Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This is a  good visit.  Barbara is doing better all the time.   The lab tests came back with absolutely no cancer in the lymph nodes and tissues that they removed are .cancer free.   Yee Haa!  She will have several months of chemo,  to insure that all the cells are gone, but she will not need radiation.

Last night, we had dinner in Geronimo with Adam, Lexie and the girls.   Adam is quite the barbeque master and made steak and ribs with roasted cauliflower.  Lexie made a super potato salad with bac    on too.   We were stuffed and had the nicest visit.

Today was quieter   Barb went out to do some errands late this morning and wanted time to Christmas shop.      I went for a walk after lunch and found the homes for sale in the neighborhood.    There are several and I looked them up on the net when I got back.   At least half are doable.    Which tells me that I should be able to move as planned.   Get here with an owned home and actually less costs than in Wisconsin and near Bart.     I will actually be kind of in the middle of all of the kids.    Sounds good to me.

Bobbie,   Bart says you should consider moving to Lawton.

Til tomorrow

Dia Dhuit


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