Sunday, June 23, 2013

It is hot and muggy outside but comfortable inside.   Roxie is just delighted that I am home all day.   I took a nap this afternoon and when I woke up she insisted on being petted until my hand got tired.   Every time I stopped she bumped my hand with her nose to tell me she was not done.

It was a good day for winding things up.    I finished with a lot of the advertizing for the book, finished cleaning the garage and did some wash.

I have SO much trash to haul out on Tuesday morning.   Yea.    Tomorrow I am also dropping some things off at St. Vinnies.  It will take more than one sweep to clear things out but I am making lots of progress.

Tried to call granddaughter Nora today again.   I always get her answering machine.   I wonder if they are not using that phone now?

I had leftovers for my noon dinner along with a strawberry orange shortcake and egg salad and apple salad with Oreo cookies for supper.

Now I will be organizing for tomorrow which will be a busy day and then going to bed to read and relax again.

I hope your day was as pleasant.  

Dia Dhuit


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