Friday, September 08, 2006

We had the car serviced very early this morning. Then we loaded the car again and went back to the condo. My kitchen is functional. I now have most of the spices in.

Dick did a couple of loads of wash while we were there and I ran the glasses through the dishwasher. They came out nice and sparkly. All the appliances are Maytag . Judy left the manuel for the washer and dryer but not the dishwasher or stove/microwave, so we will have to wing it.

Had lunch with Betty, Joyce and Ceil at Dairy Queen. Dick ate some leftovers at the condo. Jim and Michelle popped in at about 2:00PM so we went over to see how far they have come in getting their home together. It is coming together so well and is comfy and very lovely. They are so proud and should be.

We stopped at Bobbie and Bill's on the way home to take in the paper and mail and I picked a few more tomatoes.

Now I am tired and will hit the bed soon as we are going to Fort Atkinson tomorrow to the Fireside to see 42nd Street.

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the
clothes you were buried in for eternity?


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