Thursday, March 23, 2006

We had flurries off and on all day today and the temperatures stayed in the high 30s. There was little wind so it was not bad.

We grocery shopped this morning. Then I took Mother to the Ear Doctor to have her hearing aid checked and adjusted. She is having a bit of trouble adjusting to the new one. It has built in features that she has to get used to. Then she and I went to Brisco County for lunch. That was nice. We had a nice visit.

We were talking about days before my time. She remembers when there was and insane asylum (and that is what they called it too.) somewhere out on the Kohler Memorial Drive. I asked her how long Dad worked for Kohler. We are not sure so we will have to figure that out. I know he worked in the Woolen Mill both as Brickner and as Grieves in Sheboygan Falls. (Woolen Mills are practically extinct. Wool Carding too. People use synthetics and cottons but less wool these days.) He worked at the Tannery for a while too. But he was at Kohler and had been there for some time when the strike was called and that was the beginning of his strong and dedicated interest in unions. The Kohler strikers formed a chorus that traveled to Union functions. I remember them being very good and singing Union words to all kinds of old favorites. For instance. "When the union's inspiration through the workers blood shall run." to the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I find that I still know the words to that one.

Tomorrow is a quiet day but we are going to the Friends of Mead Public Library's party for the 8 people who have taken early retirement. Bill is one of them as you all know.

Have a nice Friday.


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