Friday, June 14, 2019

Finally a whole day at home.   I was to tired that I took two naps.    Probably the new meds contributed to that a bit.    Tomorrow is another day at home and I will try to be more active.

Did do a few things that made me productive.   

Paid some bills and sorted the mess in my office.

So it will be OK:)

I keep trying

Dia Dhuit


Thursday, June 13, 2019

It was a good day.      I didn't have any appointments but did do my grocery shopping and picked up my lottery ticket.     Then this afternoon I had to go to pick up ANOTHER prescription.     I am starting to feel like a junky.       I will see Dr. Simon in two weeks to see how this latest regimen is controlling the arthritis.

I also had time to sew and figure out that I need help with a project I took at Quilt Guild:)   Not doing it but figuring out HOW to do it.

Simple they said.

Dia Dhuit

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

I went to Bible Study this morning.   Always a good discussion.    We are currently reading one of the gospels not included in the Bible.   The Gospel of Mary.   Very Interesting.    There are several gospels written back WHEN that are not included int the Bible as we read it but are very interesting historically.

Bart stopped by after lunch to see how Nicky is doing.    He is waffling.   This evening he peed on the stoop again.   It is all I can do to keep from really yelling at him.   It is so hard for me to clean it up but at least he does it on tile and not carpet.

The next three days are very quiet.   I am glad.
Dia Dhuit


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A somewhat busy day, starting with Kerry coming to clean the house.    I took care of all my bookwork while she was here, then went to the drug store and picked up tacos to go to Bart's house for lunch.     We had a really nice visit.     Usually do.

Tonight was Writer's Club.   I read two of my poems and one of my brother George's  and showed them the book he put together for the family. Two others read and they were really good.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, June 10, 2019

Well, I obviously had a very quiet weekend as I had nothing to report.     Not much more exciting today , though I will go to Quilt Guild this evening.     It will be good to be with people for a while.

Nicky is not feeling much better.   He eats like there is no tomorrow but is very weak and is still having accidents in the house.     Not good.     We'll see if we can get him well enough to get off the steroids which I think is why he is peeing.  Thank God, it is not even daily.     But so distressing.

We had a lovely day today with temps in the low 80s and it was quite dry.   

Had my lawn mowed today.    Wish I could figure out what to do to get the grass it fill in the back yard.    The front yard IS coming along.

Dia Dhuit
