving her with that mess.    Nick is a shedder.   I don't like it but don't really mind either because he is my dog.   Edie likes him too.

I was a communion minister at mass tonight.   As you know, I always love doing that.

I was thinking of baking something today, but there was a bake sale at the Craft Fair also and I have a super coffee cake and fresh wheat buns.

Tomorrow Bobbie, Bill and I will be going to Memories to see Murdered to Death and eat.   A busy weekend.   How fun is this.

Dia Dhuit


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