Friday, October 22, 2010

Yesterday was SO quiet that I even forgot to blog. I rested so good and felt pretty good.

Today, was a disappointment because I did not feel as good as yesterday.

Yesterday, I mainly rested, though I did get the newsletter off to the Celtic Women. I did go for my first walk since the ribs. I did not go very far but it felt good and I KNOW I did not overdo.

Today, I had lunch at the Dairy Queen. We had a full crowd there today. Mary had her dogs with her as she and Barb were going out to the Kettles to run their dogs together. So I got to meet her new doggie, Roxie. Roxie is a boxer and just a lover.

Tonight I went to work at Rhine. Dick did not approve and I found out her was right. My ribs are really sore tonight. Bobbie and I were going to the Kohler Wine and Cheese event tomorrow but I called her to tell her that I don't think I should. That would be another walking and exerting event and I am just not up to it. I hate this.

I finally told Doc at 7:30PM that I was hurting bad enough that I thought I better go home and he took over the bartending for me. Now I just want to go to slelep.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today was supposed to be a very quiet day. I was supposed to go shopping in the mornign and then have the whole day at home.

Did not quite work that way.

I went shopping and when I got home, Dick said that he had two prescriptions at Walgreens. Well, I was pretty sore from the shopping. So I put everything away and then rested with the heating pad for about an hour. When I woke up I fixed lunch. We had ham, colcannon and beets. All good. I called Kate to ask her to put Mary Ellen on the prayer chain and told her what Dick said about the Chili. Kate offered me Chili yesterday but I had so many leftovers that I said perhaps not this time. Dick said " You turned down Chili?" Kate laughed and said that she still had some to share so I stopped after I picked up the prescriptions and got it. Ron was coming home as I left so I told him why I was there and he thought it was funny too.

I took another nap this afternoon. I am really trying to get my ribs to heal. I don't like my body to be fighting me like this. Sometimes the ribs feel better, then my tummy starts rebelling.

We had a cup of Kate's chili for supper and it is very good.

Now I am ready to start settling down. As I said, I want to heal so I can get back to normal.

Take care of you.



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today was supposed to be a very quiet day at home. It did not turn out that way exactly. As it happened, I had to take Mom her Vit Eyes (the only medicine that she is really avid about because it WILL help retard the advancement of macular degeneration.) and a couple of other meds that she was low on. So. I headed out at about 10 to take care of her errands and be able to spend a bit of time with her. I stopped at Kate's to drop off a book for her on the way.

Mom and I had a nice visit. There are so many people in need of prayer and encouragement.

I got home in time to prepare our lunch. We had hash and creamed cabbage. Boy was that good. I had made Mock Duck but the meat was tough so I ground everything up and added potatoes, carrots and onion and "boy" was that good.

I took a nice long nap this afternoon.

I also had nice phone visits with Nora and Jacquie. I called Bart too. I wanted to be sure that he was aware that Mary Ellen Kirby had passed away. That is why I called Jacquie too, I figured that the boys' father would like to know that. The Kirbys and we were very close for very many years. I am sure that Mary Ellen has been rushed into heaven with out too much fol der ol.

I have been pretty achy today. But tomorrow will be better. It is hard to keep from doing things. If I could keep my self amused without straining my ribs for a week, I probably would be healed. Like that is likely to happen?


Take care of your self.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy Busy day. But very fulfilling.

Started off with Bible Study at 9:30AM. I picked up Kate and her sister Patty. I believe that they are going to be rather permanent members of the group. So nice since they have so much to contribute.

We are still finishing up Mark. We have the "other endings" still to do. History says that Mark actually stops with Verse 8 but there are two other additions from later that finish it off.

We were amazed at the ending through verse 8 that gave women apostleship. No other place are they treated this way.

Stopped at Mom's next. She had bills to be paid then were were able to have a visit, Mom,Kate, Patty and me. Mom looked beautiful, as usual. I go a kick out of her. She said she is not longer going to save her pretty clothes for "good of "special" times. She is going to just wear them when she wants to.

Home again, Bobbie was here transferring her beet wine into the primary fermenter (as I said, the gallon jug) I fixed ham and colcannon for our lunch. We drank a glass of Bobbie's Barola wine with it. That is a kit wine that is ACTUALLY supposed to wait two years but as Bobbie ended up with a small bottle, we decided to test it midway. We were impressed and cannot wait until next year to try it fully aged.

I left for writer's club a bit before 1PJ. We had a full house. Peggy was back AND Kate and her sister too. We had some good sharing. After I left there I took a run out to Rhine. I had forgotten several CWI things at the clubhouse when I left yesterday. Everything was just as I had left it, so I gathered up the things I had left and came home.

A nice quiet afternoon. We had chili dogs for our supper. Dick is liking warm things so just a sandwich doesn't work and he has not been in the mood for soup lately.

Without my nap, I was exhausted, so I took a nap after I cleaned up from dinner. I woke up at about 7:15PM. Fortunately, Dancing with the Stars had preliminary dancing before the contestants started, so I did not miss any of the dances. They are now down to 8 dancers and the competition is getting tough.

Bret called me tonight. Mark Kirby one of the boys his age from Huntington Beach (also the jeep club group) called him. Mark's mother, Mary Ellen died on Saturday. She and I were good friends. Had not been in touch much since I left California but that means nothing. She was a lovely woman. Her husband was also a dear friend. He serviced my car when Bart and I left California. He wanted us safe. He and Mary Ellen gave a good by party for us too. These were good friends and it is sad to think of them both as gone. Kirby died several years ago. Pray for Mary Ellen and her five boys along with me.

So what a day.

Tomorrow will be quieter, though I will be picking up some meds for Mom and taking them to her.

Take care of yourselves God love you


Sunday, October 17, 2010



Here are two pictures that I took about a month ago when walking with my Chelsea. A caterpillar and a squirrel.

Pretty Cool. I thought.



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A pleasant Sunday.

I slept a bit late which is always nice. I finished the place mat for the Samhain dinner before lunch. It looks pretty good. I dedicated it to Daddy, Uncle George, Aunt Helen, Tony, Matt, Tim and Courtney. I hope their spirits enjoyed our evening.

I made the colcannon right before and after lunch. I put it into the slow cooker on warm to take to the dinner tonight. I had to go to the drug store this afternoon to refill a prescription.

Then I left for Rhine at a little before three so that I could get the place set up and swept a bit before the Celtic Women got there. It was a nice gathering. There were fifteen of us there - 9 Celtic Women and 6 spouses. We had food that was spectacular. The colcannon, mushroom and Guiness pie, Irish meat sandwiches, bread, soup salads and pie. A feast fit for kings.

We pretty much set up the schedule for next year.

So. A new week is begun. Tomorrow will surely be busy but the rest of the week should be a bit quieter.

I am going to forward a couple of pictures for you.

Love and God love you
