Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Saturday at home except for Mass at 4PM.   It was a hot and muggy day and is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow.

I will finish cleaning the garage tomorrow.   I just have a little corner left.   The problem now is trying to figure out where to put the junk until Tuesday morning.    I am getting rid of a lot of bags of stuff and the rest of the garage looks pretty good.

I picked up my friend Rita for Mass at 3:30PM then we stopped at Kate's to drop off some vases that I had for Kate.   Kate came to Mass with us and will join us on most Saturdays from now on.    We are growing into quite the prayer group.   I love having prayer partners in the pew with me on Saturdays.

I called my Sara tonight.   I try to call them occasionally thought they are hard to catch at home.  This was the first ime I reached her in quite a while and it was so good to hear my girl's voice.   She is doing pretty well and moving along with her education.  She is getting to the end of her math courses, which she hates.    I was always pretty good at math.   Mom says I got that from Dad because he was good at it and she was horrible.  Since I chose banking, it is probably a good thing.

So the end of the day.   Tomorrow I get to be home ALL day.  What a nice thought.   Roxie will be a happy little girl.

So until tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


A haiku  - no name  

As thunder and rain
Wash dust and stress off of us
Dance through the raindrops

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