It has been a lovely day. Actually the weather was rather cloudy and it was a bit cool. BUT for the first time in days, I was not packing or unpacking anything OR cleaning anything.
We got up at 6:00AM. I walked Chelsea. She was rather lazy this morning. She only went about a block and a half and then turned around. Then she did not even want to go to the OTHER end of the tract which is very unusual. She turned in at the driveway. I did not argue with her as it gave me a little leeway in getting ready for our trek to the Fireside for 42nd Street.
We had decided to change our pick up point to Plymouth. It takes ALMOST as long to get to Discovery in Sheboygan as to the Plymouth K Mart and their pickup and drop off are a half hour different than Sheboygan. I figured that since we were leaving our poor little old lady, Chelsea, for that many hours, if we could cut and hour off of the time we were gone, it was only fair. And she did just fine. But she was VERY glad we were back.
The meal as always was really good. We had an antipasto salad, beef and gravy with scalloped potatoes, asparagus and carrots and a delicious dessert. Along with their great breads of course. Michelle and Jim came with us, I think I told you that. Michelle and I bought bread before the meal. Then after we ate, we went through the shops. Always fun.
Several years ago, the Sheboygan Theater Company put on a production of 42nd Street. They usually put on a commendable performance. However, the only time I ever saw a worse one was when they attempted to do Zorba. Of course, since I saw Anthony Quinn live as Zorba, I may have been expecting too much. But, if so, so did many in the audience who left at intermission. Mother, Dick and I were just much too polite.
Anyway, Dick was SO disappointed in their 42nd Street, which is one of his very favorites.
The Fireside "way" made up for it. They were wonderful. I had forgotten how many really great songs were in that production. Those were the days that music and lyrics were more important than special effects and you ALWAYS had songs that you could sing along with and stuck in your head.
We had bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches for dinner after we zipped over to Bobbie and Bill's to take in their paper and mail. Mom's potato bread and Bobbie's tomatoes sure make a wicked sandwich.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
We had the car serviced very early this morning. Then we loaded the car again and went back to the condo. My kitchen is functional. I now have most of the spices in.
Dick did a couple of loads of wash while we were there and I ran the glasses through the dishwasher. They came out nice and sparkly. All the appliances are Maytag . Judy left the manuel for the washer and dryer but not the dishwasher or stove/microwave, so we will have to wing it.
Had lunch with Betty, Joyce and Ceil at Dairy Queen. Dick ate some leftovers at the condo. Jim and Michelle popped in at about 2:00PM so we went over to see how far they have come in getting their home together. It is coming together so well and is comfy and very lovely. They are so proud and should be.
We stopped at Bobbie and Bill's on the way home to take in the paper and mail and I picked a few more tomatoes.
Now I am tired and will hit the bed soon as we are going to Fort Atkinson tomorrow to the Fireside to see 42nd Street.
Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the
clothes you were buried in for eternity?
Dick did a couple of loads of wash while we were there and I ran the glasses through the dishwasher. They came out nice and sparkly. All the appliances are Maytag . Judy left the manuel for the washer and dryer but not the dishwasher or stove/microwave, so we will have to wing it.
Had lunch with Betty, Joyce and Ceil at Dairy Queen. Dick ate some leftovers at the condo. Jim and Michelle popped in at about 2:00PM so we went over to see how far they have come in getting their home together. It is coming together so well and is comfy and very lovely. They are so proud and should be.
We stopped at Bobbie and Bill's on the way home to take in the paper and mail and I picked a few more tomatoes.
Now I am tired and will hit the bed soon as we are going to Fort Atkinson tomorrow to the Fireside to see 42nd Street.
Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the
clothes you were buried in for eternity?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Another day of moving. We took a car load down to the condo and on the way, signed up at Time Warner for our cable service and internet access. We are being moved on Saturday the 16th and will get our service hooked up on Monday the 18th. I checked with Michelle and she said that she and Jim will be around an will get us all "computerized." Can't be too long without service, you know. However, and I will remind you again, you will NOT hear from me on the 16th or the 17th. I hope you miss me.
Tonight was the last choir rehersal for Celtic Mass and I think it went very well. Jim Wilsing has three young musicians joining him, playing fiddle, bodhran and guitar. Natalie Seich, a dancer, is going to help with worship dance during the prelude and the Mass. She is wonderful and the congregation loves it. Did I tell you that we are doing the Lake Isle of Inishfree by Wm. Yeats at the offeratory. It is a lovely poem and a lovely song.
Tonight was the last choir rehersal for Celtic Mass and I think it went very well. Jim Wilsing has three young musicians joining him, playing fiddle, bodhran and guitar. Natalie Seich, a dancer, is going to help with worship dance during the prelude and the Mass. She is wonderful and the congregation loves it. Did I tell you that we are doing the Lake Isle of Inishfree by Wm. Yeats at the offeratory. It is a lovely poem and a lovely song.
The Lake Isle of Innisfree
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of the linnet's wings.
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
I have a TON of calls to make tomorrow. Hope you all come to the Faire on Sunday and buy by book.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The picture is of the banner that I designed for Celtic Mass and Faire and donated to Blessed Trinity. It is not showing the brightness of the colors. I will work on it when I am not so tired and if I can refine it will republish at a later date. However, it is done it is hung and I am very proud of it. It is such joy to share a vision like this with others. I will add what I put on the lable that is on the back of it so that you too can see the meaning and symbolism.
The Hand of God blesses the congregation, rising up from earth into a cloudy sky. The snakes that are entwined form four frames that contain the symbols of the Four Evangelists.
On the right are seven Celtic designs that symbolize the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. On the left, ten Celtic designs that symbolize the Ten Commandments.
Designed and created by
Mary J. Kunert
September, 2006
The rest of the day was also very busy. Dick and I went shopping this morning. Then I packed a couple of boxes and cleaned the bathrooms. The guys from A-Better Home Services came and took away all of our trash. Then the moving company came at 5:00 and gave us an estimate. It is fine and they will be able to come a week from Saturday to get us over there.
The last thing I did was go over to Blessed Trinity and help decorate. The church is beautiful. I hope you will all come. The Mass starts at 10:00AM followed by the Faire which is finished at 3:00PM. You will love it.
Guess that is all for now.
Tomorrow is just as busy. I will let you know.
Be safe and healthy. Love yourself
The Hand of God blesses the congregation, rising up from earth into a cloudy sky. The snakes that are entwined form four frames that contain the symbols of the Four Evangelists.
On the right are seven Celtic designs that symbolize the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. On the left, ten Celtic designs that symbolize the Ten Commandments.
Designed and created by
Mary J. Kunert
September, 2006
The rest of the day was also very busy. Dick and I went shopping this morning. Then I packed a couple of boxes and cleaned the bathrooms. The guys from A-Better Home Services came and took away all of our trash. Then the moving company came at 5:00 and gave us an estimate. It is fine and they will be able to come a week from Saturday to get us over there.
The last thing I did was go over to Blessed Trinity and help decorate. The church is beautiful. I hope you will all come. The Mass starts at 10:00AM followed by the Faire which is finished at 3:00PM. You will love it.
Guess that is all for now.
Tomorrow is just as busy. I will let you know.
Be safe and healthy. Love yourself
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
This is my second attempt at this tonight, I left it to go to find the following and lost my whole posting. I had some really clever things in it too. Hope I can recreate them. Here is the treasure that I went to find.
Ten Guidelines From God

Effective immediately,
please be aware that there are changes YOU need
to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be
completed in order that I may fulfill My promises
to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in
this life. I apologize for any inconvenience,
but after all that I am doing, this seems very
little to ask of you. Please,follow
these 10 guidelines

Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit
and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here
to take all your burdens and carry them for you?
Or do you just enjoy fretting over every little
thing that comes your way?
Now for today. Dick and I took one carload of stuff out to the condo today. I spent an hour or two putting food away in the kitchen. Boy do we have a lot of food.
It is a family joke that we could survive almost any catastrophe because, I have this thing about having enough food in the house and Dick is just as worried about running out of paper towels and toilet paper.
There were two times in my life where I was able to provide just enough food for my family. No more, no less. I even accounted for snacks for the kids after school or whatever. I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. It is fun not to have to plan every bite that goes in ones mouth though there is, I must say, a certain satisfaction in being able to do such a thing.
I picked up Market Day this afternoon too. We now have pork chops, ham steaks, chicken steaks and blueberry muffins and chicken pot pies to add to the larder at Treegrass.
Tonight I had to attend the Rhine Plymouth Board meeting. We handled that with dispatch and I was home by 8:30PM. Whew. Good thing because I am a bit tired again.
Tomorrow, the trash collector is going to pick up all our stuff that can't go into the regular garbage. We are hoping to hear from a mover out of Plymouth otherwise I will start calling around as we want to get everything done by the end of next week. Actually, I have mixed feelings as I am going to miss my kitties but things have to be done.
Roxie has been exceptionally loving lately. I think all the emptying is getting to her. I wish I could explain to them.
Ten Guidelines From God

Effective immediately,
please be aware that there are changes YOU need
to make in YOUR life. These changes need to be
completed in order that I may fulfill My promises
to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in
this life. I apologize for any inconvenience,
but after all that I am doing, this seems very
little to ask of you. Please,follow
these 10 guidelines

Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit
and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here
to take all your burdens and carry them for you?
Or do you just enjoy fretting over every little
thing that comes your way?
Now for today. Dick and I took one carload of stuff out to the condo today. I spent an hour or two putting food away in the kitchen. Boy do we have a lot of food.
It is a family joke that we could survive almost any catastrophe because, I have this thing about having enough food in the house and Dick is just as worried about running out of paper towels and toilet paper.
There were two times in my life where I was able to provide just enough food for my family. No more, no less. I even accounted for snacks for the kids after school or whatever. I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself. It is fun not to have to plan every bite that goes in ones mouth though there is, I must say, a certain satisfaction in being able to do such a thing.
I picked up Market Day this afternoon too. We now have pork chops, ham steaks, chicken steaks and blueberry muffins and chicken pot pies to add to the larder at Treegrass.
Tonight I had to attend the Rhine Plymouth Board meeting. We handled that with dispatch and I was home by 8:30PM. Whew. Good thing because I am a bit tired again.
Tomorrow, the trash collector is going to pick up all our stuff that can't go into the regular garbage. We are hoping to hear from a mover out of Plymouth otherwise I will start calling around as we want to get everything done by the end of next week. Actually, I have mixed feelings as I am going to miss my kitties but things have to be done.
Roxie has been exceptionally loving lately. I think all the emptying is getting to her. I wish I could explain to them.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Dick and I "wined" all day today.
We filtered and bottled the white zinfindal. Then Dick cleaned the carboys and we got all the filtering equipment boxed up and ready to move. We also racked the current wine and will be able to move it with a careful bubble wrapped box on the floor of the car behind the seat.
I also got four boxes wrapped and spent a lot of time holding and petting Sweet Roxie. She is awfully affectionate today. She even took a nap with me this afternoon.
We had steak and raw fried potatoes for supper. Boy was that good.
Tomorrow we move some more again and make many many phone calls.
I finished the banner. Now I have to get a label on it. We will hang it up on Wednesday when we do the decorating.
We filtered and bottled the white zinfindal. Then Dick cleaned the carboys and we got all the filtering equipment boxed up and ready to move. We also racked the current wine and will be able to move it with a careful bubble wrapped box on the floor of the car behind the seat.
I also got four boxes wrapped and spent a lot of time holding and petting Sweet Roxie. She is awfully affectionate today. She even took a nap with me this afternoon.
We had steak and raw fried potatoes for supper. Boy was that good.
Tomorrow we move some more again and make many many phone calls.
I finished the banner. Now I have to get a label on it. We will hang it up on Wednesday when we do the decorating.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
It was a lovely Sunday.
I got up at 6 AM to walk Chelsea so I could go to the 8AM Mass. As it turned out, I could have gotten up later. There were goose hunters out in the field and they started shooting. Chelsea heard the shots and high tailed it for home. We had a VERY short walk.
Church was short too, Fr. Gene's sermon was only a recap of the settlement that the Milwaukee Archdiocese is making to the victims of the priest who was sent out of state to Orange County California and did more damage there. The Archdiocese is selling a lot of property to pay the settlement. Perhaps this is the lesson. Getting rid of some of the excess wealth. If we can function with less property and buildings, perhaps we should have been all along. Too bad this excess wealth is not going for something proactive but to repair damage.
Then I had a nice visit with Mother and came home. We paacked a few boxes and went back to Plymouth where I UNpacked a few boxes. The kitchen is shaping up and I am able to put lots of extra things in the kitchenette downstairs. I have decided to make that the bread baking area. I can just leave the bread machine there all set up.
We went out to New China Kitchen for a nice dinner, just the two of us and are now home and settled in for a bit.
Tomorrow, we intend to stay here and bottle and rack wine. I need to do some cleaning too. It will be a relief. Hopefully, we will be able to just be home. The kitties will like that. I wish I could talk to them and let them know that I really DO love them and want what is best for them.
Have a wonderful Labor Day. It is my son Bret's birthday tomorrow. And it was actually Labor Day the day he was born. I remember going up on the elevator to the OB and finding that there ended up being about six women all in labor at the same time. One of the nurses said, and I quote. "Just because it was Labor Day didn't mean that you all had to come in at the same time."
Enjoy your day.
I got up at 6 AM to walk Chelsea so I could go to the 8AM Mass. As it turned out, I could have gotten up later. There were goose hunters out in the field and they started shooting. Chelsea heard the shots and high tailed it for home. We had a VERY short walk.
Church was short too, Fr. Gene's sermon was only a recap of the settlement that the Milwaukee Archdiocese is making to the victims of the priest who was sent out of state to Orange County California and did more damage there. The Archdiocese is selling a lot of property to pay the settlement. Perhaps this is the lesson. Getting rid of some of the excess wealth. If we can function with less property and buildings, perhaps we should have been all along. Too bad this excess wealth is not going for something proactive but to repair damage.
Then I had a nice visit with Mother and came home. We paacked a few boxes and went back to Plymouth where I UNpacked a few boxes. The kitchen is shaping up and I am able to put lots of extra things in the kitchenette downstairs. I have decided to make that the bread baking area. I can just leave the bread machine there all set up.
We went out to New China Kitchen for a nice dinner, just the two of us and are now home and settled in for a bit.
Tomorrow, we intend to stay here and bottle and rack wine. I need to do some cleaning too. It will be a relief. Hopefully, we will be able to just be home. The kitties will like that. I wish I could talk to them and let them know that I really DO love them and want what is best for them.
Have a wonderful Labor Day. It is my son Bret's birthday tomorrow. And it was actually Labor Day the day he was born. I remember going up on the elevator to the OB and finding that there ended up being about six women all in labor at the same time. One of the nurses said, and I quote. "Just because it was Labor Day didn't mean that you all had to come in at the same time."
Enjoy your day.
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