Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today was supposed to be a very quiet day at home. It did not turn out that way exactly. As it happened, I had to take Mom her Vit Eyes (the only medicine that she is really avid about because it WILL help retard the advancement of macular degeneration.) and a couple of other meds that she was low on. So. I headed out at about 10 to take care of her errands and be able to spend a bit of time with her. I stopped at Kate's to drop off a book for her on the way.

Mom and I had a nice visit. There are so many people in need of prayer and encouragement.

I got home in time to prepare our lunch. We had hash and creamed cabbage. Boy was that good. I had made Mock Duck but the meat was tough so I ground everything up and added potatoes, carrots and onion and "boy" was that good.

I took a nice long nap this afternoon.

I also had nice phone visits with Nora and Jacquie. I called Bart too. I wanted to be sure that he was aware that Mary Ellen Kirby had passed away. That is why I called Jacquie too, I figured that the boys' father would like to know that. The Kirbys and we were very close for very many years. I am sure that Mary Ellen has been rushed into heaven with out too much fol der ol.

I have been pretty achy today. But tomorrow will be better. It is hard to keep from doing things. If I could keep my self amused without straining my ribs for a week, I probably would be healed. Like that is likely to happen?


Take care of your self.


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