Sunday, March 19, 2006

I had to go to church THREE times this weekend. Of course, I only stayed for one Mass. I had to give a little personal invitation to the members of Blessed Trinty for the Thank You Dinner that we are having on April 23 for all of our members who faithfully serve. We did this last year and had a rousing 200 or more people show up. Much more than we expected. We ran out or cake. This year we hope to have as many or more. We keep it very simple. Ham, Veggies, Potato Salad and Cole Slaw, rolls and cake.(Much of it all ready to serve from the local grocery deli) We even have soft drinks, beer and wine for a short reception before. There is no program or anything. Just a chance to visit, mingle and eat together. After all Jesus did a lot of that.

Jim and I went shooting this afternoon. My arm IS getting better. The first two were OK but not great, but the third, I shot a 65 which is up there at my highest. Now - League starts next Friday. Can I maintain? We will see.

The corned beef and cabbage was excellent. You had your chance. I asked if you wanted to join us. I even made a cake for dessert. I had way too big a cabbage, so cooked half and make cole slaw with the other half.

Talked to Bart today because it is his birthday. It is hard to believe that my baby is 35. He sounds pretty good actually and said that he is feeling OK. I remember well the day he was born. I was in labor and some friends were over and decided to stay to help time the pains. Well, Tome' got pretty plastered and , though I was not aware at the time, made somewhat of a spectical of herself at the hospital.

I, myself, remember, though that I was very excited about being able to see him come into the world. When Tony was born, I was terrified because he was so early and frankly I did not expect him to survive the birth. Then, when Bret was born, for some reason, the doctor put me to sleep at about the time I delivered. So I was determined to see Bart come. I remember that the whole delivery room was enjoying that. At one point a nurse leaned between my vision and the mirror and I stopped pushing and said that I couldn't see. Anyway, I remember seeing the head crown, and then the shoulders slid out followed by the most beautiful sight that I ever saw. He was a bit dusky but when they cleared his mouth he let out a nice little shout so I knew that he was OK. Thirty five years. WOW. Where has the time gone.

Dick called Dick tonight too. We had not talked to him and/or Brenda for a LONG time. Brenda sent the cutest card. As the snakes are being driven out of Ireland by St. Patrick. He says "MMM Tastes like Chicken." To top it off the snakes squeal like crazy and Roxie must liken it to whistling (which she hates) and really fussed when I played it.

Have good week.


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