Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My quiet day at home turned out to be another day of running around. We got a call yesterday that Dick's glasses were ready (I am pretty sure that I told you that.)so we drove to Plymouth to pick them up this morning. We had breadfast at Mc Donalds. I do like their breakfasts. Today I had a bacon, egg and cheese bisquit. Quite tasty.

Then late this morning, Darlene, the nurse at Dr. Phelan's office, called to say that the wrap package was in, so we went to the clinic after lunch to have his other leg wrapped. It made sense to do them both. Anyway, that took care of both the morning and the afternoon. I did manage a nap this afternoon. I have been getting very tired lately.

Tomorrow will also be rather busy. We grocery shop in the morning and then I am taking Mother to the clinic to have her hearing aid checked. Her appointment is at 11:30 so we will go for lunch. I am hoping Dick will come with us. It makes a nice outing for the three of us. I believe that we will go to Briscoe County, I like their Chef's Salad with Tuna. Num Num.

At least choir is cancelled for the next three Thursdays, that means that I have an extra night at home.

Since Monday or Tuesday, (depending on which calendar you look at) was the beginning of spring, I quote the Cadfael Book of Days by Robin Whiteman regarding SPRING. "A time for all manner of births and beginnings, and for putting death out of mind."

Today it got up into the forties and with the wonderful bright sun - felt like spring.


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