Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today was supposed to be a very quiet day. I was supposed to go shopping in the mornign and then have the whole day at home.

Did not quite work that way.

I went shopping and when I got home, Dick said that he had two prescriptions at Walgreens. Well, I was pretty sore from the shopping. So I put everything away and then rested with the heating pad for about an hour. When I woke up I fixed lunch. We had ham, colcannon and beets. All good. I called Kate to ask her to put Mary Ellen on the prayer chain and told her what Dick said about the Chili. Kate offered me Chili yesterday but I had so many leftovers that I said perhaps not this time. Dick said " You turned down Chili?" Kate laughed and said that she still had some to share so I stopped after I picked up the prescriptions and got it. Ron was coming home as I left so I told him why I was there and he thought it was funny too.

I took another nap this afternoon. I am really trying to get my ribs to heal. I don't like my body to be fighting me like this. Sometimes the ribs feel better, then my tummy starts rebelling.

We had a cup of Kate's chili for supper and it is very good.

Now I am ready to start settling down. As I said, I want to heal so I can get back to normal.

Take care of you.



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